发布时间:2021-04-17 02:00
《浮生六记》是清朝人沈复著于1808年的自传体散文,其文学价值和美学价值广受称道,被译成多种语言,其中英译本有4个,分别是林语堂的Six Chapters of a Floating Life,Shirley M.Black的Chapters from a Floating Life:The Autobiography of a Chinese Artist,Leonard Pratt和Chiang Su-hui的Six Records of a Floating Life以及Grahams Sanders的Six Records of a Life Adrift。在前人的研究中缺乏定性与定量相结合的四个译本对比研究,且只对翻译文本进行研究而未对副文本进行研究。故本文将对《浮生六记》的四个英译本的文本及副文本进行定量和定性研究。本文探讨的问题有:(1)《浮生六记》四个英译本的叙事特点及其对接受度的影响?(2)《浮生六记》四个英译本叙事策略及不同副文本特征及其对译本对外叙事建构和传播有何影响?(3)影响英译本翻译策略的因素有哪些?论文首先运用语料库技术,定量分析《浮生六记》四个译本,得出...
【文章页数】:76 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Research Questions and Significance
1.3 Thesis Structure
1.4 Research Methods
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Previous Studies on the Translation of Fu Sheng Liu Ji
2.2 Previous Studies on the Paratext
Chapter Three Narrative Theory and Translation Studies
3.1 Narrative Theory and Translation Studies
3.2 Mona Baker’s Narrative Theory and Translation Studies
Chapter Four Corpus-Based Comparative Analysis of Narrative Features of Four English Versions of Fu Sheng Liu Ji
4.1 Corpus Construction
4.1.1 Purpose of Building the Corpus
4.1.2 Corpus Type
4.1.3 Corpus Content and Capacity
4.1.4 Data Collection and Corpus Cleaning
4.2 Lexical Features
4.2.1 Proportion of Word Classes
4.2.2 Lexical Density
4.2.3 Average Word Length
4.2.4 Type-token Ratio
4.3 Syntactic Features
4.3.1 Sentence Length Classification Based on Butler’s Classification Method
4.3.2 Proportion of Sentence Length
4.3.3 Average Sentence Length
4.4 Summary
Chapter Five The Narrative Strategies of Four English Versions of Fu Sheng LiuJi
5.1 Textual Strategies of Narration from the Perspective of Mona Baker’s Narrative Theory
5.1.1 Temporal and Spatial Framing
5.1.2 Selective Appropriation of Textual Material
5.1.3 Repositioning of Participants
5.1.4 Framing by Labelling(Name and Address of Characters)
5.2 Paratexts as Strategies of Auxiliary Narration
5.2.1 Title and Annotation
5.2.2 Preface and Postscript
5.2.3 Illustrations and Appendices
Chapter Six Factors Influencing the Narrative Strategies of Four English Versions of Fu Sheng Liu Ji
6.1 Social and Historical Context
6.2 The Influence of the Target Readers
6.3 The Translator’s Cultural Identity
6.4 The Translator’s Personal Aesthetics and Purpose
Chapter Seven Conclusion
7.1 Findings
7.2 Limitations and Expectations
[1]《现代》杂志翻译活动副文本研究[J]. 刘叙一,庄驰原. 上海翻译. 2019(03)
[2]理雅各《诗经》译介副文本的变化探究[J]. 蔡华. 西安外国语大学学报. 2019(02)
[3]正文以外的声音:论《弟子规》英译本中副文本翻译策略[J]. 覃军. 解放军外国语学院学报. 2019(03)
[4]文学翻译中的译者姿态——以林译《浮生六记》和王译《阿Q正传》为中心[J]. 汪宝荣. 外国语文研究. 2018(03)
[5]意识形态与文化翻译策略——《浮生六记》两个英译本比较研究[J]. 罗君慧. 北京科技大学学报(社会科学版). 2018(03)
[6]从《三国演义》英译本看副文本对作品形象的建构[J]. 贺显斌. 上海翻译. 2017(06)
[7]新世纪以来叙事学在中国翻译研究中的运行轨迹[J]. 付臻,范武邱. 湖南科技大学学报(社会科学版). 2017(06)
