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发布时间:2018-10-17 10:25
【摘要】:回指是心理语言学研究的热点之一,回指就是把先行词和回指语进行匹配的过程,影响回指加工和产生的因素有很多种,其中句法,语义,语境以及非语言的因素等都会影响到回指加工和产生。而在语言生的研究中,主要关心的是哪种因素影响了先行词的选择和回指语使用形式。说话者通常会使用不同的回指语来指示先行词。例如说话者会使用简洁的回指语形式来指代处于谈话主题或者是注意中心的先行词,而使用较为具体复杂的回指语形式例如名词等来回指首次遇到或者是没有最近提到的先行词。有关题元角色是否影响先行词的选择和回指语的使用形式还存在一些争论。Arnld等认为目标—来源题元角色确实影响了先行词的选择和回指语使用形式,他们采用体验式故事续写范式,要求被试在熟悉故事情景后续写句子,结果发现和来源角色相比,被试更倾向使用代词来回指目标角色,在被试选择不同的实体作为续写句子的开始的时候,被试更倾向选择目标词作为续写句子的开始。然而,Fukumuravan Gompel等人的研究发现题元角色在回指词的选择和使用中并不是起到决定性的作用,其中主语偏向对回指的选择和使用形式起到主要的作用。在汉语语境中,题元角色是否影响先行词的选择和回指语的使用形式还没有研究涉及,为了探讨题元角色是否影响先行词的选择和回指语的使用形式,本文设计了两个不同的续写实验研究这一个问题,实验一采用故事复述范式发现题元角色会影响被试先行词的选择和回指语的使用形式。而在实验二中采用句子续写实验发现,主语偏向对先行词的选择和回指语的使用形式起到决定作用。产生这一差异的主要原因是被试是否对题元角色建立丰富的心理表征。
[Abstract]:Anaphora is one of the hotspots in psycholinguistics. Anaphora is the process of matching anaphora and anaphora. There are many factors affecting anaphora processing and production, including syntax, semantics, anaphora, anaphora and anaphora. Context and non-linguistic factors will affect anaphora processing and production. In the study of language students, the main concern is which factors affect the choice of anaphora and anaphora use. Speakers usually use different anaphora to indicate antecedents. For example, speakers may use succinct anaphora to refer to antecedents that are at the center of the conversation, The more specific and complex anaphora, such as nouns, is used to refer to the first encounter or the absence of the recently mentioned antecedents. There are still some arguments about whether the role of question meta-role affects the choice of antecedents and the use of anaphora. Arnld et al think that the role of objective-source role does influence the choice of antecedents and the form of anaphora use. They used the experiential story continuation paradigm and asked the subjects to write sentences after they were familiar with the situation. As a result, the subjects were more likely to use pronouns to refer to the target role compared with the source role. When the subjects choose different entities as the beginning of the sentence continuation, the subjects tend to choose the target word as the beginning of the sentence continuation. However, Fukumuravan Gompel et al. found that the role of topic meta-role does not play a decisive role in the choice and use of anaphora, in which subject bias plays a major role in the choice and use of anaphora. In Chinese context, whether the role of topic meta affects the choice of antecedents and the form of anaphora use has not been studied, in order to explore whether the role of the question meta affects the choice of antecedents and the use of anaphora. In this paper, we design two different follow-up experiments to study this problem. In experiment 1, we find that the role of question element will affect the choice of antecedents and the use of anaphora. In experiment 2, it is found that the preference of subject plays a decisive role in the choice of antecedents and the use of anaphora. The main reason for this difference is whether the subjects establish rich psychological representation of the role.


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