本文关键词:多模态方法在初中英语词汇教学中的实验研究 出处:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 多模态方法 英语词汇教学 词汇学习兴趣 词汇学习能力
【摘要】:上世纪九十年代,多模态话语分析理论在西方国家兴起,该理论得到了社会上各领域的关注。随着当代教育和科学技术的快速发展,许多语言学家与语言教师尝试把多模态话语分析理论应用于语言教学并形成了一套多模态教学模式。该模式英语教与学方面产生了显著的影响。尤其是多模态教学方法以其别具一格的教学范式在英语教学上产生了重要的影响。作为一种新兴的教学模式,它把全新的教学理念与方法带入到英语教学课堂并取得很大成功。在我国,多模态教学模式的研究与应用开始于二十一世纪初,直至今天,该教学模式也受到广泛提倡与鼓励。这种理论与实践相互结合的教学模式显示出了很大的教学优势。词汇是一门语言支柱,英语词汇是构成英语的重要的组成部分。英语是我国教育课程的必修科目,但有调查显示我国学生在英语词汇学习方面方法单一,效率不高,而且英语教师的词汇教学效果欠佳。我国英语新课标明确要求在教学过程中实现教学方式的转变,英语教学要更注重交流意义。多模态教学模式将多模态符号引入教学与学习的过程中,能够充分调动学生的学习兴趣。因此将多模态教学模式广泛应用于英语词汇教学中意义重大。基于以上现状,本文将要研究将多模态教学模式在初中英语词汇教学中应用与教学效果,探究多模态教学模式在提高学生学习词汇兴趣与提高学生学习能力方面的效果如何。本文作者在北京市某中学选取初二年级两个平行班的学生为研究对象,A班为实验班,共30人,B班为控制班,共30人。在A班采取多模态教学模式进行教与学,在B班采取传统的教学方法进行教学。经过前测与对比他们的上学期期末成绩,前测是从该校的期末试题与平时单元测试中摘取的关于词汇的试题,发现两个班的学生基础相当。经过四个月的教学实验,为了检测学生对单词的掌握效果,在实验班与控制班都进行了后测。后测的词汇都来自北京师范大学出版社出版的第三册第一单元到第四单元的重点单词。随后笔者利用SPSS 13.0软件分析了学生词汇测试的掌握情况并与前测成绩进行比较,以此来分析多模态教学模式在英语词汇学习方面是否有效。调查问卷和访谈是用来研究多模态教学模式对学生词汇学习的兴趣和热情是否有提高。通过测试结果,问卷结果分析和访谈总结,本研究发现:学生在多模态教学模式下词汇学习兴趣更高,论证了多模态教学模式有利于学生提高学习词汇的兴趣与热情,能有效地提高学生学习词汇的能力。
[Abstract]:In -10s, the theory of multi-modal discourse analysis rose in western countries, which has been paid attention to in various fields of society. With the rapid development of modern education and science and technology. Many linguists and language teachers have tried to apply the theory of multimodal discourse analysis to language teaching and formed a set of multimodal teaching models, which have a significant impact on English teaching and learning. As a new teaching mode, learning method has had an important influence on English teaching with its unique teaching paradigm. It brings new teaching ideas and methods into English teaching class and has achieved great success. In our country, the research and application of multi-modal teaching model began in 21th century, until today. This teaching model is also widely advocated and encouraged. This teaching model, which combines theory with practice, has shown great advantages in teaching. Vocabulary is a language pillar. English vocabulary is an important part of English. English is a compulsory subject in Chinese educational curriculum. However, a survey has shown that Chinese students have a single method and low efficiency in learning English vocabulary. Moreover, the vocabulary teaching effect of English teachers is not good enough. The new English curriculum standard in China clearly requires the change of teaching methods in the process of teaching. English teaching should pay more attention to the meaning of communication. The multi-modal teaching model introduces multi-modal symbols into the process of teaching and learning. Therefore, it is of great significance to apply the multi-modal teaching model to English vocabulary teaching. This paper will study the application and teaching effect of multi-modal teaching mode in junior high school English vocabulary teaching. This paper explores the effectiveness of the multi-modal teaching model in improving students' interest in vocabulary learning and improving their learning ability. The author selects two parallel classes of grade two in a middle school in Beijing as the research object. Class A is the experimental class, and class B is the control class with 30 students. In class A, multi-modal teaching mode is adopted for teaching and learning. The traditional teaching method is adopted in Class B. after the pre-test and the comparison of their final grade of last semester, the pre-test is a vocabulary test which is extracted from the final exam and unit test of the school. It was found that the students in the two classes had the same foundation. After four months of teaching experiments, in order to test the students' mastery of the words. Both the experimental class and the control class were tested. The vocabulary of the post test came from the key words of unit 1 to unit 4th of volume 3 published by Beijing normal university press. Then the author used SPSS. The software 13.0 analyzed the students' mastery of vocabulary test and compared it with the results of pre-test. The questionnaire and interview are used to study whether the multi-modal teaching mode has improved students' interest and enthusiasm in vocabulary learning. . The results of the questionnaire and interviews show that students' interest in vocabulary learning is higher in the multi-modal teaching mode, which proves that the multi-modal teaching model is beneficial to improve students' interest and enthusiasm in vocabulary learning. It can effectively improve students' ability to learn vocabulary.
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