本文选题:唐代 切入点:益州地区 出处:《山东师范大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The Tang Dynasty was the heyday of the political, economic and cultural development of China's feudal society. At this time, the economic center of gravity gradually shifted from the Yellow River basin to the Yangtze River basin. One of the most important cities in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River is bound to be highly valued by the Tang government. In the Tang Dynasty, the social economy of Yizhou area entered the golden period of rapid development. The regional economic advantage of Yizhou area was particularly important in wartime, which provided sufficient strategic supply for the Tang court to return to Chengdu. As an important pillar of its counter-offensive, the economic development of Yizhou has a radiating and driving effect on the surrounding areas. The first chapter of the paper mainly discusses the change of population in Yizhou in Tang Dynasty. The growth of population in Yizhou region is mainly due to the natural growth of the population and the migration of the foreign population. The changes in the number of households in the region have mainly affected the war, the national policy, the migration of population, the invasion of ethnic minorities, The impact of natural disasters and other aspects, and the migration of foreign population has promoted the economic and cultural prosperity of the region. Chapter two mainly discusses the construction of water conservancy facilities and the development of agriculture in the area of Yizhou, the second chapter of the paper mainly discusses the construction of water conservancy facilities and the development of agriculture. On the basis of the existing water conservancy projects, many new water conservancy projects were built in Yizhou in the Tang Dynasty to further promote agricultural production, and the improvement of agricultural production technology and the planting of commercial crops increased the grain production. The third chapter mainly discusses how to improve the production technology of Yizhou area in Tang Dynasty and bring about the development of traditional silk weaving industry. At the same time, it gave birth to many new industries, such as paper industry and printing industry. The fourth chapter mainly discusses the development of water and land transportation and the prosperity of commerce in Yizhou in Tang Dynasty, in which the part of land and water traffic mainly discusses several important trade transportation routes. The commercial aspect has emphatically analyzed the Yizhou bazaar's development and its radiation and the impetus function to the surrounding area economy. The author summarizes the social and economic development of Yizhou in the Tang Dynasty. As a "foreign government" of the Tang Dynasty, Yizhou provided important material support for the prosperity and continuation of the Tang Dynasty. Is coveted by the surrounding ethnic minorities, called the "East House."
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