发布时间:2019-03-04 13:56
【摘要】:跨期选择(intertemporal choice,文中有时简称“IC”)是指决策者对不同时间点上事物所需成本或收益进行权衡后做出的选择。近年来,跨期选择的偏好及其影响因素逐渐受到关注。公正世界信念(belief in a just world,文中有时简称“信念”或“BJW”)是Lerner提出的概念,认为“个体有这样一种需要:相信他们生活的世界是公正的,人们得其所应得,所得即应得。”这种信念使人们相信所处的世界是有序的,结果是可以预测的,只有在这样的前提下,人们才会对未来有信心,追求长远目标,并相信最终会得其所应得。这一信念的一个关键性结果就是人们可以将较小的短期回报先搁置而去追求较大的长远回报。在跨期选择中,不同公正世界信念水平的个体是否具有不同的选择偏好呢?为此,本研究着重探讨公正世界信念对跨期选择的影响,并加入延迟时间和情景因素进行更具体、客观的分析。本研究分为三个部分,研究一采用问卷法,以650名大学生为被试,寻求公正世界信念与跨期选择的相关关系;研究二采用3 (信念操作:威胁/肯定/控制)×5 (延迟时间:7天/30天/90天/180天/365天)的混合实验设计,以100名大学生为被试,考察公正世界信念对获益情景下跨期选择的影响;研究三采用3 (信念操作:威胁/肯定/控制)×5 (延迟时间:7天/30天/90天/180天/365天)的混合实验设计,以96名大学生为被试,探讨公正世界信念对损失情景下跨期选择的影响。结果显示:(1)公正世界信念与跨期选择存在显著的正相关关系,被试的公正世界信念越高,在跨期选择中越倾向于选择延迟选项。(2)获益情景下,信念操作的主效应显著,信念威胁组在跨期选择中更倾向于即时选项,而信念肯定组更倾向于延迟选项;延迟时间的主效应显著,随着延迟时间的增加,被试对即时选项更加偏好;二者的交互效应不显著。(3)损失情景下,信念操作的主效应不显著,延迟时间的主效应显著,二者的交互效应不显著。研究结论:(1)不同公正世界信念水平的个体具有不同的跨期选择偏好,高公正世界信念的个体更倾向于延迟奖励,而低公正世界信念的个体更倾向于即时奖励。(2)公正世界信念对跨期选择的影响在损益情景下出现分离:在获益情景下,个体的公正世界信念得到肯定更倾向于延迟奖励,而当个体的公正世界信念受到威胁更倾向于即时奖励。在损失情景下并不存在这一影响效应。(3)延迟时间对跨期选择的影响在不同情景下效应类似:随着延迟时间的增大,个体不管是对于收益还是损失,都不愿意投入更多的时间去等待,而是偏向于当下能够获得的或者当下可以解决的损失。
[Abstract]:Intertemporal selection (intertemporal choice, (sometimes referred to as "IC") refers to the decision-maker's choice after weighing the costs or benefits of things at different points of time. In recent years, the preference of intertemporal choice and its influencing factors have been paid more and more attention. Just World belief in (belief in a just world, (sometimes referred to as "belief" or "BJW") is a concept proposed by Lerner that "individuals have a need to believe that the world in which they live is just and that people deserve what they deserve." You get what you get. " This belief leads people to believe that the world is orderly and the outcome is predictable. It is only on this premise that people will have confidence in the future, pursue long-term goals, and believe that they will eventually get what they deserve. A key result of this belief is that smaller short-term returns can be shelved in pursuit of greater long-term returns. Do individuals with different levels of belief in the just world have different choice preferences in intertemporal selection? Therefore, this study focuses on the influence of fair world belief on intertemporal choice, and makes a more specific and objective analysis by adding delay time and situational factors. This study is divided into three parts. In the first study, 650 college students were selected as subjects to find the correlation between the belief in the just world and the intertemporal choice. In the second study, 100 college students were selected as subjects, using 3 (belief operation: threat / affirmation / control) 脳 5 (delay time: 7 days / 30 days / 90 days / 180 days / 365 days). To investigate the influence of fair world belief on intertemporal choice under the benefit scenario; In the third study, 96 college students were selected as subjects, using 3 (belief operation: threat / affirmation / control) 脳 5 (delay time: 7 days / 30 days / 90 days / 180 days / 365 days). This paper discusses the influence of fair world belief on intertemporal choice in loss scenario. The results show that: (1) there is a significant positive correlation between just world belief and intertemporal choice. The higher the belief in fair world, the more inclined to choose delay option in intertemporal selection. (2) under the benefit scenario, the higher the belief in fair world is, the more likely it is to choose delay option in intertemporal selection. The main effect of belief operation was significant. Belief threat group was more inclined to immediate option in intertemporal selection, and belief positive group preferred to delay option, while belief threat group was more inclined to delay option than belief threat group in intertemporal selection. The main effect of delay time was significant. With the increase of delay time, participants preferred the immediate option more. (3) in the case of loss, the main effect of belief operation is not significant, the main effect of delay time is significant, and the interaction effect of the two is not significant. The conclusions are as follows: (1) individuals with different levels of belief in the just world have different preferences for intertemporal choice, and individuals with high fairer world beliefs tend to delay rewards. (2) the influence of fair world belief on intertemporal choice is separated in the profit and loss scenario: in the benefit scenario, the affirmation of the individual's just world belief is more likely to delay the reward, and (2) the influence of the fair world belief on the intertemporal choice is separated in the profit and loss scenario. And when an individual's belief in the just world is threatened, he or she is more likely to receive immediate rewards. This effect does not exist in the loss scenario. (3) the effect of delay time on intertemporal selection is similar in different scenarios: with the increase of delay time, individuals, whether for profit or loss, have the same effect. Rather than devote more time to waiting, they tend to focus on losses that can be acquired or resolved at the moment.
