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发布时间:2018-03-10 13:22

  本文选题:物联网 切入点:ZigBee网络 出处:《长春工业大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The Internet of things is the core technology industry of the new round of information industry revolution. It is the next power source to promote the development of the world after computers and the Internet. It is also another information technology industry that injects trillions of dollars into the global economy after the communications network. Many experts and scholars have proposed that the Internet of things not only points out the direction of information reform, but also provides the impetus for a new round of global economic growth. With the gradual expansion of the Internet of things, the global economy will recover rapidly and the increased costs of economic growth will be reduced. The countries represented by the United States and the European Union are consuming a lot of money to explore the Internet of things. Of course, the Internet of things research boom is also rising in China. According to the statistics report of the China Institute of Information Industry Development, as of 2017, the scale of the Internet of things market in China is huge. It has reached 498.6 billion yuan, and is expected to maintain a growth rate of more than 30% in the next three years. Jilin Province, as an agricultural province that used the Internet of things earlier for agricultural management, has found many problems in the use of the Internet of things. First of all, At present, there is no planning and design for the development of the Internet of things industry in our province. The development of the Internet of things industry is only a part of the reform of electronic information products in the 12th Five-Year Plan. There are no specific quantitative indicators. It is precisely because of the lack of unified planning and design at the top level that individual enterprises and government departments are fighting alone, which inevitably leads to repeated studies. The development of the Internet of things is difficult to form the horizontal industrial union. Because the scale of each enterprise is relatively small and the strength is relatively weak, the development of the Internet of things in our province also lacks the characteristic. Secondly, the enterprises of the Internet of things in our province are widely distributed in each node of the industrial chain. Due to the lack of close contact between each other, it is difficult to form a larger industry, so the promotion and application of the Internet of things is difficult to continue. Finally, the application of the Internet of things in our province is relatively shallow, and the application scope is too narrow. Therefore, it is difficult to form a rigid demand for the Internet of things. This paper explores the core technologies of the Internet of things: integrated sensor technology, wireless sensor network, array and data transfer technology. The platform can provide the following help for crop planting in greenhouse. The farmers can monitor and intervene the growth of crops in the greenhouse in real time. To accurately understand the gap between the growth situation of greenhouse crops and the optimal production curve, and to give professional and feasible suggestions for farmers and agricultural authorities to receive all kinds of natural disasters in a timely manner, The early warning information of diseases and insect pests and abnormal growth, and the real time alarm of sudden environmental anomalies provide effective and reliable help for increasing crop production and income. In this paper, the Internet of things technology is fully applied to the large-scale agricultural operations in the greenhouse planting process. It not only helps farmers collect and collate environmental data in real time, solves the problem of crop greenhouse planting monitoring, but also constructs the information agriculture greenhouse Internet of things application service platform. With the rapid development of modern information technology, With the help of agricultural application service platform, the Internet of things helps modern agriculture develop at high speed.


中国期刊全文数据库 前10条

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中国重要报纸全文数据库 前10条

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2 苏美文;物联网产业发展的理论分析与对策研究[D];吉林大学;2015年

3 邓雪峰;设施农业物联网系统建模与模型验证[D];中国农业大学;2016年

4 王峰;物联网数据处理若干关键问题研究[D];吉林大学;2016年

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2 刘鹏程;物联网标准体系构建研究[D];北京交通大学;2011年

3 黄迪;物联网的应用和发展研究[D];北京邮电大学;2011年

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9 宁金芳;从虚拟到实在:对物联网的哲学探究[D];中南大学;2012年

10 周洁;物联网环境下我国政府公共服务的研究[D];西南交通大学;2012年




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