本文关键词: 天狗 语言文化 语义变迁 古典资料 出处:《长春工业大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:本论文对日本天狗的语义进行了考察。语言与历史文化有着密切的关系,语言和文化是不能分离开来的。语言是文化的一部分,并反映着文化。要对语言的语义进行研究的话,就必然会涉及到历史和文化。因为语义蕴含在历史和文化之中。对语义进行考察,就必然要追溯历史与文化。 对于日本人来说天狗是十分熟悉的想象之中的妖怪。天狗是日本所特有的妖怪,是日本文化重要的一部分。“天狗”一词有着几个不同的意思,例如妖怪、山神以及天狗的引申义傲慢等。最开始由中国传入日本的天狗,是怎样被日本人接受的,有必要进行历史解读。“天狗”一词大量出现在古典中,本文重点分析考察了上代至近世时期在文学作品中出现的天狗,因为这一时期是天狗语义发生变化较为明显的时期,具有较大的研究价值。而到了近代之后天狗的形象及语义基本定型,本文简单的对现在的天狗进行了简单的介绍。本论文在已有的民俗研究的基础上,运用实证调查的方法对《日本书纪》《源氏物语》《宇津保物语》《今昔物语》《保元物语》《平家物语》等文学作品中出现的天狗进行调查,根据天狗的语义进行分类与考察,分析天狗不同的语义,同时又对“天狗”的语义扩张进行分析。进而探求天狗语义生成及变化的原因。 本论文主要由六章构成,本文在第一章对国内外研究现状进行了介绍,在第二章至第五章对天狗的各个语义进行考察及分析,再此基础之上在第六章对天狗语义生成的原因进行分析。最后得出结论:第一,天狗的语义受到本国及周边文化(主要是中国文化)的影响,天狗最初由中国传入日本,在吸收外来文化时所产生的偏差以及受到本国独特的文化(修验道)影响形成了日本特有的天狗。第二,天狗的形象对天狗的语义产生了影响。
[Abstract]:This paper examines the semantics of the Japanese heavenly dog. There is a close relationship between language and historical culture. Language and culture cannot be separated. Language is a part of culture. If we want to study the semantics of language, we must involve history and culture, because semantics is contained in history and culture. To the Japanese, Tiandou is a familiar imaginary monster. Tiandou is a unique genie in Japan and an important part of Japanese culture. The word "Tiandou" has several different meanings, such as a monster. It is necessary to make a historical interpretation of how the Tiandou, introduced from China to Japan, was accepted by the Japanese. The term "Tiandou" appears in large numbers in the classical world. This paper focuses on the analysis of the period from the last generation to the modern period in literary works, because this period is a period of more obvious changes in the meaning of the dog. It has great research value. But after the modern days, the image and semantics of the dog are basically stereotyped, this paper simply introduces the present Tiandou. This paper is based on the existing folklore research. By using the method of empirical investigation, this paper investigates the appearance of the dog in the literary works such as "Japanese Book of Letters" < the Genji Taurus > "Yujin Baoyao" > "the present and the past objects" > < the Baoyuan Taurus > "Pingjia Taurus" and other literary works. According to the semantic classification and investigation of the Tiandou, this paper analyzes the different semantics of the Tiandou, and analyzes the semantic expansion of the "Tiandou", and then probes into the causes of the generation and change of the semantic of the Tiandou. This thesis is mainly composed of six chapters. In the first chapter, the present situation of domestic and foreign research is introduced, and in the second chapter to the 5th chapter, the various semantics of the dog are investigated and analyzed. On the basis of this, this paper analyzes the causes of the semantic generation of Tiandou in Chapter 6th. Finally, the author draws the following conclusions: first, the semantics of Tiandou is influenced by the national and surrounding culture (mainly Chinese culture). Tiangu was originally introduced into Japan from China. The deviation in absorbing foreign culture and the influence of its unique culture formed the unique Japanese Tiandou. Second. The image of heavenly dog has an effect on its semantics.
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