[Abstract]:Intertemporal selection (intertemporal choice, (sometimes referred to as "IC") refers to the decision-maker's choice after weighing the costs or benefits of things at different points of time. In recent years, the preference of intertemporal choice and its influencing factors have been paid more and more attention. Just World belief in (belief in a just world, (sometimes referred to as "belief" or "BJW") is a concept proposed by Lerner that "individuals have a need to believe that the world in which they live is just and that people deserve what they deserve." You get what you get. " This belief leads people to believe that the world is orderly and the outcome is predictable. It is only on this premise that people will have confidence in the future, pursue long-term goals, and believe that they will eventually get what they deserve. A key result of this belief is that smaller short-term returns can be shelved in pursuit of greater long-term returns. Do individuals with different levels of belief in the just world have different choice preferences in intertemporal selection? Therefore, this study focuses on the influence of fair world belief on intertemporal choice, and makes a more specific and objective analysis by adding delay time and situational factors. This study is divided into three parts. In the first study, 650 college students were selected as subjects to find the correlation between the belief in the just world and the intertemporal choice. In the second study, 100 college students were selected as subjects, using 3 (belief operation: threat / affirmation / control) 脳 5 (delay time: 7 days / 30 days / 90 days / 180 days / 365 days). To investigate the influence of fair world belief on intertemporal choice under the benefit scenario; In the third study, 96 college students were selected as subjects, using 3 (belief operation: threat / affirmation / control) 脳 5 (delay time: 7 days / 30 days / 90 days / 180 days / 365 days). This paper discusses the influence of fair world belief on intertemporal choice in loss scenario. The results show that: (1) there is a significant positive correlation between just world belief and intertemporal choice. The higher the belief in fair world, the more inclined to choose delay option in intertemporal selection. (2) under the benefit scenario, the higher the belief in fair world is, the more likely it is to choose delay option in intertemporal selection. The main effect of belief operation was significant. Belief threat group was more inclined to immediate option in intertemporal selection, and belief positive group preferred to delay option, while belief threat group was more inclined to delay option than belief threat group in intertemporal selection. The main effect of delay time was significant. With the increase of delay time, participants preferred the immediate option more. (3) in the case of loss, the main effect of belief operation is not significant, the main effect of delay time is significant, and the interaction effect of the two is not significant. The conclusions are as follows: (1) individuals with different levels of belief in the just world have different preferences for intertemporal choice, and individuals with high fairer world beliefs tend to delay rewards. (2) the influence of fair world belief on intertemporal choice is separated in the profit and loss scenario: in the benefit scenario, the affirmation of the individual's just world belief is more likely to delay the reward, and (2) the influence of the fair world belief on the intertemporal choice is separated in the profit and loss scenario. And when an individual's belief in the just world is threatened, he or she is more likely to receive immediate rewards. This effect does not exist in the loss scenario. (3) the effect of delay time on intertemporal selection is similar in different scenarios: with the increase of delay time, individuals, whether for profit or loss, have the same effect. Rather than devote more time to waiting, they tend to focus on losses that can be acquired or resolved at the moment.
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1 佘升翔;郑小伟;周R,