发布时间:2018-01-09 04:09
本文关键词:《商业武器》翻译实践报告 出处:《曲阜师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:《商业武器》是日本著名管理学家、经济评论家大前研一的作品。在这部作品中,大前研一对工薪阶层必备的商业武器,即关于研磨逻辑能力和创造能力进行了详细阐述,同时说明了当今工薪阶层务必掌握两大武器的重要性。另外,在如何保持质疑态度、保持好奇心、克服知识上的懒惰方面,大前研一还提出了具体的建议。这对工薪阶层、在校学生以及即将踏入社会的毕业生们来讲,笔者认为是启发颇多的。 笔者结合所学翻译理论,对《商业武器》的第一章进行了试译,在此过程中发现了很多翻译难点。由于日汉两种语言在词汇、语法、句子结构、修辞手法、表达习惯等方面存在颇多差异,翻译时经常找不到合适的对应词汇,,甚至经常出现不能够正确理解原文的情况。想要真正理解原文,进行准确翻译,着实不是一件易事。因此,如何正确理解日语著作中的词汇、句子、原文内容以及作者想要表达的思想,找出具体且行之有效的翻译对策,就成了本实践报告的研究课题。 本实践报告共由四部分组成。第一章提出翻译任务,介绍翻译文本的性质、节选文的作用、文本语言特色、翻译理论探究以及此次实践报告的研究目的;第二章主要以汉语词和外来语为例,分析日语词汇的翻译方法;第三章结合具体案例,重点分析句子的翻译方法;第四章为翻译实践总结以及今后的课题。
[Abstract]:In this work , the important commercial weapons , namely , grinding logic and creative ability , are discussed in detail in this work . In addition , the author puts forward concrete suggestions on how to maintain the questioning attitude , maintain curiosity and overcome the lazy aspect of knowledge . Based on the theory of translation theory , the author tries to interpret the first chapter of commercial weapons , and finds many difficulties in translation . Because of the differences in vocabulary , grammar , sentence structure , rhetoric and expression of Chinese and Chinese languages , it is not easy to correctly understand the original text , and it is not easy to understand the original text . Therefore , it is not easy to correctly understand the original text and correct translation . Therefore , it is a research topic to find out the concrete and effective translation countermeasure . Chapter One puts forward the translation task , introduces the nature of the translated text , the function of the text , the characteristics of the text language , the translation theory and the research purpose of the practice report . The second chapter mainly analyzes the translation method of the Japanese vocabulary by taking the Chinese word and the foreign language as an example . Chapter 3 focuses on the translation method of the sentence in combination with the specific case , and the fourth chapter provides a summary of the translation practice and the future subject .
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