[8]寻求文化荣耀的译者姿态——《浮生六记》林译本文化翻译策略新解[J]. 汪宝荣. 外语学刊. 2017(06)
[9]国内外《浮生六记》英译研究:回顾与展望[J]. 梁林歆,许明武. 外语教育研究. 2017(04)
[10]意识形态与翻译副文本的变迁:杨译鲁迅小说副文本研究[J]. 陈向红. 江汉论坛. 2017(06)
[1]《浮生六记》四版英译归化、异化运用方式研究[D]. 冷怡佳.上海外国语大学 2012
[2]基于语料库对美国英语词汇变化的研究[D]. 李丹.大连海事大学 2009
【文章页数】:76 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Research Questions and Significance
1.3 Thesis Structure
1.4 Research Methods
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Previous Studies on the Translation of Fu Sheng Liu Ji
2.2 Previous Studies on the Paratext
Chapter Three Narrative Theory and Translation Studies
3.1 Narrative Theory and Translation Studies
3.2 Mona Baker’s Narrative Theory and Translation Studies
Chapter Four Corpus-Based Comparative Analysis of Narrative Features of Four English Versions of Fu Sheng Liu Ji
4.1 Corpus Construction
4.1.1 Purpose of Building the Corpus
4.1.2 Corpus Type
4.1.3 Corpus Content and Capacity
4.1.4 Data Collection and Corpus Cleaning
4.2 Lexical Features
4.2.1 Proportion of Word Classes
4.2.2 Lexical Density
4.2.3 Average Word Length
4.2.4 Type-token Ratio
4.3 Syntactic Features
4.3.1 Sentence Length Classification Based on Butler’s Classification Method
4.3.2 Proportion of Sentence Length
4.3.3 Average Sentence Length
4.4 Summary
Chapter Five The Narrative Strategies of Four English Versions of Fu Sheng LiuJi
5.1 Textual Strategies of Narration from the Perspective of Mona Baker’s Narrative Theory
5.1.1 Temporal and Spatial Framing
5.1.2 Selective Appropriation of Textual Material
5.1.3 Repositioning of Participants
5.1.4 Framing by Labelling(Name and Address of Characters)
5.2 Paratexts as Strategies of Auxiliary Narration
5.2.1 Title and Annotation
5.2.2 Preface and Postscript
5.2.3 Illustrations and Appendices
Chapter Six Factors Influencing the Narrative Strategies of Four English Versions of Fu Sheng Liu Ji
6.1 Social and Historical Context
6.2 The Influence of the Target Readers
6.3 The Translator’s Cultural Identity
6.4 The Translator’s Personal Aesthetics and Purpose
Chapter Seven Conclusion
7.1 Findings
7.2 Limitations and Expectations
[1]《现代》杂志翻译活动副文本研究[J]. 刘叙一,庄驰原. 上海翻译. 2019(03)
[2]理雅各《诗经》译介副文本的变化探究[J]. 蔡华. 西安外国语大学学报. 2019(02)
[3]正文以外的声音:论《弟子规》英译本中副文本翻译策略[J]. 覃军. 解放军外国语学院学报. 2019(03)
[4]文学翻译中的译者姿态——以林译《浮生六记》和王译《阿Q正传》为中心[J]. 汪宝荣. 外国语文研究. 2018(03)
[5]意识形态与文化翻译策略——《浮生六记》两个英译本比较研究[J]. 罗君慧. 北京科技大学学报(社会科学版). 2018(03)
[6]从《三国演义》英译本看副文本对作品形象的建构[J]. 贺显斌. 上海翻译. 2017(06)
[7]新世纪以来叙事学在中国翻译研究中的运行轨迹[J]. 付臻,范武邱. 湖南科技大学学报(社会科学版). 2017(06)
[8]寻求文化荣耀的译者姿态——《浮生六记》林译本文化翻译策略新解[J]. 汪宝荣. 外语学刊. 2017(06)
[9]国内外《浮生六记》英译研究:回顾与展望[J]. 梁林歆,许明武. 外语教育研究. 2017(04)
[10]意识形态与翻译副文本的变迁:杨译鲁迅小说副文本研究[J]. 陈向红. 江汉论坛. 2017(06)
[1]《浮生六记》四版英译归化、异化运用方式研究[D]. 冷怡佳.上海外国语大学 2012
[2]基于语料库对美国英语词汇变化的研究[D]. 李丹.大连海事大学 2009