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发布时间:2018-12-23 13:27
【摘要】:对领地性的研究最早开始于20世纪初,研究对象主要是动物,随后研究者把研究对象转向人类,提出了人类领地性的概念。它是指个体对目标物的拥有感,并有防止他人接近或占有的意图。后来学者们开始研究在不同领地中个体的行为差异,继而提出了优先居住效应(prior-residence effect)和主场优势(home advantage)。这两个概念都是指拥有者比来访者或入侵者有更多的优势,并取得了众多成果。但是目前关于不同领地对攻击性的影响研究大部分还是对动物的研究,对人类的这方面研究很少。由于受限于仪器的使用,目前还没有人研究过不同领地对攻击性影响的神经机制。传统的fMRI和ERP技术中移动设备非常麻烦且对被试动作极其敏感。功能性近红外光谱成像仪(fNIRS)则具有移动方便,对被试动作不敏感的优点,同时有较高的时间分辨率和空间分辨率,因此在本研究中我们将采用fNIRS来研究不同领地对攻击性行为的影响极其神经机制。 本研究共有两个实验,实验一采用修订版的PSAP攻击性范式,以大学生为被试,探索在自己领地的被试和在非领地的被试的攻击性行为是否存在差异。鉴于实验一的结果,进一步探索不同领地被试攻击性的脑神经机制,人格因素对不同领地被试的攻击性的影响。实验二中使用同样的PSAP范式,以本科生为研究对象,实验地点分别设为被试自己寝室(领地)和实验室(非领地)。要求被试在完成PSAP任务中戴着fNIRS的测量帽来完成实验,利用fNIRS技术来完成不同领地对攻击性行为影响的神经机制。且在实验完成后填一份大五人格测试。 实验结果发现:1.不同领地的大学生攻击行为差异不显著。2.攻击对手时,本领地被试的右侧额极皮层的激活水平显著高于非领地被试。3.本领地被试赚分反应时在背外侧前额叶皮层的激活水平显著高于非领地被试。4.本领地被试防御反应时在背外侧前额叶皮层的激活水平显著高于非领地被试。5.在背外侧前额叶皮层,在本领地时,被试的攻击性行为及赚分反应都有与相应的氧合血红蛋白变化的Beta值之间存在负相关。6.在左侧背外侧前额叶皮层,在非领地时,被试的赚分反应与氧合血红蛋白变化的Beta值之间存在正相关。7.在不同领地中,神经质维度都与背外侧前额叶皮层的大脑活动呈正相关。在本领地时,宜人性维度得分与攻击对手时背外侧前额叶皮层的激活水平呈显著负相关。
[Abstract]:The study of territorial nature began at the beginning of the 20th century. The object of study was mainly animals. Then the researchers turned the research object to human beings and put forward the concept of human territoriality. It refers to the individual's sense of possession of the object and the intention to prevent others from approaching or possessing it. Later, scholars began to study the behavior differences of individuals in different territories, and then proposed the priority residence effect (prior-residence effect) and the home advantage (home advantage). Both concepts mean that owners have more advantages than visitors or intruders and have achieved many results. However, most of the studies on the effects of different territories on aggression are still focused on animals, but not on humans. Because of the limited use of instruments, no one has studied the neural mechanism of the effects of different territories on aggression. In the traditional fMRI and ERP technology, mobile devices are very troublesome and extremely sensitive to the subjects' actions. The functional near infrared spectrometer (fNIRS) has the advantages of convenient movement, insensitivity to the subjects' movements, and high temporal and spatial resolution. Therefore, in this study, we will use fNIRS to study the effects of different territories on aggressive behavior and the neural mechanism. There are two experiments in this study. In experiment one, we used the revised PSAP aggression paradigm to explore whether there were differences between the subjects in their own territory and those in non-territory. In view of the results of experiment 1, we further explored the brain neural mechanism of aggression in different territories and the influence of personality factors on aggression in different territories. In the second experiment, the same PSAP paradigm was used to study undergraduate students in their dorms (territories) and laboratories (non-territorial). The subjects were asked to wear a fNIRS measuring cap to complete the experiment while completing the PSAP task. The neural mechanism of the influence of different domains on aggressive behavior was accomplished by using fNIRS technique. After the experiment was completed, a large five personality test was completed. The experimental results are as follows: 1. There was no significant difference in aggressive behavior among college students in different territories. 2. When attacking the opponent, the activation level of the right frontal polar cortex of the skillfully tested subjects was significantly higher than that of the non-territorial subjects (3. 3%). The activation level in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was significantly higher than that in the non-territorial subjects. 4. The activation level in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was significantly higher than that in non-territorial subjects. In the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, there was a negative correlation between the aggressive behavior and earning score of the subjects and the Beta value of the corresponding oxygenated hemoglobin changes. 6. In the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, there was a positive correlation between the earning response of the subjects and the Beta value of oxygenated hemoglobin in the non-territorial cortex. In different domains, neuroticism was positively correlated with brain activity in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. There was a significant negative correlation between the scores of personality dimension and the activation level of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.


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