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发布时间:2018-11-25 17:14
[Abstract]:The choice and practice of transgender groups' pluralistic behavior is beset by stigma because it challenges the traditional concept of gender identity and the acceptance of the whole society. Many transgender people will face psychological confusion and pressure from daily life, and then some people choose to seek psychological counseling help. The practice of knowledge education and training related to transgender groups in psychological counsellors influences the attitudes of counsellors towards transgender visitors, and this attitude plays an important role in the counseling direction of counsellors. This will in turn have different advisory effects on visitors. Based on the summary and analysis of a large number of literature on transgender psychological counseling in the West, this paper classifies and integrates the affirmative counseling methods, technology, knowledge reserve and support system of transgender visitors by taking transgender affirmative counseling as the main line. At the same time, 80 transgender people were investigated by self-made questionnaire, which laid the foundation for qualitative interview. Finally, this paper uses qualitative research method to conduct qualitative interviews with four transgender students to explore the current situation of transgender psychological counseling in Chinese context and the problems to be solved. Enrich and develop the concept and practice of transgender affirmative counseling.


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