本文选题:毛竹 切入点:模拟土壤干旱 出处:《中国林业科学研究院》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:毛竹(Phyllostachys edulis)在我国南方广泛栽培。水分供应状况是影响毛竹林生长的关键因素之一,但近年来由于全球气候变化,南方地区降水季节分布越来越不均匀,造成了毛竹林的普遍减产和竹材质量(粗度、节间长度)下降,甚至严重破坏了毛竹林的生态系统。2013年,浙江省更是经历了连续40多天的极端高温干旱天气,较大面积毛竹林出现了枯死现象,甚至连一些水分供应条件较好的毛竹林,也出现了叶子卷曲现象,影响了毛竹林的光合生产力。高温与干旱极大地降低了土壤含水量,影响了毛竹林鞭根系统更新及笋芽分化,已使浙江省2013年的冬笋和鞭笋产量严重下降。毛竹作为一种克隆植物,它能够通过地下鞭在克隆分株之间进行水分运输与分享,从而实现毛竹林的水分生理整合。为揭示毛竹对伐桩注水的生理响应,为毛竹林节水灌溉措施的制定和大径材的培育生产提供理论参考,于2015-2016年在杭州市富阳区中国林科院亚热带林业研究所庙山坞自然保护区的毛竹林中开展了模拟土壤干旱环境下不同数量注水伐桩对毛竹叶片生理特性及光合蒸腾特性的影响,自然环境下不同数量注水伐桩对毛竹光合蒸腾特性的月变化、季节变化的影响,毛竹伐桩内壁吸水能力及其与环境因子关系,毛竹伐桩根系生理特性与灌水年限关系等研究。得出以下结论:1模拟土壤干旱环境下毛竹对伐桩注水的生理响应在毛竹林样地内铺设塑料薄膜模拟土壤干旱环境,设置CK(0个伐桩注水/亩),T1(40个伐桩注水/亩)和T2(60个伐桩注水/亩)3种灌水处理进行研究,结果表明,在毛竹林中增加注水伐桩可以显著提高毛竹的光合蒸腾能力和抗氧化能力,并且在模拟土壤干旱环境30d、60d和90d时,毛竹净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)和叶片光合色素含量均与注水伐桩数量正相关,而叶片丙二醛(MDA)含量、相对电导率和过氧化物酶(POD)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性均与注水伐桩数量负相关。模拟土壤干旱环境时间越长,注水伐桩对毛竹林的影响作用也越显著。2模拟土壤干旱环境下伐桩注水对不同年龄毛竹叶片生理特性的影响模拟土壤干旱环境两个月后,增加注水伐桩对1、2和3年生毛竹的光合蒸腾能力、叶片光合色素含量、MDA含量及SOD、CAT和POD活性均产生了较大的影响。随着模拟干旱程度的增加(即注水伐桩数量的减少),1、2和3年生毛竹净光合速率、蒸腾速率及叶片叶绿素a、叶绿素b和类胡萝卜素含量均有不同程度的降低,叶片MDA含量和SOD、CAT、POD的活性均有一定程度的升高。3个年龄毛竹的净光合速率、蒸腾速率和叶片光合色素含量与注水伐桩数量正相关,而叶片MDA含量及SOD、CAT和POD活性与注水伐桩数量负相关。3模拟土壤干旱环境下伐桩注水对毛竹光合蒸腾特性的影响模拟土壤干旱环境两个月时,不同数量注水伐桩处理毛竹的净光合速率与蒸腾速率日变化均呈单峰曲线,均未出现“光和午休”现象,毛竹净光合速率与蒸腾速率全天均表现为T2T1CK,增加注水伐桩数量在一定范围内可以提高毛竹净光合速率与蒸腾速率,增加毛竹光合产物的积累,毛竹净光合速率和蒸腾速率均与注水伐桩数量正相关。不同处理毛竹的水分利用效率均呈双峰曲线,毛竹水分利用效率全天基本表现为CKT1T2,毛竹水分利用效率与注水伐桩数量负相关,干旱胁迫在一定程度上可以提高毛竹的水分利用效率。4伐桩注水下毛竹光合蒸腾特性月变化自然状态下,在毛竹林样地内设置CK(0个伐桩注水/亩),T1(40个伐桩注水/亩)和T2(60个伐桩注水/亩)3种灌水处理。研究表明,不同处理毛竹净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、气孔限制值和水分利用效率各月均基本表现为T2㧐T1㧐CK;不同处理毛竹胞间CO2浓度各月均基本表现为CK㧐T1㧐T2。T1和T2处理毛竹的净光合速率和蒸腾速率与CK处理相比最大增幅均出现在5月;T1和T2处理毛竹水分利用效率与CK处理相比最大增幅分别出现在11月和7月;T1和T2处理毛竹叶片气孔导与CK处理相比最大增幅分别出现在5月和10月;T1和T2处理毛竹叶片胞间CO2浓度与CK处理相比最大降幅均出现在10月;T1和T2处理毛竹气孔限制值与CK处理相比最大增幅分别出现在1月和10月。在毛竹林中增加注水伐桩能够改变毛竹净光合速率和蒸腾速率与环境因子之间的相关关系。5伐桩注水下毛竹光合蒸腾特性季节变化自然状态下,不同处理毛竹净光合速率和蒸腾速率四季均基本表现为T2㧐T1㧐CK,春冬季不同处理毛竹净光合速率和蒸腾速率日变化趋势均为单峰曲线;夏秋季CK处理毛竹净光合速率和蒸腾速率日变化趋势均为双峰曲线,出现了“光合午休”现象,而T1和T2处理毛竹净光合速率和蒸腾速率均呈单峰曲线;不同处理毛竹气孔导度、水分利用效率和气孔限制值四季基本均表现为T2㧐T1㧐CK;3种处理毛竹胞间CO2浓度四季基本均基本表现为CK㧐T1㧐T2。在毛竹林中增加注水伐桩在一定程度上可以改变毛竹四季净光合速率和蒸腾速率与各主要环境因子的相关关系。6毛竹伐桩内壁吸水能力及其与环境因子关系自然状态下,通过对10-15cm径阶毛竹伐桩内壁的吸水量及其与各主要环境因子的相关性进行研究表明,毛竹伐桩内壁吸水量与降雨量显著负相关(P㩳0.05),与土壤相对湿度极显著负相关(P㩳0.01)。各径阶毛竹伐桩内壁的吸水量全年均呈双峰变化,全年毛竹伐桩内壁吸水量的两个高峰阶段分别为1-3月和8-10月,各径阶毛竹伐桩内壁吸水量最小月份均出现在4月,最大月份均出现在8月。通过对一年的加水数据进行分析可知,在雨季以50天左右加一次水较好,而干旱季节以20天左右加一次水为宜。7毛竹伐桩根系生理特性与灌水年限关系对毛竹伐桩进行不同年限灌水的研究表明,随着灌水年限的增加,毛竹伐桩根系SOD、POD和CAT活性均在升高,根系活力和抗氧化能力明显下降,毛竹伐桩根系氧化酶活性、相对电导率和MDA含量与灌水年限正相关,伐桩根系活力和可溶性蛋白含量和灌水年限负相关。随着毛竹伐桩灌水年限的不断增加,其根系渗透调节功能逐年降低,同时伐桩根系细胞膜脂过氧化逐年加重。综合分析认为灌水年限在1年之内伐桩的吸水能力相对较好。8两种环境条件下毛竹对伐桩注水的主要生理响应变化的比较对两种环境条件下增加注水伐桩后毛竹的主要生理指标进行比较表明,增加相同数量注水伐桩的情况下,模拟土壤干旱样地内毛竹伐桩的总吸水量均高于自然状态下样地内毛竹伐桩的总吸水量。在整个试验过程中,仅模拟土壤干旱且增加18个注水伐桩的样地内毛竹的净光合速率与蒸腾速率出现略高于或略低于自然状态下的未增加注水伐桩样地内毛竹净光合速率与蒸腾速率的现象。因此,为避免干旱季节对毛竹正常生长造成不良影响,在毛竹林中以增加60个伐桩注水/亩进行灌溉的效果最好。
