[Abstract]:The differences between Chinese and western thinking modes have always been the focus of cross-cultural psychology. Different studies have reached a basic consensus: the Western cultural group emphasizes individualism and analytical thinking, while the eastern cultural group tends to collectivism and holistic thinking. Among the theories that explain the differences in thinking styles between the East and the West, the "way of existence" theory has the greatest influence. Talhelm et al. (2014) questioned the differences in thinking modes between the east and the west by using two different ways of living in agriculture and animal husbandry, and put forward a new angle to explain the differences-"rice theory". They believe that the difference between wheat and rice is the main ecological basis for the differences in thinking patterns between the East and the West. The cultivation of wheat resulted in individualistic culture, the population in wheat area tended to think analytically, while the cultivation of rice brought up the culture of collectivism, and the population in rice area tended to think as a whole. This study compares the thinking patterns of Chinese rice and wheat populations in terms of conceptual classification, conceptual representation, syllogism reasoning and behavioral attribution, and makes a thorough test of "rice theory". The main result of this study was: 1. In the classification of text and picture concepts, there was no significant difference in the correct rate and reaction time between wheat and rice in regular classification, but in relation or similarity classification, there was no significant difference in correct rate and reaction time between wheat and rice regions. There was no significant difference in correct rate and response time between wheat and rice area. In the task of conceptual representation, there was no significant difference in correct rate and response time between rice and wheat area. There was no significant difference in correct rate and reaction time between rice and wheat area in solving atypical conceptual representation, but there was no significant difference between wheat region and rice region in syllogism reasoning, and there was no significant difference. The responses were fast and accurate in non-conflict reasoning, slow and poor in conflict reasoning. There was no significant difference in behavioral attribution tasks between wheat and rice regions, and they were more inclined to individual or trait attribution. In this study, there was no difference in the responses between rice and wheat subjects in the tasks of conceptual classification, conceptual representation, syllogism reasoning and behavioral attribution. The results do not support the prediction of rice theory. This paper discusses the research results from the aspects of test task, sample sampling and test procedure, and expects to further improve the reliability and validity of the test task. To test the rice theory more effectively by enlarging the sampling range and improving the research procedure.
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