发布时间:2018-07-05 02:39
本文选题:职业召唤 + 组织德性 ; 参考:《暨南大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:职业召唤是个体追求崇高职业发展目标过程中的内心体验和感知。对职业召唤内容结构的研究,及其在组织中的情境诱发因素和对员工绩效的影响过程有助于澄清本土文化情境下职业召唤的概念内涵,以及形成和发展过程。 本研究采用文献分析,专家小组讨论,个人访谈和开放式问卷的方式编制了职业召唤的预试问卷,并采用项目分析,信度分析和探索性因素分析等方法对问卷题项进行筛选,获得了四个维度的量表。本研究以此为基础采用相关分析,,回归分析和结构方程模型等方法探讨了组织德性,职业召唤,职业承诺和周边绩效之间的关系,并得出以下结论: (1)职业召唤内是一个四维结构变量,包含了召唤体验,亲社会性,职业意义和内在激励四个维度; (2)组织德及其各维度对职业召唤具有显著正向影响; (3)职业召唤及其各维度对职业承诺具有显著正向影响; (4)职业承诺及其各维度对周边绩效及其各维度均有显著正向影响; (5)职业召唤及其各维度对周边绩效具有显著正向影响; (6)职业承诺在职业召唤与周边绩效之间起部分中介作用。 最后,本研究在结果讨论基础上提出了本研究在管理实践方面的启示,对职业生涯管理具有借鉴意义,最后指出本研究的不足以及未来展望。
[Abstract]:Professional call is the inner experience and perception in the process of individual pursuing lofty career development goal. The study on the content structure of career call and its contextual inductive factors in the organization and its influence on employee performance will help to clarify the conceptual connotation and formation and development process of career call in the context of local culture. In this study, a pre-test questionnaire for career call was compiled by literature analysis, expert group discussion, personal interview and open questionnaire, and item analysis, reliability analysis and exploratory factor analysis were used to screen the items of the questionnaire. A scale of four dimensions was obtained. On this basis, the relationship between organizational virtue, career call, career commitment and peripheral performance was investigated by using correlation analysis, regression analysis and structural equation model. The following conclusions are drawn: (1) there is a four-dimensional structural variable in career call, which includes four dimensions: call experience, pro-sociality, career meaning and intrinsic motivation; (2) organizational morality and its dimensions have significant positive effects on career call, (3) career call and its dimensions have significant positive effects on career commitment; (4) career commitment and its dimensions have significant positive effects on peripheral performance and its dimensions, (5) career call and its dimensions have significant positive effects on peripheral performance; (6) career commitment plays an intermediary role between career call and peripheral performance. Finally, on the basis of the discussion of the results, the author puts forward the enlightenment of this study in the management practice, which is useful for career management. Finally, it points out the deficiency of this study and its future prospects.
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