本文选题:职工 + 心理状态 ; 参考:《云南师范大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:心理状态作为心理学理论中的一个重要问题,在长期的研究过程中却还较为薄弱,目前以心理学视角对心理状态进行的研究成果较少。我国对心理状态研究就更为是落后。在长期的心理测评工作中,与心理状态相关的概念的定义,往往作为一般性的概念被经常提到,但从心理学学科的角度出发进行的专业化研究甚少,没有统一标准;有关职工心理健康和职业心理状态调查工具五花八门,不同的研究学者所采用的工具并不统一;不同学者所侧重的研究内容也各不相同。本研究将“职业心理状态”视为一个整合的概念,假设其具有相对稳定的结构。在查阅现有文献并结合研究实践的基础上,将职业心理状态定义为:职业环境下职工的一系列会对其职业活动产生影响的心理因素的总和。具体来说,本研究定义职业心理状态包括(但不限于)工作幸福感、工作满意度、工作压力、组织认同及工作价值观5个要素。本研究旨在借鉴以往研究的基础上,编制一套用于调查职工职业心理状态的问卷。经过查阅文献并结合实践调查的结果,确定问卷的理论结构维度,并自编形成初始项目。经过对云南省及部分周边地区的各行业职工进行调查,共回收有效问卷679份。经过项目分析、探索性因素分析、信效度检验等一系列过程,获得问卷的各维度指标。经过分析得到KMO值为0.930;探索性因素分析结果,问卷可分为5个因素,与理论构想一致,5个因子的累计方差贡献率为48.125%;经过标准化之后的Cronbach'sα系数也为0.956;将项目分成两部分的同质性信度分别为0.934和0.897,Spearman-Brown系数为0.913,Guttman Split-Half系数为0.901。问卷各维度之间的相关最低为0.397,最高为0.787,多数处于中等程度相关;各维度与总问卷的相关最低为0.527,最高为0.929,且各维度之间的相关和各维度与总问卷之间的相关都在0.01水平上显著。问卷具有较好的内部一致性信度和分半信度,问卷的结构效度各项指标表明,问卷结构符合理论构想,具有较好的结构效度。使用问卷对职工职业心理状态进行调查,结果表明:被试职业心理状态各维度指标普遍集中于中间等级水平;职工职业心理状态各维度在人口学变量上均不存在显著差异。《职工职业心理状态调查问卷》具有较好的信效度,可以作为调查研究职工职业心理状态的参考工具;受测职工在职业心理状态的各个维度上,总体上均处于中等水平;各维度指标在各人口学变量上均不存在显著性差异。
[Abstract]:As an important issue in the theory of psychology, the psychological state is still weak in the long-term research process, and there are few research results on the psychological state from the perspective of psychology. The study of mental state in our country is even more backward. In the long-term psychological evaluation, the definition of the concept related to the state of mind is often mentioned as a general concept, but from the perspective of psychology, there are few professional studies and no unified standards. There are a variety of tools for investigation of workers' mental health and occupational psychological state, different researchers use different tools, and different scholars focus on different research contents. In this study, occupational psychological state is regarded as a concept of integration, assuming that it has a relatively stable structure. On the basis of consulting the existing literature and combining with the research practice, the occupational psychological state is defined as the sum of a series of psychological factors which will affect the professional activities of the staff and workers in the occupational environment. Specifically, the definition of occupational psychological state includes (but is not limited to) five factors: job well-being, job satisfaction, job stress, organizational identity and work values. The purpose of this study is to draw lessons from previous studies and compile a set of questionnaires to investigate the occupational psychological state of workers. After consulting the literature and combining with the results of practical investigation, the theoretical structural dimensions of the questionnaire are determined and the initial items are compiled. A total of 679 valid questionnaires were collected after investigation of workers in Yunnan Province and some surrounding areas. Through a series of process, such as item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability and validity test, each dimension index of the questionnaire is obtained. The KMO value was 0.930. The result of exploratory factor analysis showed that the questionnaire could be divided into five factors. Consistent with the theoretical conception, the cumulative variance contribution rate of the five factors is 48.125, the Cronbachs 伪 coefficient after standardization is 0.956, and the homogeneity reliability of dividing the project into two parts is 0.934 and 0.897 respectively. The coefficient of Spearman-Brown is 0.913 Guttman Split-Half coefficient is 0.901. The correlation among each dimension of the questionnaire was the lowest (0.397) and the highest (0.787), most of them were in moderate degree. The correlation between each dimension and total questionnaire is the lowest 0.527, the highest is 0.929, and the correlation between each dimension and total questionnaire is significant at 0.01 level. The questionnaire has good internal consistency reliability and split-half reliability. The structural validity of the questionnaire indicates that the structure of the questionnaire conforms to the theoretical conception and has a better structural validity. The questionnaire was used to investigate the occupational psychological state of the staff and workers. The results showed that the indexes of each dimension of the occupational psychological state of the subjects were generally concentrated in the middle level; There is no significant difference in demographic variables in all dimensions of employees' occupational psychological state. The questionnaire has a good reliability and validity, which can be used as a reference tool to investigate and study the occupational psychological status of workers. On the whole, the employees were at the middle level in each dimension of the occupational psychological state, and there was no significant difference in the demographic variables of each dimension.
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