[Abstract]:Bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) widely cultivated in the south of China. The status of water supply is one of the key factors affecting the growth of bamboo, but in recent years due to global climate change and seasonal distribution of precipitation in the southern region increasingly uneven, causing Mao Zhulin's production in general and bamboo material quality (diameter, internode length decreased, and even serious) the destruction of Mao Zhulin's ecological system in.2013, Zhejiang province is experiencing extremely high temperature and drought for more than 40 consecutive days, a large area of Mao Zhulin appeared the phenomenon of dead, even some water supply conditions of bamboo, also appeared curled leaves phenomenon, influenced Mao Zhulin's photosynthetic productivity. High temperature and drought greatly reduced the soil moisture, influenced Mao Zhulin rhizome system update and bud differentiation, has been made in Zhejiang Province in 2013 winter bamboo shoots and bamboo shoots yield decline. Bamboo as a clone Plants, it can whip through the underground in ramets between water transport and water physiological integration so as to realize the sharing of bamboo. In order to reveal the physiological response of bamboo stump injection, and provide a theoretical reference for the cultivation of the production plan of bamboo forest and water-saving irrigation measures of large timber, in 2015-2016 years in the Fuyang District of Hangzhou the city of Subtropical Forestry Research Institute of Forest Science China Miaoshanwu nature reserve of bamboo was carried out in simulating soil drought under different number of stumps and water effects on Photosynthesis and transpiration of physiological characteristics of bamboo leaves, natural environment and different number of injection stumps on bamboo photosynthesis and transpiration may change, seasonal effect the bamboo stump wall water absorption capacity and its relationship with environmental factors, bamboo cutting of pile root physiological characteristic and irrigation time relationship. The following conclusions: 1 Soil Drought ring The laying of plastic film in the bamboo forests in simulating soil drought physiological response to water environment of bamboo stumps, set CK (0 stumps water / mu), T1 (40 stumps water / mu) and T2 (60 stumps water / mu) of 3 irrigation treatment the results show that the increase in Mao Zhulin stump can significantly improve the photosynthetic ability of bamboo and antioxidant capacity, and soil drought in the simulation environment of 30d, 60d and 90d, bamboo net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr) of photosynthetic pigment content and leaf were positively correlated with the number of stump and water however, MDA content, relative conductivity (MDA) and peroxidase (POD), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activity were negatively correlated with the number and the water flooding stumps. Soil drought environment simulation time is long, water stumps influence on Mao Zhulin's role more significant.2 simulation of soil drought Two months of simulated soil drought effects on physiological characteristics of different aged bamboo leaves cutting pile water environment, increase of stumps on 1,2 and 3 years old bamboo photosynthetic ability, photosynthetic pigment content, the content of MDA and SOD, which had a great effect on CAT and POD activity with the increase. Simulation of the drought degree (i.e. the number of water reducing pile), 1,2 and 3 years old bamboo net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate and leaf chlorophyll a decreased, chlorophyll b and carotenoid content in varying degrees, the concentrations of MDA and SOD, CAT,.3 increased net photosynthetic activity of bamboo age POD a certain degree of photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate and photosynthetic pigment content and water injection of the number of piles are positively correlated, while the concentrations of MDA and SOD, CAT and POD activity and the number of water injection stumps stumps injection of Mao Zhuguang steamed negative correlation.3 simulation of soil drought environment Soil drought environment two months to mimic the effects of Teng characteristics, changes in net light with different number of bamboo treated water stump photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate showed a single peak curve, there was no "light break" phenomenon, bamboo net photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate were T2T1CK all day long, increase the number of piles of water bamboo can improve the net photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate in a certain range, Mao Zhuguang increase the accumulation of photosynthetic products, bamboo net photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate were positively correlated with the number of piles and water. Water use efficiency of different processing of bamboo were Shuangfeng bamboo water use efficiency curve, the basic performance of CKT1T2 all day long, bamboo water use water injection efficiency and cutting the number of piles are negatively related to drought stress to a certain extent, can improve the water use efficiency of.4 bamboo stump Water Bamboo under photosynthesis and transpiration of monthly changes in natural conditions, in Mao Zhulin plots set CK (0 stumps water / mu), T1 (40 stumps water / mu) and T2 (60 stumps water / mu) of 3 irrigation treatments. The results showed that different treatments of bamboo net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance, stomatal limitation value and the water use efficiency of each month were the basic performance of T2? T1? CK; different bamboo intercellular CO2 concentration in each month were the basic performance of CK? T1? T2.T1 and T2 optical net photosynthetic rate of bamboo treated with the largest increase occurred in May compared with the transpiration rate of treatment with CK; T1 and T2 processing of bamboo water use efficiency compared with CK the largest increase respectively in November and July; T1 and T2 compared with the largest increase was observed in May and October with CK T1 and bamboo leaf stomatal conductance; T2 processing of bamboo leaf intercellular CO2 concentration CK treatment compared with the largest decline appeared in October; T1 and T2 bamboo stomatal limitation compared treatment with CK The largest increase was observed in January and October. The increase in water bamboo in bamboo stumps can change between the net photosynthesis rate and transpiration rate and environmental factors related to.5 injection under the bamboo stump photosynthesis and transpiration characteristics of seasonal changes in natural conditions, different processing bamboo net photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate of four seasons are the basic performance T2? T1? CK, spring and winter in different bamboo net photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate showed as a single peaked curve in summer and autumn; CK bamboo net photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate diurnal variation trends are Shuangfeng curve, appeared the phenomenon of midday depression of