本文选题:杉木 切入点:不同产区 出处:《福建农林大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Cultivation system is an important problem in forest cultivation, which is the basis of how to scientifically and reasonably plant trees. Only by constructing scientific and reasonable cultivation system of Chinese fir can we make it economical. Ecological and social benefits have been comprehensively sustainable development. From the current level of research and practice, the research on Chinese fir cultivation system is still relatively weak in breadth and depth. The purpose of this study is to construct the cultivation system of Chinese fir in different producing areas in order to understand the distribution and cultivation of Chinese fir according to the natural conditions. The method of dividing productive forces into producing areas and different site conditions can induce and construct the cultivation system of Chinese fir in different producing areas. The main contents of this study are as follows: the first chapter discusses the background, objectives and significance of this study, research characteristics and innovative points and related concepts; The second chapter reviews the literature on forest cultivation system at home and abroad, and finds out the past research route and the latest development in this field, and analyzes the literature of Chinese fir cultivation system and agricultural farming system in China. In order to accumulate the theory and method of this study through these literature review, determine the research thought and research focus of this research. Chapter three mainly through the comparative analysis of forestry management mode and the growth of Chinese fir, The guiding ideology, principles and basis of this study are put forward in chapter 4th, which is based on the previous studies, and on the basis of natural conditions. The theoretical system of Chinese fir cultivation system was set up from the perspective of dividing productive forces into different producing areas and different site conditions in different production areas. The eight production areas divided by natural conditions were discussed, and according to the multi-functional uses of tree species, the study was carried out. Such as fertilizer soil tree species, drought tolerance and poor tolerant tree species, fast growing and high yield tree species, air pollution prevention tree species, rare and endangered tree species, precious timber species, ornamental tree species, etc., which can be mixed or rotated with Chinese fir in each producing area. As well as grain crops, vegetables, cash crops, Chinese herbal medicines, fungi and green manure crops that can be interplanted between Chinese fir and Chinese fir forests, under different site conditions, according to site conditions, According to the conditions of the suitable forest land, the listed tree species and the economic species under the forest are classified more carefully, thus providing convenience and more selectivity for the construction of the cultivation system of Chinese fir and the practical application in the future. In Chapter 5th, based on some examples of Chinese fir cultivation system, the necessity of construction of Chinese fir cultivation system is expounded and analyzed. The main purpose of the construction of Chinese fir cultivation system is to increase the yield of Chinese fir and maintain the ecological environment of woodland. The establishment of Chinese fir cultivation system should follow the ecological principle. We should make full use of the natural resources and realize the sustainable development of fast growing and high yield in Chinese fir forest. In the process of cultivating the Chinese fir forest, we should make efficient use of the forest land resources, combine the long-term and short-term benefits, and have low investment and high return. The ecological environment of woodland is healthy and sustainable, thus forming a scientific and sound cultivation system of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata).
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