[Abstract]:As early as the 1960s, discourse research developed rapidly, and many western scholars gradually combined discourse theory with translation studies and applied them to the field of translation. The related research results have brought new ideas to translation from the aspects of discourse structure, cohesion and coherence. In translation practice, a set of perfect theoretical systems have been formed to guide the translation work. The role of cohesion and coherence in text translation should not be underestimated. Although the two important concepts of cohesion and coherence have been studied and discussed by many linguists, they are not deeply discussed in the field of translation. This paper selects the Chinese-English translation practice of the Reconstruction of Economic Law Theory. From the aspect of content, the book expounds the continuous abandonment of the theory of economic law, and finally obtains the theory of economic law which accords with the trend of the times at that time. In line with the discussion of the hot word "economy". From the aspect of theoretical research, this translation practice states and combines the theory of discourse research, analyzes the application of the important concepts of cohesion and coherence in the field of Chinese-English translation through examples, and reveals the differences between Chinese and English. That is, Chinese pays attention to parataxis, sentence to sentence through logical semantic connection to express meaning, English pays attention to hypotaxis, using related words and strict grammatical structure to layout discourse. It can be seen that in translation practice, the translator should analyze the linguistic characteristics of the original text, grasp its textual content and logical structure, and use appropriate translation methods and the theory of cohesion and coherence to make the target language accurately reproduce the function of the original text. The content is faithful to the original text and the language is smooth and smooth.
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