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发布时间:2018-09-18 15:44
[Abstract]:Cultural socialization refers to the process in which teenagers learn a culture and develop a sense of belonging to the cultural group. It is very important for teenagers to inherit national culture and develop national culture. In this study, the Dai youth in Dehong Dai Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province as the research object, through the preparation of the Dai youth peer culture socialization questionnaire, to investigate the Dai youth peer culture socialization structure characteristics, occurrence situation. This study further explores the relationship model between peer culture socialization and ethnic identity, cultural adaptation, and reveals the impact path of peer culture socialization on ethnic identity and school cultural adaptation of Dai youth. This paper investigates the information types and occurrence situation of Dai youth peer culture socialization in China, preliminarily constructs the dimension of Dai youth peer culture socialization, and provides a reference for the second study. 193 Dai junior middle school students and 41 Dai university students are selected as the research objects to conduct open-ended questionnaire survey. Content analysis shows that: Dai youth culture socialization is an important part of Dai youth. The cultural socialization of juvenile companions includes three types: cultural symbols, cultural attitudes and cultural behaviors, which include seven aspects: national symbols, ethnic history, ethnic art, ethnic language calendar, ethnic customs, ethnic values and ethnic personality. There are four types of cultural differences discussed by Soho, among which the national consciousness is stimulated and the curiosity exploration is accompanied by the festival situation. In the second study, 43 Dai junior middle school students were investigated by using the self-compiled Dai Youth Peer Culture Socialization Questionnaire and Phinney's Multidimensional Ethnic Identity Scale. The data were randomly divided into two parts for factor analysis. The exploratory factor analysis showed that the cultural socialization of Dai adolescents included four factors: cultural symbols, cultural attitudes, ethnic history knowledge and cultural behavior. The factor contribution rate was 64.59%. The confirmatory factor analysis showed that the four factors constituted the Dai adolescents'peer essays. The correlation coefficient r between the total score of the Dai Youth Peer Culture Socialization Questionnaire and the total score of the Ethnic Identity Scale was 0.591. The results show that: (1) The frequency of transmission of Dai youth peer culture socialization is generally higher; (2) Peer culture socialization and its dimensions are related to ethnic identity and cultural adaptation. The dimensions of cultural socialization are positively correlated with the dimensions of cultural adaptation, but the correlation between Chinese familiarity and cultural attitudes, and ethnic identity acquisition is low and not significant. (3) The direct impact of peer culture socialization on the cultural adaptation of Dai adolescents is not significant. Ethnic identity plays a completely mediating role in the influence of peer culture socialization on cultural adaptation. Four dimensions of knowledge. (2) The Dai Youth Peer Culture Socialization Questionnaire meets the requirements of psychometrics and can be used to investigate the Dai Youth Peer Culture Socialization. (3) Peer Culture Socialization has a positive impact on the Dai Youth's cultural adaptation, and ethnic identity has a positive impact on the Dai Youth's cultural adaptation. Peer culture socialization promotes Dai adolescents'cultural adaptation by promoting their national identity.


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