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发布时间:2018-04-29 14:28

  本文选题:新闻报道 + 翻译策略 ; 参考:《西安外国语大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:A news report is a report of the latest facts. In this report, news reports refer to electronic news reports published on Japanese news websites. With the development of globalization, in order to deepen the mutual understanding between China and Japan, to build a closer relationship between the two countries, the first thing to do is to exchange information between the two countries. The news report is an important channel for transmitting information and a bridge for cross-cultural communication between China and Japan. As the front line of cross-cultural communication, it is necessary to translate news reports in order to achieve more effective communication. My practice is to translate the Japanese-speaking electronic news reports into Chinese and publish them on the Web site of the China Global Network. Based on this practice, this report discusses the transformation from the original language culture to the target language culture from the perspective of the representative teleology of functionalist translation theory and cross-cultural communication. What translation strategies have been adopted. The examples in this report are drawn from the author's translation practice. This report is composed of the following three parts: the first part introduces the task object of practice and the standard of news report translation, and describes in detail the preparation of the practice, the process of translation and the steps of the revision of the translation. The second part puts forward the problem point of this practice. The solution to the problem point and the Skopos theory and cross-cultural communication point of view used in the solution are described. After introducing the definition of news reports, the third part analyzes the translation strategies used in the title translation and text translation of news reports. Through this report, the author summarizes the necessary translation strategies in the process of news report translation, hoping to improve his reading comprehension and native language use ability of Japanese news reports, and to guide the translation practice in the future.


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