发布时间:2019-07-08 20:34
【摘要】:自我控制对于个体的适应和发展具有非常重要的影响。以往的研究发现自我控制能力与吸烟、饮酒、过度饮食、吸毒等物质成瘾、网络成瘾等行为密切相关,这些行为的一个共同的有效预测变量就是自我控制,还有研究发现健康促进行为与自我控制有较高的相关。 Baumeister等人在提出自我控制的能量模型的基础上,把自我控制划分为特质自我控制和状态自我控制,特质自我控制多采用问卷进行测量,本研究采用谭树华和郭永玉修订的自我控制量表进行特质自我控制的考察;而状态自我控制是在自我控制能量模型的背景下进行研究,自我控制能量模型主张:自我控制依赖一种有限的能量,执行自我控制任务后自我控制能量会衰减,即“自我损耗”状态;各种自我控制行为都依赖这种能量。研究者通常采用双任务范式考察个体在损耗和非损耗条件下的自我控制能力。 手机成瘾是近年来新出现的社会问题,现在已经被社会高度重视。当前关于手机成瘾的研究多关注于手机成瘾问卷的编制和手机成瘾与某些人格特质的关系。较少考察手机成瘾者自我控制能力的特点。本研究拟考察手机成瘾大学生自我控制缺陷,并初步探讨手机成瘾大学生自我控制缺陷的可能机制。本研究包括三个研究,研究一通过问卷考察手机成瘾大学生特质自我控制的缺陷,研究二通过两个实验考察手机成瘾大学生的状态自我控制缺陷,研究三主要探讨手机成瘾大学生的自我控制缺陷的可能机制。 研究一通过手机成瘾指数量表筛选被试,筛选控制组大学生被试128人,手机成瘾大学生被试90人,分别对两类大学生施测谭树华和郭永玉修订的自我控制量表,考察手机成瘾大学生自我控制的缺陷。结果发现手机成瘾大学生特质自我控制能力存在缺陷,手机成瘾大学生的特质自我控制能力显著低于控制组大学生。 研究二包括两个实验,研究2a采用双任务范式,2(手机成瘾大学生,控制组大学生)×2(损耗,非损耗)的实验设计考察手机成瘾大学生状态自我控制的缺陷。首先通过手机成瘾指数量表筛选被试,筛选手机成瘾大学生被试40人,控制组大学生被试54人,所有被试被随机分配到损耗或者非损耗条件下,然后完成损耗后效任务。本实验中损耗任务采用情绪抑制任务,损耗后效任务为延迟折扣任务。结果发现,损耗主效应显著,交互作用显著,进一步简单效应分析发现,损耗条件下,手机成瘾大学生状态自我控制显著低于控制组大学生,非损耗状态下,手机成瘾大学生与控制组大学生状态自我控制差异不显著。 由于手机成瘾大学生被试的特殊性,为了进一步验证研究2a的结论,研究2b采用不同的自变量和因变量指标考察手机成瘾大学生状态自我控制的缺陷。研究2b采用2(手机成瘾大学生,控制组大学生)×2(损耗,非损耗)的实验设计,通过手机成瘾指数量表筛选被试,筛选控制组大学生被试50人,手机成瘾大学生被试42人,再一次验证手机成瘾大学生状态自我控制的缺陷。所有被试进行Stroop任务的前测,其次被试被随机分配到损耗或者非损耗条件下并进行简化情绪量表测量,最后进行Stroop任务后测。结果发现,手机成瘾大学生和控制组大学生Stroop任务前测成绩未达到显著差异,对Stroop任务后测成绩进行方差分析和简单效应分析,在非损耗条件下,两类被试的成绩差异不显著,在损耗条件下,手机成瘾大学生任务成绩差于控制组大学生,即手机成瘾大学生的状态自我控制存在缺陷。 研究2b和研究2a的结果均发现,损耗条件下手机成瘾大学生的状态自我控制能力显著低于控制组大学生,而在非损耗的条件下不存显著差异。研究2a和研究2b关于损耗前后的情绪测量的结果发现,损耗前,两类被试的情绪差异不显著,损耗后,手机成瘾大学生被试的负性情绪显著高于控制组大学生。 研究三在研究二的基础上,探讨手机成瘾大学生自我控制缺陷的机制,被试为85名手机成瘾被试,采用(积极情绪,中性情绪)×2(损耗,非损耗)被试间设计,自变量为损耗条件和情绪诱发条件,所有被试完成损耗(或非损耗)任务后接受积极情绪或中性情绪诱发,损耗任务采用注意抑制任务,而情绪诱发任务通过积极情绪图片和中性情绪图片分别诱发积极情绪和中性情绪,因变量为Stroop任务成绩。结果发现,相比于中性情绪诱发,积极情绪诱发抵消了损耗组手机成瘾大学生自我损耗引发的消极情绪,而且在随后的自我控制任务的成绩与非损耗组无差异。该结果显示,成瘾大学生之所以存在自我控制缺陷可能是因为自我损耗引发了消极情绪导致。 本研究我们得出以下结论:(1)手机成瘾大学生的特质自我控制存在缺陷,其特质自我控制能力显著低于控制组大学生;(2)手机成瘾大学生的状态自我控制存在缺陷,仅表现在损耗状态时,其状态自我控制能力显著低于控制组大学生;在非损耗情况下,其状态自我控制能力与控制组大学生无差异。(3)成瘾大学生之所以存在自我控制缺陷可能是因为自我损耗引发了消极情绪导致。通过对该消极情绪的调控,可以在一定程度上降低损耗效应。
[Abstract]:Self-control has a very important effect on the adaptation and development of the individual. Previous studies have found that self-control is closely related to the behavior of smoking, drinking, over-eating, drug use, and so on. A common effective predictor of these behaviors is self-control. There is also a study of the high correlation between health promotion and self-control. Based on the energy model of self-control, Baumenister and others are divided into self-control and self-control, self-control, self-control and self-control. Based on the self-control energy model, the self-control energy model maintains that self-control is dependent on a limited energy. The amount of self-control energy after performing a self-control task is attenuated, that is, the "self-loss" state; a variety of self-control behaviors are dependent on this energy The self-control of the individual under the condition of loss and non-loss is usually investigated by the double-task paradigm. The mobile phone addiction is a new social problem in recent years, and is now higher