发布时间:2018-12-13 21:07
【摘要】:自我参照效应是指材料与自我相联系时的加工成绩显著好于其也条件的现象,已经得到大量研究证实。当前研究在前人的研究基础上,以20名居住在汉族地区的少数民族大学生为被试,试图探讨一种新型的自我参照效应——民族自我参照效应,并考察大脑加工民族刺激的神经机制。实验中,以被试所属民族为“自我民族”,以汉族为“比较民族”,以被试最熟悉的其他少数民族为“对照民族”,三类民族在熟悉度上差异不显著。 当前研究共分两个实验,采用行为和ERP技术分别从外显和内隐层面探讨少数民族的民族自我参照效应。实验一使用行为技术,以240个人格特质形容词为材料,采用R/K范式从外显层面进行考察,结果发现自我民族与汉族在词汇再认率和R判断值上差异不显著,但二者均显著大于对照民族。实验二使用ERP技术,采用Oddball范式从内隐层面进行考察。实验发现,在P2成分上,自我民族在头皮中部和后中部诱发了更大的P2波幅;在N2成分上,自我民族诱发的N2波幅显著小于汉族和对照民族;在P3成分上,自我民族在全脑诱发的波幅显著大于汉族,汉族诱发的波幅显著大于对照民族。实验还发现,大脑加工“民族”刺激时左脑的激活水平显著大于中脑和右脑。 实验一结果显示,自我民族与汉族具有同等程度的参照效应,表明外显层面不存在显著的民族自我参照效应。实验二结果显示,无论在早期P2和N2加工阶段还是在晚期P3加工阶段,自我民族都具有明显的加工优势,表明内隐层面存在显著的民族自我参照效应。这种效应在左脑表现更为明显,说明大脑加工民族刺激时具有左脑优势。
[Abstract]:Self-referential effect refers to the phenomenon that the processing performance of material is significantly better than that of its condition when the material is connected with self, which has been confirmed by a large number of studies. Based on the previous studies, the present study takes 20 ethnic minority college students living in Han nationality as the subjects, and attempts to explore a new self-reference effect, the national self-reference effect. The neural mechanism of national stimulation in brain processing was investigated. In the experiment, the nationality of the subjects was taken as the "self-nationality", the Han nationality as the "comparative nationality", and the other ethnic minorities most familiar to the subjects as the "control nationality". There was no significant difference in the degree of familiarity among the three groups. The present study is divided into two experiments, using behavioral and ERP techniques to explore the national self-referencing effects of ethnic minorities from explicit and implicit levels, respectively. In experiment one, 240 personality trait adjectives were used as materials. The results showed that there was no significant difference between self-nationality and Han nationality in vocabulary recognition rate and R judgment value. But both of them were significantly larger than the control nationality. Experiment 2 uses ERP technology and Oddball paradigm to investigate from implicit level. The results showed that the amplitude of P2 was higher in the middle of scalp and in the middle of the scalp, but in N2, the amplitude of N2 was significantly smaller than that of the Han and the control. In P3 component, the amplitude of the whole brain induced by self nationality was significantly higher than that of Han nationality, and the amplitude of Han nationality was significantly higher than that of control nationality. It was also found that the activation level of the left brain was significantly higher than that of the midbrain and the right brain. The results of experiment 1 show that the self-nationality has the same referential effect as the Han nationality, indicating that there is no significant national self-referential effect on the explicit level. The results of experiment two show that the self-nationality has obvious processing advantage in the early P2 and N2 processing stage and in the late P3 processing stage, indicating that there is a significant national self-reference effect in the implicit level. This effect is more obvious in the left brain, indicating that the brain processing national stimulation has left brain advantage.
[Abstract]:Self-referential effect refers to the phenomenon that the processing performance of material is significantly better than that of its condition when the material is connected with self, which has been confirmed by a large number of studies. Based on the previous studies, the present study takes 20 ethnic minority college students living in Han nationality as the subjects, and attempts to explore a new self-reference effect, the national self-reference effect. The neural mechanism of national stimulation in brain processing was investigated. In the experiment, the nationality of the subjects was taken as the "self-nationality", the Han nationality as the "comparative nationality", and the other ethnic minorities most familiar to the subjects as the "control nationality". There was no significant difference in the degree of familiarity among the three groups. The present study is divided into two experiments, using behavioral and ERP techniques to explore the national self-referencing effects of ethnic minorities from explicit and implicit levels, respectively. In experiment one, 240 personality trait adjectives were used as materials. The results showed that there was no significant difference between self-nationality and Han nationality in vocabulary recognition rate and R judgment value. But both of them were significantly larger than the control nationality. Experiment 2 uses ERP technology and Oddball paradigm to investigate from implicit level. The results showed that the amplitude of P2 was higher in the middle of scalp and in the middle of the scalp, but in N2, the amplitude of N2 was significantly smaller than that of the Han and the control. In P3 component, the amplitude of the whole brain induced by self nationality was significantly higher than that of Han nationality, and the amplitude of Han nationality was significantly higher than that of control nationality. It was also found that the activation level of the left brain was significantly higher than that of the midbrain and the right brain. The results of experiment 1 show that the self-nationality has the same referential effect as the Han nationality, indicating that there is no significant national self-referential effect on the explicit level. The results of experiment two show that the self-nationality has obvious processing advantage in the early P2 and N2 processing stage and in the late P3 processing stage, indicating that there is a significant national self-reference effect in the implicit level. This effect is more obvious in the left brain, indicating that the brain processing national stimulation has left brain advantage.
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