本文关键词:纳米硅肥对水稻抗早衰和增产作用研究 出处:《浙江大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 水稻 MATLAB 电镜图 衰老 纳米硅 产量
[Abstract]:Silicon, as a beneficial element for plant growth, plays an important role in resistance to stress and increasing yield of many crops, especially rice. However, there is little research on silicon fertilizer in China. Application of nano-silica as a new type of silicon fertilizer, its application is rarely reported. Therefore, this paper takes rice as the experimental object, through the application of nano-silica. To study the effects of nano-silicon on the structural and physiological resistance of rice. The main results are as follows: 1) under different conditions of silicon fertilizer (silicate and nano-silicon) and different fertilization methods (leaf application and root application). Application of silicon significantly increased the area of mastoid and the number of silicated cells in unit area, but had no significant effect on the size of silicated cells, among which the effect of root application of nano-silicon fertilizer on the silicification of rice leaves was the most obvious. Its effect on mastoid and silicide cells reached a very significant level. 2) during senescence of rice leaves in vitro, the content of MDA and SOD in leaves were both affected by the application of nano-silicon fertilizer and the treatment of nano-silicon. The activity of CAT in the experimental group treated with silicon increased in different degrees at different periods in vitro. The activities of SOD and CAT also increased in different stages, indicating that silicon could enhance the resistance of rice leaves under the condition of senescence. It has an important effect on rice senescence resistance. 3) it was found under different experimental conditions. The application of silicon fertilizer can promote the increase of rice yield. The effect of silicon application on rice yield is the most obvious during the whole growth period of rice, but the supplementation of silicon fertilizer can directly increase the chlorophyll content of leaves in the later stage of rice growth. In order to enhance photosynthesis, and promote the absorption of rice ZB to silicon. At the same time, the experiment also shows that silicon fertilizer can not completely replace pesticides to play the role of disease control. The results show that nano-silicon fertilizer can not only improve the silicification effect of rice leaf surface structure, but also regulate the multi-directional physiological function in the process of leaf senescence to enhance the ability of anti-senescence. At the same time, it can also improve the yield of rice to a certain extent.
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