in the society The current study on mobile phone addiction is more and more concerned with the development of the mobile phone addiction questionnaire and the addiction of mobile phones and some personality traits. The relationship is less than the self-control ability of the mobile addicts. This study is to investigate the self-control defects of the college students who are addicted to the mobile phone, and to probe into the self-control defects of the college students who are addicted to the mobile phone. This study consists of three studies, one of which is to study the defects of the self-control of the personality of the university students who are addicted to the mobile phone through the questionnaire. The article mainly discusses the self-control defects of the college students who are addicted to the mobile phone. This paper is to study the self-control scale of the students in the control group and the college students, and to study the self-control scale of the students who are addicted to the mobile phone, and to study the self-control scale of the students who are addicted to the mobile phone. The result shows that the self-control ability of the college students of the mobile phone is defective, and the self-control ability of the college students of the mobile phone is significantly lower than that of the control The study of the college students of the group includes two experiments, and the study 2a uses the two-task paradigm,2 (the university students of the mobile phone addiction, the control group) and the "2 (loss, non-loss) experimental design to study the state of the university students of the internet addiction. The defect of self-control is to screen the subjects by means of the number table, and to screen the number of subjects who are addicted to the mobile phone, and to select the subjects of the college students. All the subjects are randomly assigned to the loss or non-loss condition, and then the test is finished. In this experiment, the loss task is the task of emotion suppression, and the after-loss task is lost. In order to delay the discount task, the result shows that the loss main effect is significant, the interaction is significant, the further simple effect analysis shows that under the condition of loss, the state self-control of the mobile phone addiction college students is significantly lower than that of the control group in that non-loss state, the university student of the mobile phone addiction and the control group of the university student status self The control difference is not significant. In order to further verify the conclusion of the study 2a, the study 2b uses the different independent variables and the variable index to study the college students of the internet addiction due to the special characteristics of the students who are addicted to the mobile phone. The defects of state self-control were studied in this paper. The experimental design of 2 (loss and non-loss) was used in the study 2b. The number of students in the control group was selected by the number of mobile phone addictions and the number of students in the control group was selected. 