[Abstract]:In this era of knowledge economy prosperity and information explosion, both individuals and organizations will encounter various kinds of crises in their daily life. How to make judgments and decisions quickly and creatively in the face of crises is of practical significance. In the previous studies, most of the studies have explored the relationship between creative thinking and crisis decision-making from the perspective of management, philosophy or logic, and few have examined the impact of creative thinking on crisis decision-making from the perspective of empirical research. This study draws lessons from the experimental paradigm of risk decision making and uses the method of simulating crisis situation to compile the task materials for crisis decision making and to study the influence of different levels of creative thinking on crisis decision making. The first is the experimental design of single factor subjects, 60 college students as subjects, to explore the impact of different levels of creative thinking on crisis decision-making. The results show that different levels of creative thinking have significant influence on the tendency of crisis decision, and different levels of creative thinking have different confidence in the results of decision making. In order to explore the influence of creative thinking on crisis decision making induced by different emotions, the second study introduced the variable of emotion, and adopted the two-factor experimental design of creative thinking (high and low) 脳 2 emotions (positive and negative). Take 120 college students as subjects to complete the task of crisis decision. The results of the second study show that: creative thinking induced by different emotions has a significant impact on the decision-making tendency of crisis, and the confidence degree of creative thinking induced by different emotions on the outcome of decision making is different. Conclusion: (1) individuals with high creative thinking are more adventurous than individuals with low creative thinking, individuals with positive emotions are more adventurous than individuals with negative emotions. (2) individuals with low creative thinking have lower confidence in the outcome of crisis decision making than individuals with high creative thinking, and individuals with positive emotions have higher confidence in the outcome of crisis decision-making than those with negative emotions. (3) there is interaction between creative thinking and emotion.
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