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发布时间:2018-01-24 16:39

  本文关键词: 元宝枫 生长性状 叶片成分 遗传变异 主成分分析 综合指数选择 出处:《山东农业大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:元宝枫(Acer truncatum Bunge.)又名元宝树、平基槭、华北五角枫等,是槭树科(Aceraceae)槭属(Acer)落叶乔木,中国特有树种,广泛种植于东北、华北等地区。元宝枫是一种集绿化、材用、油料、鞣料、药用等为一身的抗逆树种,是重要的经济林木之一。本研究对栽植于3个试验地的11个元宝枫半同胞家系和一个对照进行观测和分析,采用完全随机区组试验设计,6株/小区,5个重复,株行距为3 m×3 m,小区在地点内随机排列,用于研究元宝枫半同胞家系的生长性状和叶片矿质元素及营养成分含量,得出以下结论:1.元宝枫半同胞家系的各个生长指标均有一定程度的变异,且各个指标呈现极显著正相关关系,对于元宝枫生长指标的家系选择可以达到同时选育树高、胸径、冠幅皆优的优良家系。胸径的变异系数变化范围为24.91%~41.58%,其中家系1的变异系数最大,家系2的变异系数最小;树高的变异系数变化范围为18.60%~23.56%,其中家系1的变异系数最大,家系2的变异系数最小;冠幅的变异系数变化范围为10.37%~18.05%,其中家系1的变异系数最大,家系2的变异系数最小。从家系遗传力来看,11个元宝枫半同胞家系的冠幅遗传力为0.6795受中等以上程度遗传控制,胸径的遗传力为0.4132受中等程度遗传控制,树高的家系遗传力为0.3235,受低等程度的控制。在11个家系的元宝枫的单株遗传力方面,树高、胸径和冠幅的单株遗传力分别为0.1375、0.2269、0.4615,除冠幅受中等强度遗传控制以外,胸径和树高受低等程度遗传控制,从遗传改良角度来看胸径和树高的家系选择的育种效果较小。2.采用综合指数选择法对元宝枫半同胞家系进行选择,建立选优方程I=14.8485x1+4.4365x2+24.3150x3,按照20%的入选率家系11和家系2被初选为最优家系。两个入选家系中综合指数第一的家系11,其胸径、树高、冠幅的遗传增益分别是1.07%、0.13%、6.37%;指数排名第二的家系2,其胸径、树高、冠幅的遗传增益分别是1.91%、0.15%、2.92%。3.11个元宝枫家系5.5年生的实测树高和胸径数据,对元宝枫家系的树高、胸径的变异和树高-胸径相关模型进行分析。结果表明地点间、家系间、地点与家系间交互作用均达到极显著水平(P0.01),树高和胸径表型变异系数变化范围分别为32.41%~34.58%和18.64%~21.97%。以10个常见的数学模型模拟元宝枫家系树高-胸径关系,筛选适于三个地点的最优模型并针对所有调查数据建立元宝枫的树高-胸径模型。根据元宝枫家系树高-胸径拟合最优模型的相关系数均达到了0.8以上,均方根误差介于0.052~0.310之间,模型的拟合效果较好。应用部分独立样本检验数据进行检验,各最优模型的平均误差很小,残差分布均匀,预估精度达到了90%以上。表明这些模型可以用来描述该地点及类似生境元宝枫树高的变化规律,可以为该区域开展元宝枫优良家系选育、林分生长与收获等工作提供理论基础。4.元宝枫叶片矿质元素及营养成分指标的变异系数计算结果显示:氮元素的变异范围为14.30%~33.53%、磷元素的变异范围为14.30%~33.53%磷元素、钾元素的变异范围为13.38%~26.88%、钠元素的变异范围为3.09%~17.57%、锌元素的变异范围为13.38%~26.18%、钙元素的变异范围为14.80%~18.81%、镁元素的变异范围为11.42%~20.41%、铁元素的变异范围为31.29%~38.61%、铜元素的变异范围为11.46%~24.33%、锰元素的变异范围为39.74%~43.13%、中蛋白质的变异范围为14.30%~35.74%、游离氨基酸的变异范围为15.49%~35.73%、可溶性还原糖的变异范围为31.29~50.32%。叶片中钠元素的含量有最小的变异系数平均为15.41%,可溶性还原糖的变异系数最大平均为40.87%,推测可溶性还原糖具有更大的改良潜力。由于计算结果表明大多数叶片成分指标的家系遗传力大于一,且叶片成分指标较多,故采用主成分分析法进行基于叶片成分指标的优良家系的选择。将家系的各个指标带入主成分分析中的以排名前20%的家系入选为标准,选综合评价排名前两名的家系为优良家系,分别是家系3和家系9。
[Abstract]:Acer (Acer truncatum Bunge.) also known as gold tree, Pingjiqi, five North Jiaofeng, is Aceraceae Acer (Aceraceae) (Acer) deciduous tree, endemic species China, widely cultivated in Northeast China, North China and other regions. Acer is a set of green wood, oil, tanning, medicinal resistant a species, is one of the important economic trees. 11 Acer half sib families of the plant in 3 experiments and a control observation and analysis, using completely randomized trial design 6 strains / area, 5 repeats, lines from 3 m * 3 m small, random arrangement in place, and for nutrient content and growth characteristics of mineral elements in the leaves of Acer half sib, draw the following conclusions: 1. the variation of Acer half sib growth index to a certain extent, and each index was significantly positively correlated to. In the selection of Acer truncatum growth index lines can be reached at the same time selection of tree height, DBH, crown width of superior families are excellent. The coefficient of variation range of DBH is 24.91%~41.58%, the coefficient of variation of 1 pedigrees, 2 families of the minimum coefficient of variation; variation coefficient of tree height variation range is 18.60%~23.56%, in which variation the maximum coefficient of 1 families, 2 families of the minimum coefficient of variation; coefficient of variation range of crown width is 10.37%~18.05%, the coefficient of variation of 1 pedigrees, the coefficient of variation of 2 pedigrees. The smallest family heritability, crown heritability 11 Acer half sib 0.6795 controlled by genetic above average level, the heritability of DBH is 0.4132 controlled by moderate genetic, family