[Abstract]:In order to inherit Chinese history, carry forward the culture of Huxiang, propagate the way of Hunan merchants, show the style and features of Huxiang, more and more works about Huxiang history and local culture have been translated into foreign languages and come out of China. To the World. Huxiang Fengzhi is an introduction to Huxiang culture, with Hongjiang Ancient Mall as the focal point. It revolves around the humanities history of our province, the way of doing business, tourist attractions, regional culture and religious culture, historical stories and folklore. It is of great historical value and practical significance to study and spread Huxiang culture. The translator selects four chapters (cellar house, garden and clubhouse) to be translated from the formation, characteristics, layout and architecture of Hongjiang Ancient Mall. In the process of translation, the translator bases on Peter? Newmark's theory of semantic translation and communicative translation divides the typical problems encountered in translation practice into three categories: terminology, four-character lattice, poetry and proverbs, and adopts corresponding translation strategies for these three problems.
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