42 of the students who are addicted to the addiction, and once again the university students who are addicted to the mobile phone Status self-control defects. All subjects were tested for the Stroop task, followed by random assignment to loss or non-loss condition and simplified mood scale measurement, and finally S The results show that there is no significant difference in the pre-test results of the Stroop task in the college students and the control group, and the results of the Stroop task are analyzed by the variance analysis and the simple effect analysis. Under the non-loss condition, the scores of the two types of subjects do not differ. On the other hand, under the condition of the loss, the task performance of the mobile phone addiction college students is different from that of the control group, that is, the form of the mobile phone addiction college students The results of study 2b and study 2a have found that the self-control ability of mobile phone-addicted college students under the condition of loss is significantly lower than that of the control group, while in the non-loss condition The results of the study 2a and 2b on the emotional measurement before and after the loss found that the difference between the two groups was not significant before and after the loss. On the basis of the study of the two, the paper discusses the mechanism of the self-control of the college students who are addicted to the mobile phone, and is tested as an addiction test of 85 mobile phones. It is designed and self-changed by using (positive emotion, neutral emotion) and (2) (loss, non-loss). The amount is the loss condition and the emotion-induced condition, and all the participants accept the positive or neutral mood induced by the loss (or non-loss) task, and the loss task adopts the attention suppression task, and the emotion-inducing task induces the positive emotion and the neutral mood through the positive emotion picture and the neutral mood picture, respectively, The result shows that the positive emotion evoked the negative emotion caused by the self-loss of the college students of the loss group compared with the neutral mood, and in the following self-control There is no difference between the performance of the task and the non-loss group. The result shows that the self-control defect of the addicted college students may be the result of the self-control. This study concluded that (1) The self-control of the personality of the university students of the mobile phone is less than that of the control group, and (2) the state self-control of the university students of the mobile phone. The state self-control ability is significantly lower than that of the control group when the defect is made, and the state is self-control in the case of non-loss. There is no difference between my control and the control group. (3) The problem of self-control of the addicted college students may be Because of the negative emotions caused by self-loss, through the control of the negative emotion.
