
发布时间:2017-12-31 00:06

  本文关键词:从使用和满足理论看CCTV-5体育直播同声传译 出处:《北京外国语大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 电视直播同声传译 使用与满足理论 电视口译员双重角色 CCTV-5

[Abstract]:With the continuous advance of information globalization, simultaneous interpretation used in live television programs, greatly enhance the competitiveness, has become a major highlight of the development of Chinese TV media. As an important part of sports broadcast TV programs, by the majority of the audience favorite, however, because the TV simultaneous interpretation, especially sports broadcast related research problems and to provide strong support for its development. Therefore, this article from the use of communication and meet the theory, analysis of sports broadcast Si characteristics and development process encountered difficulties, and puts forward the strategies to deal with these problems, to promote the sports broadcast simultaneous get a better development in the future. In this paper communication uses and gratifications theory as a foundation, choose the authoritative sports broadcast channel, broadcast CCTV-5 SI analysis summary broadcast The features of Si, and puts forward corresponding suggestions. The significance is mainly in two aspects: the first CCTV-5 as a leader in the domestic sports channel, the development strategies of the other sports channel as a reference; second: analysis of CCTV-5 sports Si problems, can help improve the Si, maintain its leading position in the in this field, and promote the better development of simultaneous live sports in China. This paper first explains the definition of TV simultaneous interpretation, and the television broadcast characteristics of simultaneous interpreting. Then this paper describes the use of standard and meet the audience the main concept and the development process of the theory, analyzes the importance of television viewers in the mass media in view of this paper is equipped with simultaneous interpretation of sports broadcast programs in order to achieve a better communication effect, the interpreter should play the dual role of the interpreter and the announcer, The interpretation service quality should meet the double standards of simultaneous interpreting and broadcasting. In order to verify the China live sports show simultaneous communication effect, the audience on the performance of interpreters is satisfied, the author conducted a survey of 40 spectators. The CCTV-5 of the 2016 NBA Hall of fame awards broadcast simultaneous interpretation for the material, the first concern the respondents of the ratings of the show the audience motivation and satisfaction, followed by a list of 20 standard interpreters should reach in this program, please visit the audience by the performance evaluation according to the standard interpreter. The survey results show that the primary purpose of the direct viewers of broadcast programs is to increase knowledge. Although most of the audience said watching live video clips after the fulfillment, but also part of the audience on the Si do not understand, to show higher expectations, so the satisfaction is low. About half of the audience that the interpreter's TV table This will affect the entire program and the occupation of simultaneous translation views, and said that in the future will not be particularly chosen with simultaneous sports broadcast programs. The author analyzes the results of the survey show that TV interpreters exist in broadcasting and interpreting skills. Based on the survey results, this paper puts forward 5 suggestions for TV interpreters reduce pause and change; broadcasting training skills; according to the program to adjust translation style; control of psychological pressure. The author also puts forward 3 suggestions on TV: improve interpreters working environment; the satisfaction survey in the TV audience; arrange many interpreters work alternately.



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