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发布时间:2018-09-09 17:26
【摘要】:现阶段女性在游戏市场上扮演着越来越重要的角色,很多厂商开始专门以女性为目标用户定制女性向的游戏。然而在越来越多女性进入这个领域的情况下,却几乎没有研究这些游戏是否会对女性产生一定的影响。此外,关于大众媒体对女性身材影响的研究也大多聚集在杂志、电视,社交媒体,唯独没有游戏传播造成的影响研究。因此结合以上两点,本研究从词语和图片两个语义系统来探究以女性玩家为主的换装游戏是否会让玩家对身材类材料产生更多的注意偏向。实验一使用了经典点探测范式结合眼动观测,分别对28位没有玩换装游戏的女生和25位玩了 20分钟真人换装游戏的被试进行了按键反应时的测试以及使用眼动仪观测她们的眼动指标。通过实验数据分析发现点探测范式的按键反应时并不能推测出玩游戏的被试对身材词有注意偏向。于是又对兴趣区注视时间、兴趣区注视时间百分比、兴趣区注视次数和兴趣区注视次数百分比四个眼动指标进行了直观的分析,结果发现玩过换装游戏的被试对于身材相关词的关注,显著的多于非身材词,并且没有玩过游戏的被试则没有表现出这种差异。从而直观的验证了实验的假设。实验二则是从大脑语义加工的另一条通道---图片系统进行分析,将PS过的身材图片和中性刺激配对呈现,使用点探测的探测范式结合眼动观测,分别对26位没有玩过换装游戏的女生和25位玩了 20分钟真人换装游戏的被试进行了按键反应时的测试,并观测她们的眼动指标。结果发现,点探测范式按键反应时如实验一一样,没有验证实验假设。再使用直观的眼动指标进行验证,结果发现玩过游戏的被试在兴趣区注视时间百分比、兴趣区注视次数和兴趣区注视次数百分比三个指标上都显著的出现了注意偏向。验证了实验二的假设。两个实验分别通过直观的眼动数据看出换装游戏会在玩家的两个语义系统都产生影响。证实了换装游戏会让玩家对身材类的刺激有注意偏向。也从另一方面证实了点探测范式推测数据的局限性,更加推崇使用眼动仪来直接探查眼动、注意等因素的效果。
[Abstract]:At this stage, women play an increasingly important role in the game market. However, as more and more women enter the field, little has been done to see if these games have any impact on women. In addition, studies on the impact of mass media on women's bodies are mostly focused on magazines, television, social media, but not on the effects of game communication. Therefore, combining the above two points, this study from the word and picture two semantic systems to explore whether the female gamer-oriented game of change will make the player more attention to body material bias. In experiment 1, the classical point detection paradigm is used in combination with eye movement observation. The keystroke responses of 28 girls who did not play the game and 25 women who played the game for 20 minutes were tested and their eye movement indexes were measured by eye movement meter. Through the analysis of experimental data, it was found that the keystroke reaction of point detection paradigm could not infer that the participants who played the game had an attentional bias towards body words. Therefore, four eye movement indexes, such as the fixation time of the region of interest, the percentage of the fixation time in the region of interest, the number of fixation in the region of interest and the percentage of the fixation in the region of interest, were analyzed intuitively. The results showed that the participants who had played the game of changing clothes paid more attention to status-related words than non-stature words, and those who had not played the game showed no such difference. Thus the hypothesis of the experiment is verified intuitively. The second experiment was to analyze the image system, another channel in the semantic processing of the brain, pairing the body images of PS with neutral stimuli, and using the probe paradigm of point detection combined with eye movement observation. The keystroke responses of 26 girls who had not played the game and 25 women who had played the game for 20 minutes were tested and their eye movement indexes were observed. The results show that the experimental hypothesis is not verified when the point detection paradigm is keystroke response as in experiment 1. Then the visual eye movement index was used to verify the results. The results showed that the percentage of fixation time in the area of interest, the number of fixation in the area of interest and the percentage of fixation in the area of interest were significantly biased in the subjects who had played the game. The hypothesis of experiment 2 is verified. Through the visual eye movement data, the two experiments show that the game will have an impact on the two semantic systems of the player. Confirmed that the game will allow players to the body of the excitement of attention bias. On the other hand, the limitation of speculated data of point detection paradigm is confirmed, and the effect of using eye movement instrument to directly detect eye movement, attention and other factors is advocated.


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