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发布时间:2018-07-10 10:05

  本文选题:共情 + 利他行为 ; 参考:《浙江师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:人类生活人际关系复杂的社会中,即使出于纯粹的利他考虑,也可能因此获得可观的利益。而为了更长远的利益,一个聪明的利己主义者也可能表现得大公无私、舍己为人。人是一种社会动物,“利他”和“利己”在人类的生存过程中都有重要的进化意义,那么这两种需要哪一种更符合人们的偏好呢?根据双系统理论,个体的决策受到基于情绪系统的偏好性和基于理性系统的分析性的共同作用。当个体的自控资源不足时,理性系统功能会受到抑制,因此会更依赖情绪系统做出决策,以此理论为基础,可以探究在共情情境下利他行为究竟出于直觉还是理性自控的结果。 本研究采用了双任务范式,在任务一中使用stroop任务损耗被试的自控资源,随后在传统的独裁者游戏中引入了共情因素,以此来探索共情情境下的利他行为是本能行为还是理性行为。 研究一以109名高中生为被试,采用2(自我损耗,无自我损耗)X2(高共情状态,低共情状态)两因素被试间实验设计,先用stroop任务对被试进行自我损耗,然后通过让被试想象自己或他人的听噪音的感受来调节被试的共情状态,最后被试要完成以噪音取代代币的独裁者游戏,游戏中被试作为分配者要将一段总时长10s的噪音分配给自己和“接受者”,根据被试的分配情况来探索在不同的共情状态下,自我损耗对利他行为的影响。 研究二以60名高中生为被试,采用2(自我损耗,无自我损耗)X2(高利他成本,低利他成本)两因素混合实验设计,被试间变量为有无自我损耗,被试内变量为利他成本,高利他成本是指分配的时间为20秒,分配给别人的时间越少(即利他程度越高),则自己要听噪音的时间就越长,而低利他成本是指分配的时间为10秒,与高利他成本相比,在分配给“接受者”的时间一致的情况下,自己要听噪音的时间变短了。因变量为利他决策和利他行为。利他决策是指被试在分配时间时是如何进行分配的,而利他行为是指在听噪音的过程中是否会因为难受而提前中止,并把自己没有听完的时间分配给接受者。 研究结果发现: (1)在低共情状态下,自我损耗对被试的利他行为影响不显著。 (2)在高共情状态下,与无自我损耗的被试相比,自我损耗的被试会表现出更多的利他行为。 (3)在高共情状态下,自我损耗的被试对利他成本的升高更不敏感,会比无自我损耗的被试表现出更多的利他行为。 以上结果表明,共情情境下的利他行为是出于直觉的行为,当被试体验到他人的感受时,会本能地倾向于让他人忍受更少的痛苦,即使这意味着自己要付出一些代价。
[Abstract]:In societies where human relationships are complex, even out of purely altruistic considerations, considerable benefits may be gained. And for the longer-term benefit, a wise egoist may also act selflessly and give himself up. Man is a social animal, "altruism" and "egoism" have important evolutionary significance in the course of human existence, so which of these two kinds of need is more in line with people's preferences? According to the dual system theory, individual decision is influenced by the preference based on emotional system and the analysis based on rational system. When the individual's self-control resources are insufficient, the function of the rational system will be restrained, so the rational system will be more dependent on the emotional system to make decisions. Based on this theory, it can be explored whether altruistic behavior in the context of empathy results from intuition or rational self-control. In this study, we used the two-task paradigm to use the stroop task to waste the subjects' self-control resources, and then introduced the empathy factor into the traditional dictators' game. This is to explore whether altruistic behavior in the context of empathy is instinctive behavior or rational behavior. In the first study, 109 high school students were selected as subjects. Two factors (self loss, no self loss) X2 (high empathy state, low empathy state) were used to design the experiment. The subjects were subjected to stroop task. The subjects were then asked to visualize their own or others' feelings of listening to noise to adjust their empathy. Finally, the subjects were asked to complete the dictatorial game of replacing tokens with noise. The participants were assigned a total of 10 s of noise to themselves and the "receiver" to explore the influence of self-depletion on altruistic behavior in different empathy states according to the distribution of the subjects. In the second study, 60 high school students were chosen as subjects, and two factors (high altruistic cost, low altruistic cost) X2 (self loss, no self loss) were used. The higher the altruistic cost is, the longer the time allocated is 20 seconds, the less time is allocated to others (that is, the higher the altruistic degree), the longer you listen to the noise, and the lower the altruistic cost is, the 10 seconds the time is allocated, compared with the high altruistic cost. When the time allocated to the receiver is the same, the time to listen to the noise becomes shorter. Dependent variables are altruistic decision making and altruistic behavior. Altruistic decision refers to how the subjects allocate time, and altruistic behavior refers to whether they will stop in advance because of suffering in the process of listening to noise, and allocate the time they haven't heard to the receiver. The results showed that: (1) under the condition of low empathy, self-loss had no significant effect on the altruistic behavior of the subjects. (2) under the condition of high empathy, there was no significant effect on the altruistic behavior of the subjects. The subjects with self-loss showed more altruistic behavior. (3) under the condition of high empathy, the subjects with self-loss were less sensitive to the increase of altruistic cost, and showed more altruistic behaviors than those without self-loss. These results suggest that altruistic behavior in empathy situations is intuitive, and when subjects experience the feelings of others, they instinctively tend to put others through less pain, even if that means they have to pay some price.


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