
发布时间:2017-12-28 13:24

  本文关键词:中国佛教孝道观研究 出处:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 孝道观 中国佛教 报恩

[Abstract]:Filial piety is the foundation of Chinese ethics and ethics, and occupies an important position and role in Chinese traditional culture. As a foreign culture, Buddhism, although early in the India Buddhist scriptures, has a discussion of filial piety, but not the main idea. The development of Buddhism in Chinese spread, China adapt to the social environment and cultural ideology, is bound to the filial piety to their own continually changes, enrich and perfect, thus forming a unique view of China Buddhist filial piety, and in turn to China social ethics have a profound impact. The Buddhist concept of filial piety is closely related with gratitude thought, filial piety is out of this world in order to repay, the filial piety is to guide parents toward faith, practicing the Dharma, save parents chulishengsi bitter wheel. The theory of filial piety with compassion and equality as the basis and characteristics to the yebaolunhui III theory as a premise, that is with the precepts of filial filial piety and be made one, by the ring, ring by the good. At the beginning of China Buddhism, Buddhists against the wishes of their parents, their homes, tonsure, speech Pro not married, not worship king such behavior is regarded as "the Confucian canon unfilial". The Buddha Confucianism on a long debate on these ethical issues, it is in the process of arguing constantly, to Buddhism with its unique view of life will be the parents of filial piety, extending from the time to six families, parents and relatives jiuzu VII, extend from the space to the law of all sentient beings and this is Buddhism and Confucian ethics integration and the formation of the theory of filial piety, embodies the traditional Buddhism and Confucianism in the common humanity thought. The establishment of Buddhist filial piety finally surpassed the Confucian filial piety. At the same time, it also opened up a Confucian view of filial piety and greatly enriched the ideological connotation of Chinese filial piety culture. Studying the filial piety of Chinese Buddhism and reinterpreting the theory of filial piety in Buddhism are of great significance for understanding the spread and development of Buddhism in China and for the construction of modern Chinese society in the transformation period. The view of filial piety is a very important part of Chinese Buddhist ideology and ethics. This article tries to discuss and study it from four aspects. First, starting from filial piety in Chinese traditional ethics and filial piety in India Buddhist scriptures, we analyze the theoretical basis of the spread and development of Buddhist filial piety in China. Secondly, it makes a brief discussion on the content and characteristics of the theory of Chinese Buddhist filial piety. Thirdly, it enumerates the focal points of the debate on filial piety in Buddhism and Confucianism, compares and proves the main differences of filial piety and explores the efforts made by Chinese Buddhist scholars to fit the concept of filial piety. Finally, the historical and modern significance of the filial piety of Buddhism in China is expounded.


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