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发布时间:2019-06-29 14:05
【摘要】:海勤人员是国防战斗力的重要组成部分,由于其工作具有训练任务重、职业风险大、工作环境封闭等特殊性,所以无论是其职业性质、强度、环境,还是日常生活均异于普通群体,承受的精神压力较大,容易产生各种心身症状,从而影响工作状态,使战斗力降低。因此,深入研究海勤人员的压力反应机制和相关的影响因素,探讨各种影响因素之间的相互作用,寻求如何提高相关心理品质的训练方法,将为维护海勤人员的心身健康、提高心理耐受力、提高自信心和对自身职业的认同度提供科学依据,并为培养海勤人员的健康身心、提高战斗力提供有力支持。 为此,本研究通过对来某疗养院疗养的海勤人员进行调查,分析海勤人员心理压力反应的现状和心率变异性特点;探讨音乐放松训练与生物反馈训练对海勤人员心率变异性的量化改变以及压力反应和异常情绪的作用。 对象与方法 本研究在在某部队疗养院采用分层随机抽样的方法将入院疗养员共443人(其中舰艇人员165名,潜艇人员173名,潜水员105名)为研究对象,均为男性,年龄30.46±7.58岁,均无精神异常史,无严重认知障碍。采用了压力反应问卷(SRQ)、功能失调性态度问卷、知觉心理压力量表(CPSS)、卡特尔16种个性因素问卷(16PF)、生活事件量表(LES)、特质应对方式问卷(TCSQ)、领悟社会支持量表(PSSS)对上述人员进行测评,共发放问卷443份,全部回收,有效问卷436份,有效率为98.40%。根据前期测评情况采取自愿的原则对部分被试分别进行音乐放松治疗干预或生物反馈治疗干预。本研究主要的统计分析采用SPSS17.O统计软件进行,主要统计方法为描述性统计分析、方差分析。 主要结果 1.压力反应的现状调查分析结果 海勤人员压力反应的主要表现为生理反应和心理反应。舰艇人员、潜艇人员、潜水员在压力反应各分量表及总量表得分差异无统计学意义。各年龄组之间压力反应分量表与总量表得分均没有统计学意义,但是随着年龄增大,压力反应量表得分呈下降趋势。 2.心率变异性特点分析结果 海勤人员HRV处于一般水平。潜艇人员HRV相对较低。随着年龄的增高,HRV出现升高,到50岁以后,出现了SDNN的适当降低。海勤人员RMSSD与心理反应、压力反应呈正相关。 3.两种放松训练方法对正常海勤人员心率变异性的作用效果分析结果 音乐放松训练3周后,出现了频域指标LF的下降和HF的升高,结果接近显著性水平,未达到统计学意义。生物反馈放松训练3周后,出现了频域指标LF的下降和HF的升高,结果接近显著性水平,未达到统计学意义。 4.两种放松治疗方法对海勤人员压力反应和异常情绪的作用分析结果 经过音乐放松治疗3周后,海勤人员压力反应量表总测评分与分量表测评分、SAS测评分、SDS测评分均出现了显著下降,差异具有统计学意义。经过生物反馈放松治疗3周后,海勤人员压力反应量表总测评分与分量表测评分出现了显著下降,SAS、SDS测评分干预前后对照差异不显著。音乐放松治疗与生物反馈放松治疗方法对海勤人员异常情绪的治疗效果相似。 结论 1.海勤人员承受的压力反应是以生理反应和心理反应为主,主要表现为吸烟增多、感到疲劳、记忆力下降、睡眠不佳、注意力不集中。随着年龄增大,压力反应逐渐降低。 2.职业调查中,潜艇人员整体HRV结果相对较低,说明潜艇人员自主神经调节优于其他人员。随着年龄增长,HRV升高。HRV在取代传统量表调查应激水平就目前来说不是一个很权威的手段,可以作为辅助手段。 3.音乐放松训练方法和生物反馈训练方法均能改变健康海勤人员的心率变异性,有效调节心脏自主神经系统功能。 4.音乐放松训练方法和生物反馈训练方法均能有效缓解海勤人员压力反应和异常情绪。
[Abstract]:Haiqin is an important part of the combat effectiveness of the national defense, because its work has the particularity of the training task, the high occupation risk and the close of the working environment, so it is different from the ordinary group in its professional character, intensity, environment, or daily life. It is easy to produce various psychosomatic symptoms, thus affecting the working state and reducing the fighting capacity. Therefore, in-depth study of the pressure reaction mechanism and the related influencing factors of the sea-duty personnel, the interaction between various influencing factors, and the training methods to improve the related mental quality will be discussed, and the mental health and the psychological stress tolerance of the sea-handling personnel will be improved. The invention provides a scientific basis for improving the self-confidence and the recognition of the self-employment, and provides strong support for cultivating the health and the mind and the fighting capacity of the health-care personnel. To this end, the present study investigated the present situation and the heart rate variability of the psychological stress response of the sea-service personnel through the investigation of the sea-service personnel who come to a nursing home. Point: To explore the quantitative change of heart rate variability and the pressure response and abnormal mood in the training of music relaxation training and biofeedback training for A total of 443 patients (165,173, and 105 divers) of the hospital were studied by stratified random sampling in a military sanatorium, and all of them were male, the age of 30.46 and the age of 7.58, none of them were male. The history of mental abnormality, it's not strict. The stress response questionnaire (SRQ), the functional disorder attitude questionnaire, the Perceptual Stress Scale (CPSS), the Cartel's 16 personality factor questionnaire (16PF), the life event scale (LES) and the trait coping style questionnaire (16 PF) were used. (TCSQ), Understanding the Social Support Scale (PSSS) to evaluate the above-mentioned personnel, and issued a total of 443 questionnaires, all of which were recovered, the effective questionnaire was 436, the effective rate was 9. 