本文选题:物联网 切入点:云平台 出处:《哈尔滨理工大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着物联网产业的迅速崛起,其应用已经延伸到了人们生活中的各个方面,在现代的农业生产中同样出现了物联网的身影,特别是智能温室蔬菜大棚远程监控系统,极大地提高了农业的生产力。目前智能温室大棚远程监控系统采用的设计方案往往结构比较复杂,如zigbee自组网+ARM(嵌入linux系统)+通信模块+商业云平台,实现成本较高。针对以上问题,本设计采用了市场上常用的ESP8266模块和中国移动近期刚刚推出的One Net设备云平台——中国移动物联网开放平台。本设计采用的ESP8266即可作为通信模块实现正常的联网与数据转发功能,同时也可作为主控芯片使用,实现终端数据采集、测量、控制功能,集二者于一身,与传统的物联网解决方案相比,具有明显的优势。为了实现远程监控功能,本设计采用了One Net设备云平台作为数据的接收、存储于转发。与传统的商业服务器相比,它是一款免费的物联网设备云平台,ESP8266将采集的终端数据通过HTTP协议打包上传到该平台,然后在OneNet建立相关的应用即可看到上传的终端数据。为了实现远程移动端的监控,还可借助One Net推出的手机APP客户端登录,一旦网络连接成功,即可随时随地实现远程监控。在设计智能农业远程监控系统时,通常即对温室大棚的各项环境指标作全天候的监测,又对大棚室内的各种执行器作实时控制。因此,本文设计了两个终端模块,一个作为终端测量模块,分别实现对室内温湿度远程监测、土壤温湿度远程监测、温室光照强度远程监测等;另一个作为终端控制模块,实现对对不同亮度的光进行远程监控、对光的不同光谱(蓝色、绿色等)进行远程监控、对温室的排风机远程控制、对温室加热装置的远程控制、对温室滴灌装置的远程控制、对温室卷帘装置的远程控制。
[Abstract]:With the rapid rise of the Internet of things industry, its application has been extended to all aspects of people's lives, in the modern agricultural production has also appeared in the figure of Internet of things, especially the intelligent greenhouse vegetable greenhouse remote monitoring system, The design of intelligent greenhouse remote monitoring system is often complicated, such as the commercial cloud platform of zigbee Ad hoc network (ARM) communication module. The cost of implementation is high. This design adopts ESP8266 module, which is commonly used in the market, and China Mobile Internet of things open platform, which is the cloud platform of One Net equipment recently introduced by China Mobile. The ESP8266 used in this design can be used as a communication module to realize normal networking and data forwarding function. At the same time, it can also be used as the main control chip to realize the terminal data acquisition, measurement and control functions. Compared with the traditional solution of the Internet of things, it has obvious advantages. This design adopts the One Net device cloud platform as the data receiving, stores in the transmission. Compared with the traditional commercial server, it is a free cloud platform of the Internet of things device (ESP8266) to package and upload the collected terminal data to the platform through the HTTP protocol. Then we can see the uploaded terminal data by establishing the related application in OneNet. In order to realize the remote mobile terminal monitoring, we can also use the mobile phone APP client launched by One Net to log in, once the network connection is successful, When designing intelligent agricultural remote monitoring system, the environmental indexes of greenhouse are usually monitored all the time, and all kinds of actuators in the greenhouse are controlled in real time. This paper designs two terminal modules, one as the terminal measurement module to realize the remote monitoring of indoor temperature and humidity, the remote monitoring of soil temperature and humidity, the remote monitoring of greenhouse light intensity and the other as the terminal control module. Remote monitoring of light with different brightness, remote monitoring of different spectra of light (blue, green, etc.), remote control of air exhauster in greenhouse, remote control of heating device in greenhouse, remote control of drip irrigation device in greenhouse, Remote control of greenhouse shutter.
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