
发布时间:2018-12-11 13:40
[Abstract]:The preface and postscript of the printing spectrum, as a narration and summary of the printing spectrum, is an important way to understand the information of the whole printing spectrum, the thought of the Indian and the theory of impressionism. The improvement of seal cutting materials and tools in the Qianjia period of the Qing Dynasty, the promotion of collecting style, the improvement of the social status of the Indian people and their own culture, as well as the comprehensive function of publishing and collecting the seal inscriptions, made the seal cutting art become prosperous in the Qianjia period. It lays a foundation for the emergence of a large number of prefaces and postscript of the printing spectrum. This paper mainly takes the prefaces and postscripts of the Qing Dynasty Qianlong (1736-1796) and Jiaqing (1796-1820) period as the research object, through the analysis, comparison and study of a large number of extant prefaces of the Qianjia period, and probes into the process of this period. The style structure of preface and postscript is the origin and style of printing. Then, the author analyzes the aesthetic orientation of the preface and postscript, such as imitation of ancient times, worship of Han and so on, as well as the techniques of seal cutting, such as knife method, character method and Zhang method. It can be seen that the main aesthetic orientation of prefaces and postscripts in this period is "patriarchal style, Qin and Han dynasties". At the same time, in the preface and postscript of the printing spectrum, the problems existing in the development of the printing science in the aspects of aesthetic orientation and seal cutting techniques are criticized, which reflects the understanding of the insufficient development of the printing science. As a supplement to the history of impressionism, the preface and postscript of the printing spectrum has important literature value, and it is the historical material to understand the evaluation of the Indian people and their friends. Its literature value plays an important role in the study of the related problems of the impressionism and the printing spectrum in this period.


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