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发布时间:2018-08-06 11:53
【摘要】:目的:了解当前我国犯罪青少年人格特质的整体现状,探讨不同犯罪性质类型的犯罪青少年之间所存在人格特质的异同,同时进一步分析探讨影响青少年犯罪人格心理及行为发生的相关因素,为更加有效科学地实现对青少年犯罪问题的预防和矫治提供理论及实践的依据。方法:采用方便整群抽样方法,选取浙江省北部及安徽省中部的两所监狱管理分局中处于服刑阶段的犯罪青少年人群为研究对象,对其展开现场问卷调查和生理指标施测。问卷调查包括了一般社会人口学资料调查问卷(自编)和明尼苏达多相人格测验调查表(MMPI-399),生理指标施测主要是对其静息心率指标与部分血液微量元素含量的数值进行收集;再从整体中分层随机抽取不同犯罪性质类型的各一名犯罪青少年个体实施深度质性访谈研究;综合运用SPSS 18.0进行数据分析和QSR NVivo Pro11.0进行质性研究。结果:(1)犯罪青少年社会人口学特征方面:总体呈现男多女少,平均年龄为20.97±1.91岁;不同性质类型的犯罪青少年被试群体除其性别、平均年龄的差异不具有统计学意义(P0.05)之外;在其文化程度、成长家庭环境类型、曾从事的职业单位等方面上都存在着较为显著的统计学差异(P0.01)。(2)犯罪青少年人格特质方面:整体人格呈现超常态异常;犯罪青少年总体的Pd、Pa和Ma等项的得分均高于正常对照组并与之存在着统计学差异(P0.05),Mf项得分在男女性别层面差异显著且与对照组之间均有着较高程度的统计学差异(P0.01);MMPI-399各维度因子项在不同的犯罪性质类型方面呈现出一定的统计学差异(P0.05),其中Hs、D、Pd等维度项上不同程度地呈现出较为显著的统计学差异(P0.01)。(3)犯罪青少年访谈研究方面:侵犯财产权利类被试表现出难以自控、自我约束力较低的心理特质,并存在着一定程度上的习惯与冲动控制障碍;侵害人身权利类被试易激惹,具有冲动性人及反社会性人格障碍;妨害社会管理秩序类被试意志薄弱,有一定偏执人格;破坏社会主义市场经济类被试放纵贪欲,存在着轻微的躁狂表现。(4)犯罪青少年人格心理及行为影响因素方面:静息心率作为影响及预测青少年犯罪的生理指标尚未体现出显著的统计学意义,但总体较之于正常人群偏低;犯罪青少年所测的血液微量元素中锌、镉和铅含量显著异于常人(P0.01)且镉和铅含量在不同犯罪性质类型的被试之间亦存在着较为显著的统计学差异(P0.01)。(5)犯罪青少年人格与影响因素的相关性方面:年龄、文化程度等社会学变量对危险暴力性质的犯罪行为发生有着较为显著的预测性影响(P0.01);镉和铅微量元素项作为影响因素与心理人格特质中的Pd等人格维度项存在着较为显著的正相关关系(0.4≤r0.7),而与Si等维度项存在着一定程度上的负相关关系;微量元素项锌则与Pa维度项也存在着较为明显的线性相关关系(0.4≤|r|0.7)。结论:1、犯罪青少年总体人格特质显示出与健康人群之间的超常态差异,集中表现在病态人格、妄想症与轻躁狂等因子维度。不同类型的犯罪青少年群体人格特质之间也存在着一定程度上的差异,具有代表性的是侵害财产权利与侵害人身权利这两类犯罪青少年群体,其人格差异着重体现在前者大多具有非暴力性质的习惯冲动控制障碍性人格,后者则有着较强的暴力性、反社会性及冲动型障碍性人格特质。2、青少年犯罪心理人格及行为产生的影响因素是多领域的,包含了一般社会学和个体体质层面等较为主要的影响维度。其中社会学层面的影响因素主要集中在消极的家庭与学校环境情况;个体体质的影响则体现在微量元素异常等情况上。3、犯罪青少年心理人格特质与血液微量元素异常之间存在着较为明显的相关关系,微量元素铅、镉含量过高可能影响其社会病态人格产生:微量元素锌含量低则可能影响其妄想性人格特质的产生。
[Abstract]:Objective: to understand the current status of the personality traits of juvenile delinquents in China, to explore the similarities and differences of personality traits among juvenile delinquents of different types of crime, and to further analyze and discuss the related factors that affect the personality psychology and behavior of juvenile delinquents, so as to realize the problem of juvenile delinquency more effectively and scientifically. Methods: to provide the theoretical and practical basis for the prevention and treatment. Methods: using the convenient cluster sampling method, we selected the juvenile delinquents in the two prison management sub bureaus of the north of Zhejiang province and the middle of Anhui Province as the research object, and carried out the field questionnaire survey and the physiological indexes. The questionnaire survey included the general society. The demographic survey questionnaire (self compiled) and the Minnesota multiphase personality test questionnaire (MMPI-399) were used to collect the values of the resting heart rate index and the content of some blood trace elements. Sexual interview study; comprehensive use of SPSS 18 for data analysis and QSR NVivo Pro11.0 for qualitative research. Results: (1) the social demographic characteristics of juvenile delinquents: the overall presentation of male and female less, the average age is 20.97 + 1.91 years old; the differences in the average age of the juvenile delinquents of different types of crime are not statistically significant. In addition to P0.05, there were significant statistical differences (P0.01) in the cultural degree, the type of growing family environment and the occupational units that had been engaged. (2) the personality traits of the juvenile delinquents: the overall personality showed abnormal abnormal; the total scores of Pd, Pa and Ma in juvenile delinquents were all higher than those of the normal control group. And there were statistical differences (P0.05). The scores of Mf items were significantly different between men