本文关键词: 云南边境 教育安全 微学习 微学习资源 出处:《云南师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the development of modern information technology, has appeared in a variety of new forms of learning, such as micro micro learning. Learning to self-study, learning to rely on resources to support, has the characteristics of small chunks. This feature can make learners through learning the portable device to easily obtain knowledge, can be relaxed attitude of learning in the learning process, to meet the needs of learners in informal learning. Education belongs to the safety of non-traditional security, is a concept closely related to national security, refers to the subject (individual, group or country) in the face of threats from external or internal challenges, to maintain sustainable development of subject education function that is different from the safety education. In this study, the border security refers to the school education of border in the face of adverse network information, bullying, foreign culture, drugs and other dangerous, effectively Maintenance of students' right to education, to ensure the realization of socialization and personalization. Yunnan is located in the remote border, and Vietnam, Burma, Laos, population of ethnic minorities, especially the countries in recent years "The Belt and Road, along the border is gradually opening up, trade, personnel flow fast, and information technology in the development of the overall development of the border to drive at the same time, also caused people in border areas are more vulnerable to the effects of all kinds of information, the existing values, lifestyle, habits have certain impact, produce a series of education is not conducive to the border security issues, and the threat to the safety of the education permeate everywhere. Therefore, communication, the consciousness of culture and education content on border security, in addition to the formal school, outside professional guidance and education, students need more autonomy, consciousness, to understand and at any time Learning. Therefore, the research and development of micro learning resources has important theoretical and practical significance to the Yunnan border security education. This research is based on investigation and research, education of border security problems are analyzed, the main problem is selected as the micro learning resources content examples in Yunnan and Jinghong City senior high school occupation 1 students as the main subjects, combined with the actual situation of the school and the students, with the help of WeChat public platform, about the education of safety information, pictures and video development, applied research. This thesis adopts the design research method based on ADDIE model: analysis of educational security border exist in the research process, analysis to determine the micro learning objective and the content of resources; to secure border education design and development of learning resources for students; to learn the Yunnan border security education micro learning resources of micro Experimental study of micro learning; after the completion of the production, the Yunnan border secure application in education resources of students, to stimulate students in education on security issues of knowledge, skills and Thoughts on improving; finally, through the use of micro learning resources of the interview, the interview results were analyzed, the feedback modification of the design. This section consists of five parts: in the first part, mainly discusses the existing problems in the research topic, research situation of domestic and foreign literature, research methods and research route. The second part is the theoretical basis of the research: Yunnan border education micro learning resources: one is the theoretical basis of the Research of micro learning involves the learning theory of resources in the micro learning theory, situational learning theory, informal learning theory. The two is related to border security education of non traditional security theory, education as the main party youth values and world outlook Type, which plays an important role in the national border security. The third part is the core part of the thesis, is the border of Yunnan education micro learning resources development process, including four aspects, respectively is the target design, content analysis, production resources, interface analysis. In the fourth part of the Yunnan border education micro learning resources application, feedback and modification analysis of the results of the interview and on the border of Yunnan education micro learning resources. The fifth part is the summary of the thesis, is the innovation of this paper and the lack of discussion and outlook for the future.
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