本文关键词:明清时期鄂西土家族与中央政府关系研究 出处:《湖北民族学院》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Based on the empirical study of the relationship between the Tujia nationality and the central government in western Hubei during the Ming and Qing dynasties, this paper analyzes the positive influence of the two in the development of political interaction, economic exchange and cultural integration. Closely around the historical background at that time, to explore how the central government to achieve national unity, social development and national integration between the coordination and unity for the new situation. Our government to deal with the relationship between ethnic groups to provide certain reference and guidance. The first part: introduction. This part from the reason of the topic, the significance of the study, domestic and foreign research status. The focus and innovation of the study on the Ming and Qing dynasties in the Western Hubei Tujia Tusi system, land conversion flow and the relationship with the central government were combed and analyzed. It is found that the research on the relationship between the Tujia nationality and the central government in western Hubei during the Ming and Qing dynasties is relatively weak in the domestic academic circles. Part two:. This chapter mainly introduces the origin, geographical distribution and social development of Tujia nationality in western Hubei. Lay a foundation for the study of the relationship between the Tujia nationality and the central government in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Part three:. The political interaction between the Tujia and the central government in western Hubei during the Ming and Qing dynasties. This chapter introduces the strengthening of the control system of the Tujia nationality in the western Hubei during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Military recruitment and the struggle against exploitation of the Tujia people in western Hubei. The political relationship between Tujia and central government in western Hubei is analyzed in detail. In this period, the ruling system of Tujia in western Hubei is from the system of Tujia to the system of official. Part 4th: the economic relationship between the Tujia nationality and the central government in western Hubei during the Ming and Qing dynasties. This chapter introduces the transformation of land production relations, tributary trade and tax reform in western Hubei. The development of agriculture and industry and commerce, in this period, feudal landlord economy gradually replaced the feudal serfdom economy, at the same time, the central government to strengthen the economic control of the Tujia areas in western Hubei. The trade relationship between western Hubei and Han nationality is getting closer and closer. Part 5th: the cultural and educational exchange between the Tujia and the central government in the west of Hubei. It promoted the development of Tujia education and culture in western Hubei. After changing the land and returning home, it was influenced by the unifying political pattern, and gradually formed the mixture of Han culture and Tujia culture, supplemented by official education and private education. Secular education and religious education as the typical characteristics of national cultural education. 6th part: conclusion. The relationship between the Tujia and the central government in Ming and Qing dynasties from the political, economic, cultural and educational aspects.
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