and women and had a higher statistical difference between the control group and the control group (P0.01); the MMPI-399 dimension factor item showed a certain statistical difference in the different types of criminal nature (P0.05), in which the dimensions of Hs, D, Pd and other dimensions were different degrees. There was a significant difference in Statistics (P0.01). (3) in the interview study of juvenile delinquents, the subjects of infringement of property rights showed the psychological characteristics that were difficult to control themselves, the self binding was lower, and there was a certain degree of habit and impulsive control barriers; the subject of infringement of personal rights was irritable, impulsive and antisocial Personality disorders; the subjects of impaired social management order are weak and have a certain paranoid personality; there is a slight manic performance in destroying the socialist market economy, and there is a slight manic performance. (4) the psychological and behavioral factors of juvenile delinquents: the resting heart rate as an influence and the prediction of the physiological indicators of juvenile delinquency has not been reflected There was significant statistical significance, but overall compared to the normal population, the content of zinc, cadmium and lead in the blood trace elements measured by juvenile delinquents was significantly different from those of the ordinary people (P0.01), and there was also a significant difference between cadmium and lead in different criminal types of subjects (P0.01). (5) the personality and influence of juvenile delinquents. The correlation of factors: age, cultural degree and other sociological variables have a more significant predictive effect on the occurrence of dangerous violent crime (P0.01); the trace elements of cadmium and lead have a more significant positive correlation (0.4 < r0.7) as the influence factors and the personality dimensions of the psychological personality traits (Pd), and with Si There is a certain degree of negative correlation between the equal dimension items, and the trace element zinc also has a more obvious linear correlation with the Pa dimension item (0.4 < |r|0.7). Conclusion: 1, the overall personality traits of the juvenile delinquents show the supernormal difference from the healthy people, which are manifested in the morbid personality, delusional and manic Franic factors. There are also some differences between the personality traits of different types of juvenile delinquents, and the representative is the two types of juvenile delinquents, which are infringed on property rights and personal rights, and their human differences are mainly reflected in the habitual impulsive control personality of the former most of which have non violent quality, while the latter is the latter. With strong violence, antisocial and impulsive personality traits.2, the factors affecting the psychological personality and behavior of juvenile delinquency are multidisciplinary, including the main influence dimensions of general sociology and individual physique. The factors of sociological level are mainly concentrated in negative families and schools. The influence of the individual constitution is reflected in the abnormal trace elements, such as.3. There is a significant correlation between the psychological personality traits of the juvenile delinquents and the abnormal trace elements in the blood. The high content of trace elements lead and cadmium may affect the occurrence of social morbid personality: the low content of trace elements may affect its delusion. The emergence of sexual personality.


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