[Abstract]:Prospective memory (Prospective memory, (PM) is a kind of memory that corresponds to backtracking memory. It refers to people who, while completing a task, remember to perform some delayed intentional behavior in the future. Time-based Prospective memory (TBPM) means that individuals remember to do something at a certain time in the future or after an interval of time. People usually use internal control and external control to complete temporal prospective memory. Because the implementation of time-based prospective memory requires sufficient resources, the performance of time-based prospective memory will be negatively affected to a certain extent when individuals are in a state of self-depletion. However, the negative effects of self-loss on time-based prospective memory are different under different control modes. Therefore, three experiments were designed to explore the effect of self-loss on time-based prospective memory. In this study, subjects were asked to complete Stroop tasks and time-based prospective memory tasks with varying degrees of loss. Among them, Einstein and McDaniel (1996) used the "double task" paradigm to explore the temporal prospective memory, and used the noun judgment task as the ongoing task. The time-based prospective memory task is to press "A" every two minutes (that is, at the second and fourth minutes of the experiment). Three experiments were conducted to explore the effect of self-loss on individual time-based prospective memory: experiment one explored the effect of self-loss on time-based prospective memory under internal control mode, and experiment two explored the effect of self-loss on time-based prospective memory under the external control of clock monitoring. The third experiment explores the influence of self-loss on time-based prospective memory under the external control of cues. The main conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) Stroop tasks can consume self-control resources and make individuals in a state of self-depletion; (2) when individuals use internal control to complete TBPM tasks, self-loss will have a negative impact on TBPM. And the self-loss mainly interferes with the prospective component of TBPM, which makes the individual unable to start and execute the forward-looking intention at the right time. (3) when the individual uses the clock to monitor the external control mode, The results of time-based prospective memory were good, and self-loss had no effect on time-based prospective memory. Self-loss causes individuals to present different clock monitoring patterns, and the high-loss group shows a "decrease first and then accelerate increase" trend. The low loss group showed a trend of "accelerating increase". TBPM scores were closely related to clock monitoring. Only the clock monitoring times within the adjacent target time (time period 4) had the highest positive correlation with the TBPM scores, and the TBPM scores also had a significant positive correlation with the total clock monitoring times. (4) when individuals used to indicate this external control, there was a significant positive correlation between the TBPM scores and the total number of clock monitoring times. The effect of self-loss on time-based prospective memory varies with cues. Under the prompt of time and key, the self-loss had negative effect on TBPM, but the score of TBPM was poor under the simple keystroke, and the self-loss had no effect on TBPM.
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