
发布时间:2017-12-30 22:02

  本文关键词:基于品牌推广的公共交通广告设计研究 出处:《长春工业大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 公交广告 品牌 推广 受众体验

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy and the rapid rise of advertising industry, in the two years of the design of advertising industry, I deeply feel that there are many problems in the development of bus advertising. Especially in the face of the impact of the emerging network advertising, how to develop and how to develop the public transport advertising has become a crucial issue. This paper based on the marketing theory of brand promotion theory perspective. This paper discusses the research of public transport advertising under brand promotion. I find that the development of public transport advertising can not be separated from the combination of its own advantages and creativity. At the same time, how brand promotion can be reflected in public transport advertising, especially in China, a country with a population of 1.4 billion people, the status of public transport is very easy to be affected. This makes the position of the corresponding city's public transportation advertisement also change, will appear the new opportunity or may also find belongs to own development space. This thesis is based on the "brand promotion". The first chapter of this paper mainly focuses on the research background, research value, research methods and research situation of public transport advertising in China. The second chapter is mainly from the brand promotion theory and brand promotion development trend of research. Chapter three studies the classification of public transport advertising. Chapter 4th analyzes the visual performance of public transport, and studies the analysis of text expression, image symbol and color of public transport from the perspective of brand promotion. Analysis of materials and technology. Chapter 5th studies the brand promotion strategy of public transport advertising. Mainly from the above several aspects of public transport advertising under the brand promotion. The artistic charm of advertising is like the literature of French philosopher Rousseau, mysterious and elegant, such art needs to be recognized by the public, and advertising itself is a brand promotion behavior. However, how to combine the three elements of public transport advertising, brand promotion, audience effectively together, need to be further clear research. This paper from public transport, public transport advertising, marketing. Brand management and other literature and proven theory, combined with common sense of life and the results of market research, through the use of graphic design, marketing, management. Professionals in economics and other fields have reclassified the bus system in the city so that people can better understand its uniqueness, such as the city bus system. It is through the full grasp and understanding of the connotation of the system, the detailed analysis of the city bus. Its numerous personalized design and performance determines its uniqueness. It also determines its "readers" and its market.


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