本文选题:宋辽金 + 考古遗存 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The images of children are commonly used as decorative patterns in Song, Liao and Jin dynasties. With the deepening of archaeological work, the archaeological remains of the Song Liao and Jin dynasties with the images of children are increasing day by day, which greatly broadens the research field of the images of children in the Song Liao and Jin dynasties. Based on the published archaeological unearthed materials and related historical background, this paper briefly combs the images of children in the archaeological remains of Song, Liao and Jin dynasties. This paper analyzes the characteristics and causes of children's images in the archaeological remains of Song Liao and Jin dynasties, and studies the social life and cultural features of the time from the perspective of archaeology. The first chapter is the introduction, which introduces the origin, object, purpose and the brief history of the research on the images of children in the archaeological remains of Song, Liao and Jin dynasties at home and abroad. The second chapter is the image and characteristics of children in the archaeological remains of Song Dynasty. The images of children in the archaeological remains of the Song Dynasty are rich in carriers and varied in variety. The author takes the Huaihe River in the Qinling Mountains as the boundary and divides them into the south of Qinhuai River and the north of Qinghuai River. According to the different carriers, the author studies the images of children in the Song Dynasty. This paper analyzes the differences in the image of children in the south of Qinhuai and north of Qinghuai under the influence of regional, cultural and social factors, and the cultural features reflected by them. The third chapter is the image and characteristics of children in the archaeological remains of Liao Dynasty. Although the images of children in the archaeological remains of Liao Dynasty are not as rich and varied as those of Song Dynasty, they still have a unique personality. The author of the Liao Dynasty archaeological remains do not do geographical division, directly according to the carrier carding and analysis. This paper probes into the characteristics, causes and cultural features of the images of children in the archaeological remains of the Liao Dynasty. The fourth chapter is the image and characteristics of children in the archaeological remains of Jin Dynasty. In the archaeological remains of Jin Dynasty, the types and carriers of children's images are rich, unique style, and the expansion of territory, so the regional characteristics of children's images are distinct. The author divides the archaeological remains of Jin Dynasty into different regions, taking the Great Wall as the boundary, dividing the areas south of the Great Wall and north of the Great Wall, combing and analyzing the images of children according to the carrier, and discussing the characteristics of the images of children in the archaeological remains of Jin Dynasty. The cause of formation and its reflection of the cultural landscape. Chapter five is the conclusion, which summarizes and generalizes the research and analysis of children's images in the archaeological remains of Song, Liao and Jin dynasties, and points out the limitations and shortcomings of this paper.
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