发布时间:2018-01-25 04:07
本文关键词: 美人蕉 智能温室 秸秆 基质筛选 综合评价 出处:《安徽科技学院》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:美人蕉(Canna indica L.)色彩鲜艳,种类丰富,是亚热带和热带常见的植物,喜温暖,不耐寒,在我国均可种植,有很高的观赏价值。其根茎可入药、制棉,叶可提取芳香油,还可造纸。在智能温室条件下,美人蕉的生长环境要求有较高的可调控性,因此基质的筛选就成了美人蕉在智能温室条件下规模化生产的关键之一。经查阅相关文献发现,目前对美人蕉栽培基质配方筛选的研究少见报道。秸秆是指农作物在收获籽实之后剩余的植株残体。农作物在光合作用的影响下,形成的产物和营养物质以及各种微量元素在秸秆中有大量的残留。目前秸秆燃烧仍作为秸秆处理的方法之一,但秸秆焚烧会造成大气污染,空气可吸入颗粒物含量增加等有害情况。作物秸秆若不能及时处理,会对下茬作物的播种产生不良影响。因此,科学利用秸秆具有较强的现实意义。针对秸秆利用和处理的现状,本文以腐熟秸秆作为基质原料,以不同的比例进行配比,并在智能温室条件下进行盆栽试验。通过对各处理美人蕉的形态指标、生理指标以及基质的理化性质进行分析并进行综合评价,筛选出以腐熟秸秆作为基质原料条件下最适合美人蕉生长的基质配方比例。再与泥炭、椰糠、酒糟、木薯渣等以相同比例配比进行对比验证试验,筛选出智能温室条件下美人蕉生长的最佳基质配方。试验结果表明:1、智能温室条件下美人蕉基质比例筛选研究。用田园土、腐熟秸秆、珍珠岩按照不同比例配制基质栽培美人蕉。不同基质的理化性质不同,对美人蕉生长的形态指标和生理指标影响也各异。通过对试验数据进行综合评价,结果显示:在腐熟秸秆栽培美人蕉基质比例筛选试验中,T3(田园土:腐熟秸秆:珍珠岩=7:2:1)、T5(田园土:腐熟秸秆:珍珠岩=5:4:1)美人蕉长势最好。2、智能温室条件下美人蕉基质筛选研究。用腐熟秸秆、木薯渣、酒糟、椰糠、泥炭和珍珠岩等按照一定比例配制成基质栽培美人蕉,各处理基质理化性质和对美人蕉生长影响均不同。本试验中,除木薯渣为原料的基质配方以外,其他配方栽培的美人蕉均可正常生长发育、开花,这可能与木薯渣碱性太强有关。综合试验结果评价显示:D1(田园土:腐熟秸秆:珍珠岩=7:2:1)栽培美人蕉长势最好。因此,在智能温室条件下,选择适宜的混合基质有利于美人蕉的生长。本论文研究了以腐熟秸秆作为基质原料条件下适合美人蕉生长的基质配方比例;以此为基础,研究了以不同农业废弃物基质原料替代腐熟秸秆的基质配方对美人蕉生长的影响。试验结果表明:智能温室条件下,腐熟秸秆作为基质原料T3(田园土:腐熟秸秆:珍珠岩=7:2:1)处理栽植美人蕉较为理想;不同基质栽植美人蕉D1(田园土:腐熟秸秆:珍珠岩=7:2:1)处理表现出众,D3(田园土:酒糟:珍珠岩=7:2:1)处理次之。从试验结果可以看出,用腐熟秸秆作为智能温室条件下美人蕉的栽培基质原料,有利于美人蕉的生长;这也为秸秆在花卉栽培中的应用提供了较好的指导,对美人蕉的规模化生产具有重要参考意义。并为秸秆找到一条经济性和实用性更强的再生使用途径,缓解了秸秆焚烧的压力。因此,该研究具有较强的应用价值和指导意义。
[Abstract]:Canna (Canna indica L.) color, variety, is common in subtropical and tropical plants, warm, not cold, can be planted in our country, has a high ornamental value. Its roots can be used as medicine, cotton leaf, aromatic extract oil, also can be in the paper. Intelligent greenhouse conditions. The growth environment of Canna require a higher level of adjustment, so the matrix screening has become one of the key in Canna scale production of intelligent greenhouse conditions. Through reading relevant documents, the present study screening on Canna cultivation matrix formula is rarely reported. Straw refers to plant residues in crop harvest seeds after the rest of the crops. Under the influence of photosynthesis, the formation of products and nutrients and various trace elements has a lot of residual in the straw. The straw burning is still as a way of straw, but the burning of straw will cause Air pollution, air inhalable particles and other harmful content increased. Crop straw if not timely treatment will have adverse effects on crop planting. Therefore, it has strong practical significance and scientific utilization of straw. In view of the present situation of processing and utilization of straw, the straw rot cooked as matrix material with different ratio the proportion of pot experiment in greenhouse conditions. The intelligent and morphological indexes of each treatment Canna, physiological index and physicochemical properties of the substrate are analyzed and evaluated, selected by rotten straw as the ratio of matrix matrix formula under the condition of raw material is most suitable for the growth of Canna. With peat, coconut husk, lees, cassava dregs were compared in the same proportion test, the optimum matrix formulation of Canna grown intelligent greenhouse conditions screened. The experimental results show that: 1, intelligent temperature Study on screening ratio under laboratory conditions. The matrix with Canna garden soil, rotten straw, perlite according to different proportion matrix cultivation Canna. The physicochemical properties of different substrates of different influence on morphologic and physiological indexes of Canna growth are also different. Based on the experimental data for the comprehensive evaluation, the results show that: in the rotten straw the proportion of cultivated Canna matrix screening test, T3 (garden soil: Perlite: rotten straw =7:2:1 (T5), garden soil: rotten straw: Perlite =5:4:1) Canna grow best.2, screening of Canna matrix intelligent greenhouse conditions. By composting straw, cassava dregs, lees, coconut chaff, peat and perlite according to a certain proportion of matrix cultivated Canna, the matrix and physicochemical properties of Canna growth effects are different. In the test, in addition to cassava residue as raw material to matrix formula, other formula cultivation of beauty One banana can be normal growth and flowering, which may be related to the cassava dregs too alkaline. The comprehensive evaluation of test results showed that: D1 (garden soil: Perlite: rotten straw =7:2:1) cultivated Canna grow best. Therefore, in intelligent greenhouse conditions, choose mixed matrix suitable for the growth of Canna indica. The Research on rotten straw as the proportion of raw material conditions for matrix matrix formulation of Canna growth; on this basis, studied the effect of matrix formulation with raw materials of different agricultural waste matrix to replace rotten straw on growth of Canna. Test results show that the intelligent greenhouse conditions, rotten straw as the matrix material of T3 (garden soil: rotten straw: Perlite =7:2:1) processing Planting Canna ideal; different matrix planting Canna D1 (garden soil: Perlite: rotten straw =7:2:1) treatment is superior, D3 (garden soil: lees: Jane Pearl rock =7:2:1) processing times. The test results show that using composting straw as substrate materials for intelligent greenhouse conditions of Canna, is conducive to the growth of Canna indica; it also provides a good guidance for the application of straw in cultivation of flower, has important significance for large-scale production of Canna. Regeneration and a economical and practical way to find more use for straw, straw burning to ease the pressure. It has strong application value and significance of the research.
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