本文选题:黄土地基 + 路基拓宽 ; 参考:《长安大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, due to the development of western China and the implementation of Belt and Road strategy, many large engineering projects have been carried out in the deep collapsible loess area, and the difficulty and depth of foundation treatment have gradually increased. The original design and construction concept has gradually encountered various technical bottlenecks, but the outstanding problems of engineering design in collapsible loess area are the evaluation of collapsibility, the rational control of treatment depth and residual subsidence deformation, etc. In order to study the mechanism of humidification deformation of new widened subgrade and to establish the control standard of residual collapsibility of deep collapsible loess foundation under the load of new widened roadbed, based on the geotechnical centrifuge simulation test, the paper carried out different conditions of soaking and humidifying. This paper studies the main failure mode and its dominating law of widening roadbed, and studies the relationship between the degree of collapsibility and treatment depth of artificial foundation when widening roadbed is destroyed by using finite element numerical simulation software. In this paper, the following main conclusions are drawn: (1) under the action of rainfall, the wetting failure of the new roadbed is a gradual change process, the first is the appearance of the collapsing cave, and then the crack appears in the embankment slope. Finally, excessive deformation at the foot of the slope leads to the destruction of the pavement structure and even the landslide. 2) under the action of the soaking of the new road foundation and the load of the upper new road, the loess foundation is extruded laterally, when the foundation is soaked and wet, Due to the excessive extrusion deformation, the uneven subsidence of the surface will be induced, which may lead to the additional deformation caused by the new road load on the whole upper new roadbed, and it will present an inverse basin distribution for the old road. That is, the old road is the smallest in the middle, and the new widening roadbed and slope on both sides are the largest. This may lead to the settlement difference between the new and the old road, which can easily lead to the original roadbed and the road surface being cracked and destroyed.) from the numerical analysis, we can see that the higher the embankment fill is, The thicker the collapsible loess layer is, the greater the treatment depth is. The best treatment depth can greatly reduce the differential settlement of subgrade. For each kind of loess layer thickness, with the increase of treatment depth, the bearing capacity of foundation increases gradually. The subgrade settlement effect on resisting loess collapsing deformation is gradually increased, so that the base collapsibility is gradually reduced.
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