
发布时间:2017-12-26 18:22

  本文关键词:新罗与唐代福建地区的海上交往 出处:《延边大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 新罗 福建 海上贸易 文化交流

[Abstract]:After Xinluo's completion of its reunification, it has been forging ahead in overseas trade and playing an important role in maritime trade in East Asia. Especially in the period of Zhang Bao Gao, Xinluo's overseas trade has reached its peak. After the rebellion, the local separatist forces of the Tang dynasty. Fujian area, supported by the encouraging policies of local authorities, not only did not cut off the connection with the central dynasty, but developed extensive maritime contacts with Xinluo on the Korean Peninsula and gradually became active in the maritime trade of Northeast Asia. Quanzhou became one of the four major ports of the Tang and Song dynasties in the Song Dynasty, and the maritime trade of Korea was more prosperous. In fact, the Fujian region had a sea contact with Xinluo long ago, but it did not occur frequently until the Tang and Song dynasties. The full text is divided into three parts. The first part experienced a short period of tit for tat after the Tang - Li war, and the relationship between Xinluo and Tang became more and more close in eighth Century. In a peaceful and friendly political environment, the economy of Xinluo and Fujian has entered a comprehensive development. The agricultural handicraft has led the commodity economy and overseas trade, which includes support from marine technology and shipbuilding. The second part of the ninth Century Xinluo and the Fujian area of the Tang Dynasty trade and trade. First of all, mainly expounds the connection between Xinluo and Fujian area in Fuzhou, Quanzhou as the starting point, the rise and fall of maritime traffic along the line and an important transit port Dengzhou, Minnesota. Secondly, discuss with Zhang Baogao as the representative of Xinluo merchant group and Maritime Trade Organization - the Supreme Master Ching Hai town; Asian trade network in Fujian area and its unique Maritime Commercial culture. The the Yellow Sea maritime trade network established by Zhang Bao Gao is worth linking up with Fujian merchants' Asian trade network. Again, the exchange of goods and products in the maritime trade between Xinluo and Fujian. The third part of the cultural exchanges between Xinluo and Fujian in ninth Century. First of all, the author mainly expounds the communicators of cultural exchanges between the two places, which are mainly the famous students studying abroad. Secondly, the two places are communicating in the architecture, and a detailed introduction is made to the exchange of Buddhist classics and the monks and monks who have been preserved by both Buddhist monks and monks.


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