heritability of tree height was 0.3235, under the control of low degree. The individual heritability in 11 pedigrees of Acer truncatum, tree height, DBH and crown width The individual heritability was 0.1375,0.2269,0.4615, the crown is controlled by genetic medium strength, low degree of genetic control of tree height and DBH, breeding effect of.2. from the point of view of the smaller genetic improvement of DBH and tree height of family selection using the comprehensive index method to select the element of Baofeng half sib family selection, establishment according to the I=14.8485x1+4.4365x2+24.3150x3 equation, the selection rate of 20% family 11 and 2 primaries for the best families. The comprehensive index of the two selected families in the first 11 families, the DBH, tree height, crown genetic gain were 1.07%, 0.13%, 6.37%; ranked second in 2 families, the DBH the tree height, crown width, genetic gain were 1.91%, 0.15%, 5.5 year old 2.92%.3.11 measured tree Acer family of DBH and height data of Acer truncatum family tree height, DBH and tree height diameter variation model of Analysis. The results show that the location, family, place and family interaction reached significant level (P0.01), the variation range of tree height and DBH phenotypic variation coefficients were 32.41%~34.58% and 18.64%~21.97%. in 10 common mathematical model of tree height and DBH between Acer family, the optimal model for screening three according to the site and all the survey data and build the maple tree height diameter model. According to the family tree Acer high correlation coefficient of the best model fit the DBH reached above 0.8, the root mean square error between between 0.052~0.310, a better model fitting effect. The application part of the independent sample test data test, the average error of the optimal model very small, residual distribution, prediction accuracy is more than 90%. The results show that these models can be used to describe the variation of the location and similar habitat Yuanbao Maple high, can The area to carry out Acer truncatum superior family selection, growth and yield of stands with coefficient of variation and the nutritional components of the basic theory of.4. of Acer truncatum mineral element calculation results show that the variation range of nitrogen is 14.30%~33.53% and the variation range of phosphorus is 14.30%~33.53% phosphorus, potassium variation range is 13.38%~26.88%. The range of variation sodium 3.09%~17.57%, the range of variation of Zn 13.38%~26.18%, calcium variation range is 14.80%~18.81%. The variation range of magnesium is 11.42%~20.41%, the variation of iron range 31.29%~38.61%, copper variation range is 11.46%~24.33%. The variation range of manganese is 39.74%~43.13%, the range of variation of protein 14.30%~35.74%, mutation the range of free amino acids was 15.49%~35.73%, soluble sugar and sodium for reducing the range of variation of leaf in 31.29~50.32%. yuan The content of the minimum average coefficient of variation was 15.41%, the maximum average coefficient of variation of soluble reducing sugar was 40.87%, that of soluble reducing sugar has improved with more potential. The calculation results show that the family heritability of most leaf components is greater than one, and more components of leaves, so using principal component analysis method for good family composition index of leaves based on choice. Each index family main component analysis in the top 20% families were selected as the standard, the comprehensive evaluation of the top two families as the superior families, are family 3 and 9.



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