[Abstract]:As a special group, most of the officers and soldiers in our army live in harsh environment, strict discipline, boring and intensive training, less recreational activities, shoulder a lot of heavy responsibilities at the same time also do to accept the test of war. Bad circumstances, relatively monotonous life events, relative lack of social contacts, the training intensity of the officers and soldiers stationed on the island is great, the training content is very boring, soldiers'psychological conflicts and negative psychological conditions deserve attention. Research on positive factors affecting mental health, such as emotions, resilience and life satisfaction, is not abundant among island officers and soldiers. Studies in college students and other groups have shown that emotional state directly affects the evaluation of life satisfaction, and can promote or reduce life satisfaction by affecting resilience. In order to understand the general situation of the emotional state, psychological resilience and life satisfaction of the officers and soldiers stationed on the island, and to explore the correlation between the emotional state, psychological resilience and life satisfaction of the officers and soldiers stationed on the island, and explore the emotional state of the officers and soldiers stationed on the island as an intermediate variable. The possible role between life satisfaction and positive emotions can provide theoretical basis for carrying out mental health service activities (regiment assistant, education, propaganda) which can increase positive emotions and psychological resilience and promote the mental health of soldiers stationed on the islands and promote the effect of training, and lead to the increase of visitors'psychology in psychological counseling and counseling for recruits and ex-servicemen. This study used the Positive Negative Emotion Scale (Positive Emotion Scale) to investigate 384 young men stationed on the island. And Negative Affect Scale (PANAS), Psychological Resilience Scale (CD-RISC), Subjective Well-being Life Satisfaction Scale (SWB) were used as research tools to measure the emotional state, resilience level and life satisfaction level of young soldiers stationed on the island, and to study the mediating role of resilience in the relationship between emotional state and life satisfaction. Psychological resilience includes three dimensions: optimism, resilience and strength. A stratified regression analysis was conducted using SPSS 13.0 to examine the mediating effect of resilience on the relationship between emotional state and life satisfaction. There were significant differences in emotional state, resilience and life satisfaction among recruits, soldiers from half a year to two years of enlistment and veterans; there were significant differences in psychological resilience scores between soldiers with a college degree or above and those with a college degree or below; there were significant correlations between positive and negative emotional state and resilience and life satisfaction. Psychological resilience plays a completely mediating role between positive emotions and life satisfaction of officers and soldiers stationed on the island; and psychological resilience plays a partial mediating role between negative emotions and life satisfaction of officers and soldiers stationed on the island. (3) The emotional state of the officers and soldiers stationed on the island can directly affect the level of life satisfaction. The more positive emotions they experience, the less negative emotions they have. At the same time, the emotional state of the officers and soldiers stationed on the island can also indirectly affect the level of life satisfaction by affecting psychological resilience.
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