
发布时间:2018-06-18 07:21

  本文选题:中国传统文化 + 生态文明 ; 参考:《四川省社会科学院》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:"the unity of nature and man" is an extremely important proposition in Chinese traditional culture, which has been continuously discussed in the long history and touched upon a large number of great thinkers, philosophers, from Laozi, Confucius, Mencius to Dong Zhongshu, Zhu Xi, and so on. The best way to learn it is to read the original form of this proposition, which constitutes the basic spirit of Chinese traditional culture. Among the ecological issues facing today, it is of great guiding and practical significance to excavate and explain the ecological wisdom in its thought from the perspective of the development of "the unity of nature and man". "Unity of Nature and Man" is not only the main proposition of Chinese philosophy, but also has been internalized as a mode of thinking of the Chinese nation. Starting from the classical literature related to "the unity of man and nature", this paper restores some basic problems or concepts mentioned in the classical books, which are like the questions and concepts that are constantly asked by modern scholars, "what is heaven?" and "how to be United?" Perhaps we may not fully accept their answers, but some of the original ideas implied in the answers can enlighten us. Therefore, with regard to the development of the thought of "harmony of nature and man" in Chinese traditional culture, we should clarify the meaning of the thought of "harmony of nature and man" in different backgrounds and representatives of different times. Understanding its inherent implication of change is the necessary theoretical premise. This sort of combing can clearly see that the thought of "the unity of nature and man" cannot be broadly identical with the harmony between man and nature in western ecological ethics. However, under the needs of the times, To excavate the ecological ethical meaning of "harmony of nature and man" is helpful for traditional culture to gain new vitality. This kind of interpretation is not to deny the other implication of "the unity of man and nature", nor simply to interpret it as the harmony between man and nature, but to extract the ecological ethics from the thought of "harmony of nature and man". Comparing with the western ecological ethics thought, it shows that in the face of the current development problems, the unique ecological ethics view of China is formed from the Chinese traditional culture, which highlights the urgency of the construction of ecological civilization. It provides a good ecological foundation for sustainable development and harmonious society. This search is not only a philosophical investigation, but also a practical significance for the revival of Chinese traditional culture. In order to awaken each individual's consciousness and responsibility to protect the natural ecological environment, this paper discusses and interprets the ecological ethics of the meaning of "the unity of man and nature" in the aspect of value of man and nature, in order to awaken each individual's consciousness and responsibility of protecting the natural ecological environment through the whole thinking mode of "the unity of nature and man". Respecting the intrinsic values between heaven and earth, promoting the sustainable development and ecological civilization construction of contemporary China; not simply relying on the rigid drive of technology and policy, but using "one cloud to push the other cloud," Only when a soul awakens the humanistic feelings of another soul can it realize true green, sharing, harmony and development.


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