发布时间:2018-01-09 02:20
本文关键词:中日外交口译中的译员主体性研究 出处:《北京外国语大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:[摘要]无论是笔译还是口译,它们都与人类的思想、文化交流有着紧密的联系。它们对人类语言、文学、艺术思想乃至科技进步都产生了巨大的影响。 正如笔译译员一样,口译译员也处在一个既独特又重要的位置上。口译译员不仅需要倾听发言者的讲话并从中摘取信息,还需要把这些内容传达给听众,促进双方的沟通交流。在这一过程中,口译译员并不只是起着“传声筒”的作用。译员需要分析讲话的内容,并在正确理解两种语言背景中所包含的不同的知识、文化的基础上,将原文译成听众所处文化背景下的易于接受的译文。译员需要对发言者的讲话进行理解、分析,并进行重新构建。这一切需要译员在瞬间完成,因此这就十分考验口译译员的主体意识和创造力。作为两种语言、文化沟通的桥梁,口译译员对自己的角色定位意识、对不同文化所持有的观点、看法,毫无疑问地会反应在口译活动中。1因此,译员主体性问题是不能忽视的、客观存在的问题。随着相关研究的不断发展,相信一定会对现场口译质量的提高有所助益。 近些年,口译、笔译的相关研究迅速发展,与口译译员、笔译译员相关的研究也变得越来越活跃。关于译员的地位演变,主要经历了三个阶段。即,“一般性比喻阶段”“正名阶段”、“主体介入”这三个阶段。对译者主体性问题的研究则经历了从译者作为主体的研究到包含作者、译者、读者三者在内的主体对象研究,再到后来对译者主体性意识、主体间性的研究等经历了一个飞速发展的过程。但是,在对译者主体性的研究中,对口译译员的主体性研究较少,尤其是对外事场景中的中日口译译员主体性有待进一步研究。口译并不是是一种被动、机械性的“传声筒式”语言传达活动,译员需要在对说话人意图、话语意图充分理解的基础上,对原语做出一定的整理、判断推理及增减,这必然要求口译是一种积极的、复杂的、具有一定创造性的意义再现活动。 实际上,近年来关于口译译员主体性的研究在不断增加。同时,研究不同口译场景下口译译员主体性的论文也逐渐出现。然而,多数论文的研究对象是中英互译,对中日互译中口译译员主体性的研究还明显不足。而且,在为数不多的相关论文中,多数都是关于商务场景下中日互译译员主体的研究内容。因此,我认为有必要将外交场景下的中日互译译员主体研究重视起来。 本文主要采取了以下研究方法。在对口译理论相关文献及口译实践报告进行搜集、整理的基础上,选取来源于“人民中国”、NHK等国内外较为权威媒体的新闻报道,从中分析口译译员的主体性是如何体现的。而且,对于译员可能遇到的一些问题,提出了解决建议和方案。 正文主要由两部分构成。首先明确“口译译员主体性”及翻译场景分类等概念,然后从对源语言的信息补全、如何应对日语的“暖昧”表现及调和现场气氛这三个方面来进行主体性分析,对于一些口译现场可能会出现的问题提出建议和解决方案。 研究中日口译译员的主体性,这对减少因文化差异等原因而造成的误译及促进中日交流与理解是有其积极意义的。希望通过本论文,能够使外交场景下中日互译译员的主体性问题得到重新审视。并且,希望能够对未来的相关口译研究理论、MTI人才的培养及口译译员的训练提供一些借鉴、参考。
[Abstract]:Both translation and interpretation are closely related to human thought and cultural exchange . They have great influence on human language , literature , art thought and scientific and technological progress . The interpreter needs to listen to the speaker ' s speech and extract the message from it . The interpreter needs to understand and analyze the speaker ' s speech , and then try to construct it . As a bridge between the two languages and culture , the interpreter needs to analyze and reconstruct the language . As a result , the translator ' s subjectivity is a question which cannot be ignored and exists objectively . As the related research progresses , it is believed that it will help to improve the quality of interpretation . In recent years , the research on the translator ' s subjectivity has experienced a rapid development in the study of the translator ' s subjectivity . In fact , the research on the subjectivity of interpreter translators has been increasing in recent years . At the same time , the study on the subjectivity of interpreter translators in different interpretation scenes has been gradually emerging . However , most of the research objects of the thesis are Chinese - English translation , and most of them are the research contents of the subjects of translation of Chinese and Japanese translators in the context of business . Therefore , it is necessary to attach importance to the study of the subject of translation of Chinese and Japanese translators in the context of diplomacy . This paper mainly adopts the following research methods . On the basis of collecting and arranging the relevant literatures and interpreting practice reports of interpretation theory , the author selects the news reports from more authoritative media , such as People China , NHK and so on , from which to analyze how the subjectivity of the interpreter is embodied . Furthermore , some suggestions and solutions are put forward for some problems that the interpreter may encounter . The main text is composed of two parts . Firstly , the concept of subjectivity of interpreter and the classification of translation scene are clearly defined , then the subjective analysis should be carried out from three aspects of information supplement of source language , how to deal with the " warm ignorance " performance of Japanese and harmony on - site atmosphere , and some suggestions and solutions may be put forward for some problems which may arise in the field of interpretation . It is of great significance to study the subjectivity of Chinese and Japanese interpreters , which is of great significance to reduce the misunderstanding caused by cultural differences and promote the communication and understanding between China and Japan .
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