[Abstract]:Emotion is a complex psychophysiological phenomenon, which plays a key role in cognitive behavior such as perception, memory, reasoning, decision-making and executive control, so it has always been a hot issue in cognitive neuroscience. Many researchers have used eye movement tracking, EEG, MRI and other experimental techniques to study the relationship between emotion and attention, but the current conclusions are quite different: some researchers found that the cognitive process of emotional information is priority and automatic, does not need to pay attention to the participation of components, and can even occur in the state of unawareness and unconsciousness of the body; Another part of the researchers found that emotional stimulation could not be sensed in the absence of attention and consciousness, and thought that emotional processing should be restricted and regulated by attention resources, which belongs to a kind of controlled processing. Based on this controversy, this paper makes a deep analysis of whether emotional cognition needs attention by using behavioral eye movement tracking technology and dual task experimental paradigm. In this study, the subjects were asked to focus on the central task, in order to study the recognition accuracy of emotional stimuli in the peripheral areas with less attention distribution, and to observe whether emotional processing can occur in less attention areas. At the same time, we can also study whether emotion can be processed in parallel with other stimuli in the case of dual tasks, and explore the law of emotional cognition from a deeper level. The experimental results show that emotional cognition needs the participation of attention components, but because emotional stimulation has a higher cognitive priority, its cognitive process only needs to consume less attention resources. When both the main task and the secondary task involve emotional cognition, the subjects can not distinguish the emotional stimulation located in the peripheral area, indicating that emotional cognition is regulated by attention resources. When the main task is different from the secondary task, the subjects can well identify the emotional stimulation that is also located in the peripheral attention deficit area, indicating that the processing of emotional information can be processed in parallel with other stimuli, and there may be a specific channel of information transmission and processing in the brain, which can be used to specifically process the related information of emotion.
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