photosynthesis, while T1 and T2 processing of bamboo net light the photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate showed a single peak curve; different bamboo stomatal conductance, water use efficiency and stomatal limitation value of four basic were expressed as T2? T1? CK; 3 CO2 concentration throughout the processing bamboo intercellular basic basic performance CK? T1? T2. increase in Mao bamboo stumps in a certain extent can change the bamboo four net photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate and the main environmental factors related to.6 bamboo stake wall water absorption capacity and its relationship with environmental factors under natural conditions, this paper through the correlation between absorption of 10-15cm diameter the inner wall of the bamboo stump and the main environmental factors, bamboo stump wall water quantity and rainfall was negatively correlated (P? 0.05), and the relative humidity of the soil significantly negative correlation (P? 0.01). The annual water volume of each diameter bamboo stake wall showed a change in Shuangfeng, the two annual summit the inner wall of bamboo stake water absorption stage were 1-3 months and 8-10 months, each diameter bamboo stake wall water quantity minimum month appeared in April, the biggest month appeared in August. The water data for a year to carry on the analysis shows that in the rain In season 50 days with a good water, and the dry season in 20 days with a water suitable for study of.7 bamboo cutting relation of pile root physiological characteristics and irrigation duration on bamboo stumps of different irrigation period showed that with the increasing of irrigation time, bamboo stump root SOD, POD and CAT activity the increased activity and antioxidative ability of root decreased, bamboo stump root oxidase activity, relative conductivity and MDA content and irrigation period is related to stump root activity and soluble protein content and irrigation period of negative correlation. With the increase of irrigation in bamboo stake limit, the regulating function of the permeability decreased year by year in root, while cutting pile root cell membrane lipid peroxidation increased year by year. Comprehensive analysis showed that the main physiological water irrigation period within 1 years of the two kinds of.8 pile is relatively good conditions for bamboo stumps waterflooding response Compared to the comparison of the two environmental conditions increase after the bamboo stump the main physiological index, increase the same number of injection stumps under the condition that the total amount of water simulating soil drought plots of Phyllostachys pubescens stump were higher than the natural state of total water under the sample in the bamboo stump in the whole volume. During the test, only simulating soil drought and increase net photosynthesis of 18 water stumps in the plots of the photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate of bamboo appears slightly higher or slightly lower than did not increase the natural state of the water sample in the bamboo stump on the net photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate. Therefore, in order to avoid the dry season bamboo normal growth and adverse effects, in the bamboo forest to increase 60 acres of irrigation water / stumps were the best.
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