发布时间:2021-10-30 19:34
【文章页数】:73 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Purpose of the Study
1.3 Significance of the Study
1.4 Organization of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Structural Priming in the L1 Literature
2.1.1 Structural Priming
2.1.2 Cumulative Effect of Structural Priming
2.1.3 The Residual Activation Account
2.1.4 The Implicit Learning Account
2.2 Structural Priming in the L2 Literature
2.2.1 Studies on Structural Priming Abroad
2.2.2 Studies on Structural Priming at Home
2.2.3 Studies on Structural Priming of Active and Passive Sentence
2.2.4 Studies on the Effects of Frequency in Language Acquisition
2.3 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
3.1 Tenets and Major Constructs of the Usage-based Linguistic Theory
3.1.1 Tenets of the Usage-based Linguistic Theory
3.1.2 Major Constructs of Usage-based Linguistic Theory
3.2 Usage-based Linguistic Theory and Second Language Acquisition
3.3 Relevance of the Usage-based Linguistic Theory for the Present Study
Chapter Four Research Methodology
4.1 Research Questions
4.2 Method
4.2.1 Participants
4.2.2 Materials
4.2.3 Procedures
4.2.4 Data Collection and Analysis
Chapter Five Results and Discussion
5.1 Results
5.1.1 Priming Effect on Learners of Different Proficiency Levels
5.1.2 Effect of Frequency in the Structural Priming
5.1.3 Priming Effect of the Delayed Test
5.1.4 Summary
5.2 Discussion
5.2.1 The Priming Effects upon Learners of Different English Proficiency
5.2.2 Impact of Frequency on Cumulative Priming in Written Form
5.2.3 Long Term Effect of Cumulative Priming in Written Form
5.2.4 Summary
Chapter Six Conclusion
6.1 Major Findings
6.2 Theoretical and Pedagogical Implications
6.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research
[1]二语书面产出中结构启动的累积效应[J]. 王敏,魏行. 外语教学. 2018(02)
[2]句法启动与二语复杂结构学习[J]. 夏赛辉,汪朋. 现代外语. 2017(01)
[3]二语句法表征中的范畴化:来自结构启动的证据[J]. 赵晨. 外语教学与研究. 2014(02)
[4]外语句子口头产出中的结构启动研究[J]. 孙兵,周盼,蔡歆,廖茹. 西安外国语大学学报. 2014(01)
[5]二语交互中的结构启动与二语发展[J]. 王启,屈黎娜. 外语教学与研究. 2012(06)
[6]被动结构的跨语言启动及其机制[J]. 姜琳. 现代外语. 2012(01)
[7]语言水平及任务类型对第二语言产出中结构启动的影响[J]. 王敏. 现代外语. 2009(03)
[1]结构启动对中国英语学习者双宾结构习得的作用[D]. 黄康.广东外语外贸大学 2014
【文章页数】:73 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Purpose of the Study
1.3 Significance of the Study
1.4 Organization of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Structural Priming in the L1 Literature
2.1.1 Structural Priming
2.1.2 Cumulative Effect of Structural Priming
2.1.3 The Residual Activation Account
2.1.4 The Implicit Learning Account
2.2 Structural Priming in the L2 Literature
2.2.1 Studies on Structural Priming Abroad
2.2.2 Studies on Structural Priming at Home
2.2.3 Studies on Structural Priming of Active and Passive Sentence
2.2.4 Studies on the Effects of Frequency in Language Acquisition
2.3 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
3.1 Tenets and Major Constructs of the Usage-based Linguistic Theory
3.1.1 Tenets of the Usage-based Linguistic Theory
3.1.2 Major Constructs of Usage-based Linguistic Theory
3.2 Usage-based Linguistic Theory and Second Language Acquisition
3.3 Relevance of the Usage-based Linguistic Theory for the Present Study
Chapter Four Research Methodology
4.1 Research Questions
4.2 Method
4.2.1 Participants
4.2.2 Materials
4.2.3 Procedures
4.2.4 Data Collection and Analysis
Chapter Five Results and Discussion
5.1 Results
5.1.1 Priming Effect on Learners of Different Proficiency Levels
5.1.2 Effect of Frequency in the Structural Priming
5.1.3 Priming Effect of the Delayed Test
5.1.4 Summary
5.2 Discussion
5.2.1 The Priming Effects upon Learners of Different English Proficiency
5.2.2 Impact of Frequency on Cumulative Priming in Written Form
5.2.3 Long Term Effect of Cumulative Priming in Written Form
5.2.4 Summary
Chapter Six Conclusion
6.1 Major Findings
6.2 Theoretical and Pedagogical Implications
6.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research
[1]二语书面产出中结构启动的累积效应[J]. 王敏,魏行. 外语教学. 2018(02)
[2]句法启动与二语复杂结构学习[J]. 夏赛辉,汪朋. 现代外语. 2017(01)
[3]二语句法表征中的范畴化:来自结构启动的证据[J]. 赵晨. 外语教学与研究. 2014(02)
[4]外语句子口头产出中的结构启动研究[J]. 孙兵,周盼,蔡歆,廖茹. 西安外国语大学学报. 2014(01)
[5]二语交互中的结构启动与二语发展[J]. 王启,屈黎娜. 外语教学与研究. 2012(06)
[6]被动结构的跨语言启动及其机制[J]. 姜琳. 现代外语. 2012(01)
[7]语言水平及任务类型对第二语言产出中结构启动的影响[J]. 王敏. 现代外语. 2009(03)
[1]结构启动对中国英语学习者双宾结构习得的作用[D]. 黄康.广东外语外贸大学 2014