本文选题:胶东抗日根据地 切入点:三三制 出处:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The United front is one of the three magic weapons for the Chinese Communist Party to win the revolutionary victory, and the "three three systems" are the core of the anti-Japanese democratic United front and the construction of the anti-Japanese democratic regime.During the Anti-Japanese War, how to use the United front strategy to establish the political power in the anti-Japanese base area in the areas lacking the mass foundation is the primary task facing the local Party organizations in Shandong Province.By observing the process of establishing, expanding and consolidating the base areas in Jiaodong during the Anti-Japanese War period, it was found that the construction of the three-three-system democratic regime in the anti-Japanese base area played an extremely important role in the stability of the regime.Especially in Jiaodong, the lack of mass foundation, the enemy and bogus forces, and the three-way struggle between the diehard forces and the Chinese Communists have ignited the masses' enthusiasm for political participation through a preliminary solution to the issue of the burden on the masses.The "three three" system, through reasonable system setting and continuous standardization, extensively absorbs and advances, and the middle forces join the democratic regime in the base areas, which not only improves the administrative efficiency of the democratic regime, but also exercises the cadres, strengthens the cleanliness of the cadres, and serves the people.Other forces in the War of Resistance have established a democratic style, contrasted with the enemy and bogus, the corruption of officials in stubborn areas, and the people's grievances, greatly uniting the various anti-Japanese forces in the base areas, consolidating the anti-Japanese national United front and stabilizing the political power in the base areas.He was able to support the protracted War of Resistance.
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