本文关键词:不同辣椒品种对西花蓟马的抗性研究 出处:《宁夏大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:西花蓟马(Frankliniella occidentalis)是茄科、葫芦科、豆科、十字花科等蔬菜的主要害虫之一,分布广泛。目前对西花蓟马的防治主要依靠化学农药,不仅污染环境,成本高,而且还会造成化学农药的残留、虫体抗药性增强等不良现象,因此筛选和培育抗虫品种是针对这些问题最积极有效的方法。本试验选取宁夏本地广泛种植的5个辣椒品种:洋大帅、娇龙、74-82、太空辣、杭椒五号为研究对象,以温室大棚优势害虫之一西花蓟马为刺激因子,研究西花蓟马对辣椒品种的选择性,及西花蓟马为害前后,辣椒品种生化物质含量变化,以期探明不同辣椒品种对西花蓟马的抗性机理。主要研究结果如下:1.西花蓟马在5个辣椒品种上的种群动态呈单峰状,在缓慢增长期及快速增长期,杭椒五号品种上蓟马数量都高于其它品种,74-82品种上西花蓟马种群数量则始终最低。通过对辣椒品种的抗性鉴定表明,杭椒五号、洋大帅为高感品种,太空辣为感虫品种,娇龙为抗虫品种,74-82为高抗品种。西花蓟马在五个品种上的存活曲线类型不同,在杭椒五号上的存活曲线偏向A型;在洋大帅、太空辣品种上偏向B型;在娇龙、74-82品种上则偏向于C型。通过种群参数分析表明西花蓟马比较喜好取食洋大帅、太空辣、杭椒五号3个品种,娇龙和74-82品种则不利于西花蓟马的生长繁殖。2.不同辣椒品种对西花蓟马的物理防御效应研究表明,叶片蜡质含量、西花蓟马对颜色选择性、挥发物选择性及叶绿素含量与辣椒抗性相关,可作为辣椒抗性的评价标准。以蜡质含量评价抗性强弱顺序为:74-82娇龙太空辣洋大帅杭椒五号;以颜色选择性为评价:太空辣娇龙74-82洋大帅杭椒五号;以挥发物选择性评价:娇龙=74-82太空辣洋大帅杭椒五号。3.不同辣椒品种对西花蓟马营养物质和次生代谢物质防御效应的研究表明,可溶性糖、单宁、总酚含量与辣椒抗性相关。在整个为害过程中74-82、娇龙品种单宁和总酚含量明显高于杭椒五号品种,各品种单宁含量随为害时间延长,呈先上升后下降的趋势,总酚含量则呈下降趋势。4.辣椒品种对西花蓟马的酶学防御效应研究表明,西花蓟马为害对SOD、POD、PPO三种保护酶活性有一定的诱导作用,可以作为辣椒品种抗性鉴定的指标。娇龙、74-82品种酶活明显高于其它品种,这种趋势在POD、PPO两种保护酶中体现的更明显。
[Abstract]:Frankliniella occidentalis is one of the main pests of Solanaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Leguminosae, Cruciferae and so on. At present, the control of thrips mainly depends on chemical pesticides, which not only pollute the environment, but also cause chemical pesticide residues and insect resistance. Therefore, screening and breeding of insect-resistant varieties is the most active and effective method to solve these problems. In this experiment, five pepper varieties widely planted in Ningxia were selected: Marshal Yang, Jiao long Li 74-82, Spaghetti. Hangzhou Jiao No. 5 was used as the stimulus factor to study the selectivity of western flower thrips to pepper varieties and the changes of biochemical substances content before and after the damage of western flower thrips. The main results are as follows: 1. The population dynamics of western flower thrips in 5 pepper varieties were single peak, slow growth period and rapid growth stage. The number of thrips in Hangzhou pepper 5 was higher than that in other cultivars, and the number of thrips in western flower was always the lowest. The identification of resistance to pepper showed that Hangjiao 5 and Yangdanshuai were highly susceptible varieties. Space pepper is susceptible to insects and Jiao long is resistant to insect. The survival curve of thrips sibiricum is different in five varieties, and the survival curve on Hangzhou pepper 5 is inclined to type A. In Marshal Yang, space hot varieties in favor of B type; The analysis of population parameters showed that the western flower thrips preferred to eat three varieties, such as Yangshou, space hot and Hangzhou pepper 5. Jiao long and 74-82 varieties were not conducive to the growth and reproduction of western thrips. 2. The physical defense effects of different pepper varieties on western flower thrips showed that the content of wax in leaves and the color selectivity of western flower thrips. Volatile selectivity and chlorophyll content were related to pepper resistance and could be used as the evaluation criteria of pepper resistance. The order of resistance evaluation with wax content was: 1 74-82 Jiao long space hot field marshal Hangzhou pepper 5; Color selectivity evaluation: space hot Jiao long 74-82 Yang Shuai Hangzhou pepper 5; The selective evaluation of volatile matter: Jielongzao 74-82 Spacer Spandel Hangjiao No. 3. The defense effects of different pepper varieties on nutrition and secondary metabolites of thrips sibiricum showed that soluble sugar. Tannin, total phenol content and pepper resistance. In the whole process of damage 74-82, Jiao long variety tannin and total phenol content was significantly higher than Hangzhou pepper No. 5 variety, the content of tannin in each variety with the extension of damage time. The content of total phenol increased first and then decreased. 4. The enzymatic defense effect of pepper varieties on western flower thrips showed that western flower thrips were harmful to SOD POD. The activity of the three protective enzymes of PPO can be used as an index to identify the resistance of capsicum varieties. The enzyme activity of Jiao long Teng 74-82 is obviously higher than that of other varieties, and this trend is in POD. The two protective enzymes of PPO were more obvious.
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