[Abstract]:According to Gross's theory of emotion regulation process, emotion regulation is a process of self-regulation and self-digestion through five stages: situational selection, situational modification, attention distribution, cognitive reappraisal and expression inhibition. According to the strategy of cognitive reappraisal, people use other positive events such as watching movies, playing games and listening to music to divert their attention from the events that cause negative emotions and eventually achieve the regulation of negative emotions. Users have to spend a lot of time looking for adjustable materials such as movies, music, pictures and so on. This is inconvenient for some time-stressed users. On the other hand, they need to work effectively for a long time without any extra time to find adjustment materials. For these users, it is very important to establish a mechanism to adjust the negative emotions of users by choosing suitable adjustment materials according to their preferences and characteristics. Based on the above analysis, this paper proposes a computer-mediated emotional regulation method, which mainly establishes a model for evaluating and selecting emotional regulation materials. The model first evaluates emotional regulation materials from both subjective and objective aspects, and then establishes an evaluation matrix for emotional regulation materials. A multi-attribute decision-making algorithm is used to select a suitable adjustment material for the user to help the user adjust the negative emotion better from the evaluated material library.
The main contents of this paper are as follows:
1. Establishment of emotion regulation material library. Based on the characteristics of emotion regulation in human-computer interaction, an emotion regulation material library was established by choosing 35 regulation materials from four aspects: emotion orientation, type, time length and presentation mode.
2. Establish the Matrix of Material Attribute Assessment. According to the PAD model and the first-order difference of skin electrophysiological signals, determine the four-dimensional attributes of emotional regulation materials, establish an evaluation model of emotional regulation materials, and establish an evaluation matrix of 35 emotional regulation materials by large sample statistical method.
3. Establish the model of emotion regulation material selection based on OWA operator. Propose a multi-attribute selection algorithm-ordered weighted average operator to complete the selection process of emotion regulation material. Introduce the concept and characteristics of OWA operator in detail. The problem of empowerment of emotional adjustment material attribute needs to be solved.
4. To assign weight to material attributes, the weight vectors corresponding to material attributes are established. According to the established OWA operator-based material selection model, the material attributes are assigned weight. Then, the combination weighting method based on the sum of squares of deviations and the interactive weighting method based on BP neural network are used to optimize the subjective and objective weighting values respectively.
5. Verify the validity of OWA operator in the selection of emotional adjustment materials. According to the evaluation matrix and weight vector, the OWA operator is used to weighted aggregate the attributes of each material to get the aggregation value of OWA operator for each adjustment material, which is used as the final decision-making value for the selection of adjustment materials. In order to validate the validity of OWA operator in affective adjustment materials, an ordered weighted averaging operator is proposed to select the same adjusting materials, and all the five adjusting materials with no adjusting effect can be eliminated completely. The adjustment effect is better than that of the adjustment material selected by OWA operator decision-making based on the sum of squares of deviation and combination weighting.
6. Establish an emotion regulation system based on human-computer interaction. Based on physiological signal emotion recognition technology and emotion regulation material selection model, construct a computer-mediated, real-time monitoring of user's current emotional state, and provide a user's favorite adjustment material to help users manage their emotions, reduce The emotion regulation system with the function of "emotional support" with low negative emotional experience and positive emotional experience is added. The theory, process, method and research results of emotion recognition based on physiological signals are explained in detail.
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