本文选题:“一带一路” 切入点:四川省 出处:《四川师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:At present, the international environment is complex and changeable, the trend of thought and phenomenon of "anti-globalization" are constantly emerging; the domestic economic development is in the period of "new normal"; it is imperative to stabilize growth, adjust the structure, and carry out supply-side reforms; these new situations are imperative. The new changes have posed a challenge to the development of an open economy in Sichuan Province. Since the 18 National Congress, there has been a new round of inland city opening upsurge across the country. Sichuan Province, as an inland province, Belt and Road is also actively pursuing the development of an open economy. As a new path for China to actively comply with the trend of globalization and as the country's highest strategy, "Belt and Road" has broadened the new space for China's opening up to the outside world. This paper presents a new opportunity for the development of open economy in Sichuan Province. This paper makes a study on the open economy at home and abroad, the strategy of "Belt and Road" and the relevant theories of the development of open economy under the background of "Belt and Road". Combing. Through detailed data, the development of Sichuan's open economy is dialectically analyzed. It is found that although Sichuan Province's open economy has made good achievements in foreign trade, domestic trade, foreign investment, tourism trade, etc., the quality of foreign trade has yet to be improved. The scale of foreign trade is not large enough, the distribution is not balanced, the cooperation of foreign investment needs to be strengthened, and the competitiveness of foreign trade enterprises needs to be improved. Then, the advantages of developing an open economy in Sichuan Province under the background of "Belt and Road" are analyzed by using SWOT analysis method. The disadvantages, opportunities and challenges; and analyzed the opportunities "Belt and Road" brought to the development of Sichuan's open economy, including the fact that "Belt and Road" was conducive to further integration into the world economic pattern. It is conducive to further upgrading its regional strategic position, to perfecting the provincial transportation multimodal transport system, and to speeding up the construction of a foreign exchange center in the western region of Chengdu. Finally, combined with the problems in Sichuan's open economy, the results of SWOT analysis are applied to the countermeasure analysis, and the following countermeasures are put forward, that is, by taking advantage of the "Belt and Road" environment, Optimize the open economic development environment, integrate "Belt and Road", raise the level of opening up, link up "Belt and Road", strengthen the regional cooperation at home and abroad, and make use of "Belt and Road" to realize the coordinated development of economy in the province; Strengthen and train the main body of foreign trade management, improve the transnational management ability of foreign trade enterprises.
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