8.40%. According to the pre-assessment, the voluntary principle is adopted to perform the music relaxation treatment intervention or the biological inversion on the part of the participants, respectively. The main statistical analysis of this study was carried out using the SPSS17.0 statistical software. The main statistical methods were descriptive statistics and statistical analysis. variance score Analysis of main results 1. Pressure inversion The main table of the pressure reaction of the sea handling personnel shall be investigated and analyzed according to the current situation investigation and analysis results. now is a physiological response and a psychological response. The ship, the submarine, the diver, and the total amount of each component and the total amount of the pressure reaction There is no statistical significance in the difference of the table scores. There is no statistical difference between the pressure response component table and the total table score between each age group, but as the age increases, the pressure The score of the reaction scale decreased. 2. Analysis results of heart rate variability The HRV of the sea-service personnel is at the same time. At the same level, the submarine's HRV is relatively low. As age increases, HRV increases to 50. In the future, an appropriate reduction of the SDNN has occurred. The operator RMSS D is positively related to the psychological reaction and the pressure reaction.3. The two relaxation training methods are normal. After 3 weeks of relaxation training, the decrease of the frequency domain index LF and the rise of HF were observed after 3 weeks of relaxation training. Results The results were close to the significance level and the statistical significance was not reached. After 3 weeks of the biological feedback relaxation training, the decrease of the frequency domain index LF and the increase of HF were observed. And the results were close to the significance level, and the statistical significance was not reached. The results of the analysis of the effect of the pressure reaction and the abnormal emotion on the personnel of the sea handling personnel were measured by the music relaxation therapy for 3 weeks, and the total assessment of the pressure response scale of the sea-service personnel and the assessment of the component table Score, SAS evaluation score, S There was a significant decrease in the evaluation of DS, and the difference was of statistical significance. After 3 weeks of biological feedback and relaxation, the total assessment of the pressure response scale of the sea-service personnel was significantly lower than that of the component table. There was no significant difference in the control of health, SAS and SDS before and after the intervention. feed-in Conclusion 1. The stress response of the crew is mainly based on the physiological response and the psychological reaction, and the main performance is as follows:1. increased smoking, fatigue, and memory loss, sleep is not good, attention is not concentrated. As age increases, the pressure response is gradually reduced.2. In the professional investigation, the submarine personnel The body HRV results are relatively low, indicating The self-regulation of the submarine's personnel is superior to that of other personnel. With the increase of age, the HRV is increased. HRV is in place of the traditional scale. It is not a very authoritative means to check the stress level, which can be used as an auxiliary means.3. The training method of music relaxation and the training method of biological feedback Can change the heart rate variability of the health-care personnel and effectively regulate the function of the autonomic nervous system of the heart.


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