发布时间:2018-06-21 13:30
本文选题:职业生涯高原 + 知识分享 ; 参考:《河南大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:职业生涯高原是指在自我职业生涯发展道路上,由于各种原因造成个体在职位发展、知识技能获取空间范围以及工作的责任重心等方面,所遭遇到的认知停滞不前、发展困难而表现出来的心理状态。 本研究以河南省7所城市的企业员工为测试对象,采用问卷调查法,共发放600份问卷,回收有效问卷469份。在工作场合中,研究探讨员工职业生涯高原对知识分享行为的影响,以及组织承诺和上下级关系因素对两者关系所起的影响作用。采用多种统计方法进行研究探讨,如描述性统计、验证性因素分析、相关分析、层次回归分析、调节和中介作用分析等。所得主要结论如下: (1)职业生涯高原及其维度对知识分享及其各维度均具有显著负向影响作用,但中心化高原对显性知识分享行为不存在有显著影响作用。 (2)组织承诺在职业生涯高原及其各维度与知识分享及其各维度关系上,具有显著部分中介作用或完全中介作用,但组织承诺维度在职业生涯高原与知识分享之间不存在显著影响作用。 (3)上下级关系在职业生涯高原与组织承诺之间关系上呈显著调节作用。 (4)经济承诺、上下级关系在层级高原与显性知识分享之间关系上,形成有中介的调节模型,该模型中上下级的调节作用完全通过经济承诺的中介效应起作用。 (5)员工年龄、企业性质、受教育程度、曾跳槽与否以及在当前岗位年限等人口学变量在职业生涯高原及其各维度上均存在显著差异,性别在职业生涯高原及其各维度上无显著差异。
[Abstract]:Career plateau refers to the stagnation of cognition on the road of self-career development, which is caused by various reasons, such as position development, the scope of knowledge and skills acquisition space, and the focus of work responsibility, etc. A state of mind manifested by difficulties in development. In this study, 600 questionnaires were distributed and 469 valid questionnaires were collected from employees of 7 cities in Henan province. In the workplace, the influence of career plateau on knowledge sharing behavior and the influence of organizational commitment and superior and subordinate factors on the relationship between them were studied. A variety of statistical methods were used to study, such as descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, hierarchical regression analysis, adjustment and intermediary function analysis. The main conclusions are as follows: 1) the career plateau and its dimensions have significant negative effects on knowledge sharing and its dimensions. However, the centralization plateau has no significant effect on dominant knowledge-sharing behavior. (2) organizational commitment is related to the relationship between the career plateau and its dimensions, knowledge sharing and its dimensions. Having significant partial or complete mediation, However, the dimension of organizational commitment had no significant effect on the relationship between career plateau and knowledge sharing. In the relationship between hierarchical plateau and dominant knowledge sharing, the relationship between superior and subordinate forms an intermediary regulatory model, in which the regulatory effect of upper and lower levels is completely mediated by the intermediary effect of economic commitment. The demographic variables such as the nature of the enterprise, the degree of education, the degree of ever changing jobs or not, and the number of years in the current post, have significant differences in the career plateau and its dimensions, but there is no significant difference between the sexes in the career plateau and its dimensions.
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