[Abstract]:Self-control has a very important effect on the adaptation and development of the individual. Previous studies have found that self-control is closely related to the behavior of smoking, drinking, over-eating, drug use, and so on. A common effective predictor of these behaviors is self-control. There is also a study of the high correlation between health promotion and self-control. Based on the energy model of self-control, Baumenister and others are divided into self-control and self-control, self-control, self-control and self-control. Based on the self-control energy model, the self-control energy model maintains that self-control is dependent on a limited energy. The amount of self-control energy after performing a self-control task is attenuated, that is, the "self-loss" state; a variety of self-control behaviors are dependent on this energy The self-control of the individual under the condition of loss and non-loss is usually investigated by the double-task paradigm. The mobile phone addiction is a new social problem in recent years, and is now higher in the society The current study on mobile phone addiction is more and more concerned with the development of the mobile phone addiction questionnaire and the addiction of mobile phones and some personality traits. The relationship is less than the self-control ability of the mobile addicts. This study is to investigate the self-control defects of the college students who are addicted to the mobile phone, and to probe into the self-control defects of the college students who are addicted to the mobile phone. This study consists of three studies, one of which is to study the defects of the self-control of the personality of the university students who are addicted to the mobile phone through the questionnaire. The article mainly discusses the self-control defects of the college students who are addicted to the mobile phone. This paper is to study the self-control scale of the students in the control group and the college students, and to study the self-control scale of the students who are addicted to the mobile phone, and to study the self-control scale of the students who are addicted to the mobile phone. The result shows that the self-control ability of the college students of the mobile phone is defective, and the self-control ability of the college students of the mobile phone is significantly lower than that of the control The study of the college students of the group includes two experiments, and the study 2a uses the two-task paradigm,2 (the university students of the mobile phone addiction, the control group) and the "2 (loss, non-loss) experimental design to study the state of the university students of the internet addiction. The defect of self-control is to screen the subjects by means of the number table, and to screen the number of subjects who are addicted to the mobile phone, and to select the subjects of the college students. All the subjects are randomly assigned to the loss or non-loss condition, and then the test is finished. In this experiment, the loss task is the task of emotion suppression, and the after-loss task is lost. In order to delay the discount task, the result shows that the loss main effect is significant, the interaction is significant, the further simple effect analysis shows that under the condition of loss, the state self-control of the mobile phone addiction college students is significantly lower than that of the control group in that non-loss state, the university student of the mobile phone addiction and the control group of the university student status self The control difference is not significant. In order to further verify the conclusion of the study 2a, the study 2b uses the different independent variables and the variable index to study the college students of the internet addiction due to the special characteristics of the students who are addicted to the mobile phone. The defects of state self-control were studied in this paper. The experimental design of 2 (loss and non-loss) was used in the study 2b. The number of students in the control group was selected by the number of mobile phone addictions and the number of students in the control group was selected. 42 of the students who are addicted to the addiction, and once again the university students who are addicted to the mobile phone Status self-control defects. All subjects were tested for the Stroop task, followed by random assignment to loss or non-loss condition and simplified mood scale measurement, and finally S The results show that there is no significant difference in the pre-test results of the Stroop task in the college students and the control group, and the results of the Stroop task are analyzed by the variance analysis and the simple effect analysis. Under the non-loss condition, the scores of the two types of subjects do not differ. On the other hand, under the condition of the loss, the task performance of the mobile phone addiction college students is different from that of the control group, that is, the form of the mobile phone addiction college students The results of study 2b and study 2a have found that the self-control ability of mobile phone-addicted college students under the condition of loss is significantly lower than that of the control group, while in the non-loss condition The results of the study 2a and 2b on the emotional measurement before and after the loss found that the difference between the two groups was not significant before and after the loss. On the basis of the study of the two, the paper discusses the mechanism of the self-control of the college students who are addicted to the mobile phone, and is tested as an addiction test of 85 mobile phones. It is designed and self-changed by using (positive emotion, neutral emotion) and (2) (loss, non-loss). The amount is the loss condition and the emotion-induced condition, and all the participants accept the positive or neutral mood induced by the loss (or non-loss) task, and the loss task adopts the attention suppression task, and the emotion-inducing task induces the positive emotion and the neutral mood through the positive emotion picture and the neutral mood picture, respectively, The result shows that the positive emotion evoked the negative emotion caused by the self-loss of the college students of the loss group compared with the neutral mood, and in the following self-control There is no difference between the performance of the task and the non-loss group. The result shows that the self-control defect of the addicted college students may be the result of the self-control. This study concluded that (1) The self-control of the personality of the university students of the mobile phone is less than that of the control group, and (2) the state self-control of the university students of the mobile phone. The state self-control ability is significantly lower than that of the control group when the defect is made, and the state is self-control in the case of non-loss. There is no difference between my control and the control group. (3) The problem of self-control of the addicted college students may be Because of the negative emotions caused by self-loss, through the control of the negative emotion.
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6 罗U喕,